Here is a sample of the pictures taken during the symposium and presentation of On Looking into Words. If you would like to upload a photo, please use this form.
- Members of the audience
- Dean Tamar Gender, presenting opening remarks
- Raffaella Zanuttini, introducing Ray Jackendoff
- Susan Fischer
- Gregg Castellucci
- The audience at the symposium
- Höskuldur Þráinsson
- Stanley Insler and Phul Rubin
- Luke Lindemann
- Ryan Bennett
- Janine Anderson-Bays
- Rashad Ullah
- Kevin Tang
- Sarah Babinski
- The audience of the symposium
- Steve
- Steve
- Steve, asking a question
- Steve
- Sean Gleason, proposing a likeness between Steve and the 23rd President
- Sean Gleason
- Ryan Bennett
- Phil Rubin
- Raffaella Zanuttini
- Jason Zentz
- Stanley Insler
- Susan Fischer
- Bob Frank and Raffaella Zanuttini giving the toast
- Claire Bowern at the volume presentation
- Steve and colleagues at the toast
- Ray Jackendoff
- Louis Goldstein, giving his talk via Skype
- Jason Zentz and Jim Wood
- Larry Horn
- Claire Bowern, Larry Horn, Steve Anderson, Raffaella Zanuttini, and Bob Frank (Steve, volume editors, and department chair)
- Ray Jackendoff
- Steve receiving the wrapped book
- Steve unwrapping the surprise volume