– Service for the research community:
- Session Chair Session M21 of Turbulence: modeling II, 68th Annual Meeting of American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Boston (11/22-11/24, 2015)
- Coordinator Program of the Outstanding Student Paper Award (OSPA), Nonlinear Geophysics, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (10/2015-)
- Reviewer Experiments in Fluids, Journal of Turbulence, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Journal of Fluid Engineering, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
– Over the past few years, I have had opportunities to work with and advise 6 students at different levels (high-school, undergraduate, and graduate students). It is my great pleasure to work with them!
– I have served as a teaching assistant in classes and participated into a scientific outreach:

Kids running on “water” (we designed the demo using a mixture of cornstarch & water). Oh, and the red cement mixer that helped us to mix ~500 lb cornstarch!
- Teaching assistant: “Fluid Dynamics I” with Dr. Lester Su, Johns Hopkins, Fall 2009
- Teaching assistant: “Fluid Dynamics II” with Dr. Charles Meneveau, Johns Hopkins, Spring 2009
- International Student Ambassador, Johns Hopkins, 2012-2013
- Scientific Outreach “Science on Saturdays: Small, Sticky, & Squishy (By Dr. Eric Dufresne).” Yale University, September 27, 2014. It was a valuable experience of developing demonstrations, encouraging young participants, and teaching science during fun activities. Most of all, it was a really fun event!