Phil. 270/570: Epistemology
Keith DeRose
Mondays and Wednesdays, 11:35-12:50, PH 407
KDR office hour:

- Phil. 270/570 Syllabus, 9/10/24: pdf .
- handout, 8/28: pdf .
- Exercise 1, due Fri. 9/6: pdf .
- handout, 9/4: pdf .
- handout, 9/11: pdf .
- conditionals: ppt ; updated 9/23: pdf .
- worksheet, 9/16: pdf .
- handout, 9/16: pdf .
- Exercise 2, due Fri. 9/20: pdf .
- worksheet 2, 9/18: pdf .
- Exercises 3 (due Tu 10/1, by 5pm) and 4 (due 10/4): pdf .
- notes for 9/25: pdf .
- midterm info and initial questions, finalized (4th q added) 1o/3: pdf .
- handout, 9/30: word .
- outline, 10/2: pdf .
- handout, 10/7: pdf .
- Course paper info: pdf .
- outline, 10/14: pdf .
- Exercises 5, due 10/25; and 6, due 11/1: pdf .
- handout, 10/21: pdf .
- handout, 10/23: pdf .
- handout, 10/28: pdf .
- handout, 10:30: pdf (with corrected date at top)
- handout, 11/4: pdf .
- handout, 11/6: pdf .
- handout, 11/11 (revised a bit after class): pdf .
- handout, 11/13: pdf .
- handout, 11/18: pdf .
- handout, 11/20: pdf .
- handout, 12/2: pdf .
- handout, 12/4: pdf .
- Final Exam, directions and first 3 questions: pdf .
- Final Exam, directions and complete list of questions: pdf .