Research Papers

Working Papers

Social Status, Economic Development and Female Labor Force (Non) Participation
Kaivan Munshi and Swapnil Singh.
Wealth, Marriage, and Sex Selection
Girija Borker, Jan Eeckhout, Nancy Luke, Shantidani Minz, Kaivan Munshi and Soumya Swaminathan.
Herding with Heterogeneous Ability: An Application to Organ Transplantation
Stephanie De Mel, Kaivan Munshi, Soenje Reiche and Hamid Sabourian.
Economic Development, Undernutrition and Diabetes
Kaivan Munshi, Swapnil Singh, Nancy Luke and Anu Mary Oommen.
Community Networks, Entrepreneurship and the Process of Economic Development
Ruochen Dai, Dilip Mookherjee, Kaivan Munshi and Xiaobo Zhang.
Black Networks After Emancipation: Evidence from Reconstruction and the Great Migration
Kenneth Chay and Kaivan Munshi.
Ethnic Diversity and the Under-Supply of Local Public Goods
Kaivan Munshi and Mark Rosenzweig.
Identity, Occupational Choice, and Mobility: Historical Conditions and Current Decisions in the American Midwest
Kaivan Munshi and Nicholas Wilson.

Published Papers

Community Origins of Industrial Entrepreneurship in Colonial India
Bishnupriya Gupta, Dilip Mookherjee, Kaivan Munshi and Mario Sanclemente, Journal of Development Economics, 2022.
Social Networks and Migration
Kaivan Munshi, Annual Review of Economics, 2020.
Caste and the Indian Economy
Kaivan Munshi, Journal of Economic Literature, 2019.
Networks and Misallocation: Insurance, Migration, and the Rural-Urban Wage Gap
Kaivan Munshi and Mark Rosenzweig, American Economic Review, 2016.
Community Networks and the Process of Development
Kaivan Munshi, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2014.
Strength in Numbers: Networks as a Solution to Occupational Traps
Kaivan Munshi, Review of Economic Studies, 2011.
Women as Agents of Change: Female Income and Mobility in India 
Nancy Luke and Kaivan Munshi, Journal of Development Economics, 2011.
Matching in Informal Financial Institutions
Jan Eeckhout and Kaivan Munshi, Journal of the European Economic Association, 2010.
Social Affiliation and the Demand for Health Services: Caste and Child Health in South India
Nancy Luke and Kaivan Munshi, Journal of Development Economics, 2007.
Traditional Institutions Meet the Modern World: Caste, Gender, and Schooling Choice in a Globalizing Economy
Kaivan Munshi and Mark Rosenzweig, The American Economic Review, 2006.
Social Norms and the Fertility Transition
Kaivan Munshi and Jacques Myaux, Journal of Development Economics, 2006.
New Roles for Marriage in Urban Africa: Kinship Networks and the Labor Market in Kenya
Nancy Luke and Kaivan Munshi, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2006.
Social Learning in a Heterogeneous Population: Technology Diffusion in the Indian Green Revolution
Kaivan Munshi, Journal of Development Economics, 2004.
How Efficiently Is Capital Allocated? Evidence from the Knitted Garment Industry in Tirupur
Abhijit Banerjee and Kaivan Munshi, Review of Economic Studies, 2004.
Networks in the Modern Economy: Mexican Migrants in the U. S. Labor Market
Kaivan Munshi, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2003.
Inequality, Control Rights, and Rent Seeking: Sugar Cooperatives in Maharashtra
Abhijit Banerjee, Dilip Mookherjee, Kaivan Munshi, and Debraj Ray, Journal of Political Economy, 2001.

Handbook Chapters

Community Networks and Migration
In Jan Bramoullé, Andrea Galeotti, and Brian W. Rogers,eds. Oxford Handbook on the Economics of Networks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.
Labor and Credit Networks in Developing Economies
In Jess Benhabib, Alberto Bissin, and Matthew O. Jackson, eds. Handbook of Social Economics. New York: Elsevier, 2010.
Social Learning and Development
In Lawrence E. Blume and Steven N. Durlauf, eds. New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
Information Networks in Dynamic Agrarian Economies
In T. Paul Schultz and John Strauss, eds. Handbook of Development Economics, Vol. 4. Oxford: Elsevier Science, 2008.
Technology Diffusion
In Kaushik Basu, ed. Oxford Companion to Economics in India. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2007.

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