

Schenker, T., Mendez-Seijas, J., & Silvestri, J. (in review) Student perceptions of asynchronous learning in college language classes. 

Schenker, T., Mendez-Seijas, J., & Silvestri, J. (in draft) Teacher perceptions of asynchronous learning in college language classes. 

Silvestri, J., Falk, J.  (2023). Transition to multimodal multilingual practice: from SimCom to translanguaging. In Dostal, H., Holcomb, L. & Lawyer, G. Translanguaging and deaf communities. Languages. 8. 

Silvestri J., Hartman, M. (2022). Inclusion and d/Deaf and hard of hearing students: finding aslyum in the LRE. In Ed Paul, P. Inclusion and Disability: Perspectives on Theory, Research, and Practice. Education Sciences

Silvestri, J., Falk, J. (2022). Music for all: universal design for learning and music education for deaf students with multiple disabilities. Odyssey: Practices in Instruction, Collaboration and Administration. 22. 

Howerton-Fox, A., Veyvoda, M., Park, H., Silvestri, J. (2022). Teaching literacy through movement: a transformative partnership. Odyssey: Practices in Instruction, Collaboration and Administration. 22. 

Silvestri, J., Ehrenberg, H. (2020). Adult reading strategies: visual-spatial conceptualization and patterns of thought. In Easterbrooks, S. & Dostal, H. The Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies in Literacy. Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197508268.013.24

Silvestri, J., Franciscio, M., Briggs, J. (2020). Redeafining music as a universal art–the teachers college deaf music project. In Weida, C., Dolapo, A.N., Cambronela, C. Illuminations of Social Imagination: Learning from Maxine Green. Dio Press. 

Silvestri, J., Wang, Y. (2018). A grounded theory of effective reading among profoundly deaf adults. American Annals of the Deaf. 162(5). 419-444. doi: 10.1353/aad.2018.0002 

Wang, Y., Silvestri, J., Jahromi, L. (2018). Selected factors of effective reading in deaf and hearing adults. American Annals of the Deaf. 162(5). 445-462. doi: 10.1353/aad.2018.0003 

Silvestri, J., Ehrenberg, H., Dick, L., Shim, P. (2018). Universal design for music: exploring the intersection of deaf education and music education. Journal of American Sign Languages and Literatures. 

Silvestri, J. (2016) An Analysis of the Reading Strategies Used by Deaf and Hearing Adults: Similarities and Differences in Phonological Processing and Metacognition. (doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertation and Theses database. 


ASL Fest. (2024, May). University of Connecticut, Hartford Campus. Hartford, CT. Conference Co-chairperson. 

#FeelTheMusicTC Conference. (2019-2024) Teachers College, Columbia University. New York, NY. Organizer and Moderator. 

#FeelTheMusicTC Concert (2019-2021, 2023-2024). Teachers College, Columbia University. New York, NY. Master of Ceremonies. 

#FeelTheMusicTC Concert (2019-2022). Teachers College, Columbia University. New York, NY. Concert Curator 


Silvestri, J. Hartman, M. (2023, March). Inclusion of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students: Finding Asylum in the LRE. Presentation at University of Tsukuba Disability Sciences Program & The Ohio State University College of Education & Human Ecology International Mini-Conference.

Silvestri, J., Conlin, F., Fisher, A. (2022, April). Synchronous/Asynchronous ASL project based learning. Presentation at Northeast Association for Language Learning Technology Annual Conference: Emerging Realities. 

Castillo, C., Silvestri, J., Skolnick, R., Berry, R. (2021, June). Is music for everyone? Presentation at Diversity in Research and Practice Conference.

Silvestri, J. (2021, May). Universal design in deaf education: perspectives on deaf music making. Webinar for VSA International Network Webinar Series. 

Silvestri, J., Hartman, M. (2019, November). Music for all: universal design and the future of music education. Presentation at Universidad Iberoamericana in partnership with the Maria Batlle Foundation and Comision Nacional Dominicana para la UNESCO. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. 

Silvestri, J. (2019, October). Music for all: deaf education and universal design. Workshop presentation in Beam, F. (Chair) Promoting Equity at the Intersection of Deaf Education and the Arts [Seminar]. At VSA Intersections Art and Special Education Conference, Irvine, CA.

Silvestri, J. (2019, April). Embodying music as a universal art. Keynote presentation at #FeelTheMusicTC Conference. Teachers College, Columbia University. New York, NY. 

Silvestri, J., Porche’, B. (2018, July). Action research: developing and evaluating creative learning and engagement programs. Paper presented at the National Deaf Education Conference, Hartford, CT.

Silvestri J., Wang, Y. (2018, April). Psycholinguistic and sociocognitive factors facilitating effective reading in profoundly deaf adults. In Guan, Q. (Chair) Multimodality and Multi-perspectives of Language/Reading Difficulties: From Pathological Intervention to Neurophysiological Optimization. [Symposium] American Educational Research Association, New York, NY. 

Silvestri, J., Wang, Y. (2017, April). Reading strategies of deaf and hearing adults: comparisons in phonological processing and metacognition. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.  

Silvestri, J., Wang, Y. (2017, February). Qualitative analysis of reading processes of deaf and hearing adults. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Council of Educators of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, San Antonio, TX.  

Silvestri, J., Ridloff, L, (2013, April). Deaf education, media, and cultural literacy. Presentation at the Diversity in Research and Practice Conference at Teachers College, Columbia University. New York, NY.

Silvestri, J. (2010, July). Media and social advocacy. Presentation at the Cairo Deaf Unit Teacher Training Conference, Cairo, Egypt. 

Silvestri, J. (2008, July). Media and literacy: an american perspective. Presentation at the Cairo Deaf Unit Teacher Training Conference, Cairo, Egypt. 


Yale ASL Archives. ($10,000). Rosenkranz Awards for Pedagogical Advancement. Yale University. 2023-2025. New Haven, CT. 

Advisor. #FeelTheMusicTC virtual concert and conference. ($3000). Student Organization Event Sustainable (SOES) Grant.  Teachers College, Columbia University. 2021. Faculty Sponsor: Maria Hartman. PI: Amy Reiss. New York, NY. 

  1. Deaf Music Research Collaborative. ($500). Vice President’s Grant for Diversity and Community Initiatives (DCI).  Teachers College, Columbia University. 2021. Co-PIs: Maria Hartman, Robbie Berry. New York, NY. 

Faculty Sponsor. #FeelTheMusicTC virtual concert and conference. ($3000). Student Organization Event Sustainable (SOES) Grant. Teachers College, Columbia University. 2020. Co-PIs: Zhe Zhang and Rebecca Skolnick. New York, NY. 

Faculty Sponsor. #FeelTheMusicTC virtual concert and conference. ($3000). Student Organization Event Sustainable (SOES) Grant. Teachers College, Columbia University. 2019. PI: Marian Francisco. New York, NY. 

  1. Universal design and the future of music education. ($5000). Maria Batlle Foundation in association with Comision Nacional Dominicana para la UNESCO. 2019. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. 

Faculty Sponsor. Deaf music. President and Provost’s Grant. ($1500). Columbia University. 2019 Co-PIs: Marian Francisco, Janaya Joyner, Jacqueline Briggs. New York, NY.  

Faculty Sponsor. Music for all: toolkits for inclusion. ($1000). Vice President’s Grant for Diversity and Community Initiatives (DCI). 2019. Teachers College, Columbia University. PI: Marian Francisco. ( New York, NY. 

Faculty Sponsor. #FeelTheMusicTC concert and conference. ($2000). Student Organization Event Sustainable (SOES) Grant. Teachers College, Columbia University, 2018. Co-PIs: Marian Francisco and Jacqueline Briggs. New York, NY. 

Faculty Sponsor. Deaf music: From STEM to STEAM. ($190). President and Provost’s Grant. Columbia University, 2018. PI: Hannah Ehrenberg. New York, NY. 

Faculty Sponsor. Deaf music: From STEM to STEAM. ($1500). Student Organization Event Sustainable (SOES) Grant. Teachers College, Columbia University, 2017. PI: Hannah Ehrenberg.  New York, NY. 

Faculty Sponsor. Deaf music: universal design in the classroom and beyond. ($1500). Vice President’s Grant for Diversity and Community Initiatives (DCI). Teachers College, Columbia University. 2016. PI: Hannah Ehrenberg. New York, NY. 

  1. Deaf education: perspectives on media and literacy, methods of teaching music ($1,000). Vice President’s Grant for Diversity and Community Initiatives (DCI). Teachers College, Columbia University, 2014.New York, NY. 


Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education

  • Senior Reviewer 2022-present
  • AdHoc Reviewer 2020- 2022