June 4, 2015June 25, 2015 Hollywood’s Billion Dollar Club: In Defense of the Imaginative Potential of the Franchise
April 23, 2015June 25, 2015 An Eternal Flame: The Kennedy Assassination, National Grief, and National Nostalgia
April 1, 2014October 17, 2015 Like Some Dummy Corporation You Just Move around the Board: Contemporary Hollywood Production in Virtual Time & Space
January 20, 2013June 24, 2015 Trans-Canada Express: Glenn Gould, Petula Clark, and the Possibilities of Pop
December 12, 2011June 25, 2015 The Biggest Independent Pictures Ever Made: Industrial Reflexivity Today
November 1, 2011June 25, 2015 He’s Building a Model: Steven Spielberg, J.J. Abrams, Scale, and Super 8
July 27, 2009June 25, 2015 What Becomes of Things on Film on Film: Adaptation in Owen Land (George Landow)