Update: I’m now at Brookhaven National Laboratory as an Assistant Physicist since October 2022. Please visit www.jayhyunjo.com for my new personal website!
My name is Jay Hyun Jo, and I am a postdoctoral associate working on neutrino and dark matter physics at Wright Laboratory, Yale University in New Haven, CT.
Before joining Yale University, I received a Ph.D. in physics from Stony Brook University in 2015 and a B.S. degree in physics from Seoul National University in 2009. My doctoral thesis was on the measurement of electron neutrino interaction rate on water using Pi0 detector in the T2K experiment. A paper based on my thesis work can be found here.
I’m now working in Prof. Bonnie Fleming’s group to work on the MicroBooNE experiment at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, a liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) neutrino experiment that will investigate the low energy excess events observed by the MiniBooNE experiment, which could be an indication of an existence of a new type of “sterile” neutrino. I’m collaborating with a team at Brookhaven National Laboratory to develop a novel track reconstruction algorithm, known as Wire-Cell tomographic imaging. We have recently published our first physics papers using the Wire-Cell, generic neutrino selection by removing cosmic-ray background effectively, which you can find in a long paper and a short letter.
I also work in the Maruyama Group on a dark matter experiment, DM-Ice. DM-Ice is a NaI(Tl) direct detection dark matter experiment to test DAMA’s assertion that the observed annual modulation is due to dark matter. The collaboration has deployed ~100 kg of NaI detectors at Yangyang Laboratory in South Korea, together with KIMS-NaI group under the name of the COSINE-100 experiment. These detectors started taking data in September 2016, and many physics analyses are very actively on-going. I played a vital role in every facet of the detector commissioning, data production, and physics analyses. I led the modulation analysis working group to produce COSINE-100’s the first primary physics result, a measurement of the dark matter signal induced by annual modulation.
In my spare time, I love to read books and play/listen to music. I’m also an avid fan of New York Yankees.