
1. Erasing History: How Fascists rewrite the Past to Control the Future One Signal Press, 2024

2. The Politics of Language (with David Beaver) Princeton University Press, 2023

Reviews in Language, Mind, and Analysis (Critical Notice)

3. How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them Penguin Random House, 2018

Translated into Greek, Portuguese/Brazilian, Portuguese/Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, Catalan, Croatian, Serbian, Persian, Japanese, German, Polish, Swedish, Thai, Finnish, Tamil, Turkish, Korean, Murathi, Ukrainian, Hungarian and French.

Selected Reviews (out of many)

4. How Propaganda Works (Princeton UP, 2015, Paperback, 2016)

Translated into Simplified Chinese (Taiwan), Traditional Chinese (mainland China), Japanese, Turkish, and Italian

I am a board member of the Prison Policy Initiative, an innovative group that effectively takes on the Prison Industrial Complex. 100% of my proceeds for this book go to this organization. My reasons for serving on their board are given in my board interview here. I hope they are compelling enough to lead you to consider making a donation to them.


2016 PROSE award, Philosophy

2016 Global Discourse Book Award

Special Issues of Journals or Journal Symposia


5. Know How (Oxford UP, 2011)

Some reviews

Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, Philosophical Quarterly, Zeitschrift für Philosophische Literatur, International Journal of Philosophical Studies

Philosophy and Phenomenological Research Book Symposium, with contributions by Imogen Dickie, Mark Schroeder, and Robert Stalnaker

6. Knowledge and Practical Interests (Oxford UP, 2005)

Winner, 2007 American Philosophical Association Book Prize

Some reviews

Notre Dame Philosophical ReviewsMindNous (critical study)

Philosophy and Phenomenological Research Book Symposium, with contributions by Gilbert Harman, Ram Neta, and Stephen Schiffer

7. Language in Context (Oxford UP, 2007)

Some Reviews:

Notre Dame Philosophical ReviewsAustralian Journal of LinguisticsIntercultural Pragmatics