Married Jackson School students may request a Yale-sponsored ID card for a spouse. Spouses are considered visitors to the Yale campus but have an affiliate status, which allows them the privilege to have a spousal ID if they wish to request one. Spousal IDs can be used at the libraries, museums, gym (membership fee may apply), Yale transit and other venues throughout campus.
Requirements for requesting a spousal ID are provided here:
- Copy of marriage certificate or union contract (in English)
- Current and local address
- Home/cell phone number
- Spouse’s Government ID that includes full name, date of birth, a photo, and a future expiration date (Passport, Driver’s license (US only), State issued ID card, US Military ID card, INS ID (Green Card), etc. Non US citizens or permanent residents, please provide copy of F-2 (I-20) or J-2 (DS-2019) visa documents containing both spouses’ names
These documents must be emailed to the Jackson School Registrar at It is not necessary for the student and spouse to present documentation in person. The registrar will then submit a formal request for a spousal ID.
Once approval* for a spousal ID has been granted, usually within 24-48 hours, the ID card office will receive the request and generate a card. Spouses should book an appointment to pick up their ID. Spouses will take their photo at the ID center before they print the card and will need a valid Government ID to prove identity at pickup.
*Please note that we approve spousal IDs every academic year. If you anticipate you will need this ID for more than one year, we will reach out to you at the end of each April to confirm you’d like to keep the ID until the following May. We will not renew this ID until we’ve received written confirmation by email.*