It is with great pleasure the Indigenous Scholars of Architecture, Planning and Design (ISAPD) and the M.E.D Working Group for Anti-Racism invite you for an evening and lecture with Dr. Greg Cajete on Thursday, April 15 at 6:30pm ET. The topic for the evening is “Native Astronomy and Spatial Resonance: Aligning with the Cosmos.”
Read more about it here.
Dr. Greg Cajete is a Native American educator whose work is dedicated to honoring the foundations of indigenous knowledge in education. Dr. Cajete is from the Santa Clara Pueblo located in New Mexico. He has served as a New Mexico Humanities scholar in ethnobotany, as a member of the New Mexico Arts Commission and has lectured at colleges and universities in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Italy, Japan, Russia and more. He is the former Director of Native American Studies and an Emeritus Professor in the Division of Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies in the College of Education at the University of New Mexico. Dr. Cajete is a practicing watercolor, pastel, acrylic, ceramic and metal artist. He is extensively involved with art and its application to education. He is also a scholar of herbalism and holistic health. In this capacity, he has researched Native American, Chinese and Ayurvedic healing philosophies and the cultural perspectives of health and wholeness.
Dr. Cajete designs culturally responsive curriculum geared to the needs and learning styles of Native American students. These curricula are based upon Native American understanding of the “nature of nature’ and utilizes this foundation to develop an understanding of the science and artistic thought process as expressed in Indigenous perspectives of the natural world.
Dr. Cajete has authored ten books: “Look to the Mountain: An Ecology of Indigenous Education,” (Kivaki Press, 1994); “Ignite the Sparkle: An Indigenous Science Education Curriculum Model”, (Kivaki Press, 1999); “Spirit of the Game: Indigenous Wellsprings (2004),” “A People’s Ecology: Explorations in Sustainable Living,” and “Native Science: Natural Laws of Interdependence” (Clear Light Publishers, 1999 and 2000). “Critical Neurophilosophy and Indigenous Wisdom”, Don Jacobs (Four Arrows), Gregory Cajete and Jongmin Lee (Sense Publishers, 2010). “Indigenous Community: Teachings of the Seventh Fire,” (Living Justice Press, 2015); “Walking with Indigenous Philosophy: Justice and Addiction Recovery, 3rd edition. Cajete, G.A., J.G. Hansen, J.H.C. Vest and J.E. Charlton” (J. Charlton Publishing, 2019); “G.A. Cajete, Editor. Native Minds Rising: Exploring Transformative Indigenous Education and Sacred Journeys: Personal Visions of Indigenous Education” (J. Charlton Publications, 2020).
Dr. Cajete also has prefaced and written in 35 other books along with numerous journal articles and over 350 national and international keynote and workshop presentations. Dr. Cajete retired from the University of New Mexico in June 2020 and is currently working as an independent scholar, consultant and writer.