ISAPD Named as Center for Architecture Lab Residents

The Center for Architecture has launched the Center for Architecture Lab, a multi-month, multi-disciplinary residency program to highlight new voices in architecture and design, with inaugural residents the Indigenous Scholars of Architecture, Planning and Design (ISAPD) at the Yale School of Architecture. An advisory committee comprised of revered architects and advocates for equity nominated ISAPD, which is led by Anjelica S. Gallegos (Santa Ana Pueblo/Jicarilla Apache), MArch I Candidate 2021, and Summer Sutton (Lumbee), Architecture PhD Candidate 2022, who will share their work at the Center for Architecture from May 10, 2021 through July 23, 2021.

Find out more information here.

Dr.Greg Cajete to Speak at Yale School of Architecture

It is with great pleasure the Indigenous Scholars of Architecture, Planning and Design (ISAPD) and the M.E.D Working Group for Anti-Racism invite you for an evening and lecture with Dr. Greg Cajete on Thursday, April 15 at 6:30pm ET. The topic for the evening is “Native Astronomy and Spatial Resonance: Aligning with the Cosmos.”

Read more about it here.

Dr. Greg Cajete is a Native American educator whose work is dedicated to honoring the foundations of indigenous knowledge in education. Dr. Cajete is from the Santa Clara Pueblo located in New Mexico. He has served as a New Mexico Humanities scholar in ethnobotany, as a member of the New Mexico Arts Commission and has lectured at colleges and universities in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Italy, Japan, Russia and more. He is the former Director of Native American Studies and an Emeritus Professor in the Division of Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies in the College of Education at the University of New Mexico. Dr. Cajete is a practicing watercolor, pastel, acrylic, ceramic and metal artist. He is extensively involved with art and its application to education. He is also a scholar of herbalism and holistic health. In this capacity, he has researched Native American, Chinese and Ayurvedic healing philosophies and the cultural perspectives of health and wholeness. 

Dr. Cajete designs culturally responsive curriculum geared to the needs and learning styles of Native American students. These curricula are based upon Native American understanding of the “nature of nature’ and utilizes this foundation to develop an understanding of the science and artistic thought process as expressed in Indigenous perspectives of the natural world. 

Dr. Cajete has authored ten books: “Look to the Mountain: An Ecology of Indigenous Education,” (Kivaki Press, 1994); “Ignite the Sparkle: An Indigenous Science Education Curriculum Model”, (Kivaki Press, 1999); “Spirit of the Game: Indigenous Wellsprings (2004),”  “A People’s Ecology: Explorations in Sustainable Living,” and “Native Science: Natural Laws of Interdependence” (Clear Light Publishers, 1999 and 2000).   “Critical Neurophilosophy and Indigenous Wisdom”, Don Jacobs (Four Arrows), Gregory Cajete and Jongmin Lee (Sense Publishers, 2010).  “Indigenous Community: Teachings of the Seventh Fire,” (Living Justice Press, 2015); “Walking with Indigenous Philosophy: Justice and Addiction Recovery, 3rd edition. Cajete, G.A., J.G. Hansen, J.H.C. Vest and J.E. Charlton” (J. Charlton Publishing, 2019); “G.A. Cajete, Editor. Native Minds Rising: Exploring Transformative Indigenous Education and Sacred Journeys: Personal Visions of Indigenous Education” (J. Charlton Publications, 2020). 

Dr. Cajete also has prefaced and written in 35 other books along with numerous journal articles and over 350 national and international keynote and workshop presentations. Dr. Cajete retired from the University of New Mexico in June 2020 and is currently working as an independent scholar, consultant and writer. 

Biophilic Design and Indigenous Principles

On March 25th 2021, ISAPD Founder, Anjelica S. Gallegos, spoke at the Biophilic Design Virtual Symposium by Green Roofs for Healthy Cities.

Green Roofs for Healthy Cities’ mission is to develop the market by increasing the awareness of the economic, social, and environmental benefits of living architecture through education, advocacy, professional development, and celebrations of excellence. 

Gallegos presented her work, the NATURE-CULTURE NEXUS PLAN, from her second year urban design studio taught by Bimal Mendis. 

The NATURE-CULTURE NEXUS PLAN is designed to be a framework to sow across both ecosystems and urban places, while recognizing and strengthening the unique histories and current conditions of each site.

The seven step plan includes methodology within Indigenous traditional knowledge covering , cultural resources, responsive landscape technology, site heritage and cross-pollinating programming.

Gallegos’ project further proposed collaboration between local, state and federal programs and select policy, including the ConEdison Utility, United States Department of Energy -Office of Indian Energy and more. To see her complete project and manual with step by step methods, see this link.

Chris Cornelius Lectures at Yale as the Kahn Visiting Assistant Professor

ISAPD invites you to attend Chris Cornelius’ first lecture at Yale School of Architecture as the Kahn Visiting Assistant Professor. The event will occur this Thursday, February 18th. Please register for the lecture at this link:

More about Chris Cornelius as seen on Yale School of Architecture’s Website:

Kahn Visiting Assistant Professor Chris Cornelius is a citizen of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin, focuses his research and practice on the architectural translation of culture; in particular, American Indian culture. He is the founding principal of studio:indigenous, a design and consulting practice serving American Indian clients.

He served as a cultural consultant and design collaborator with Antoine Predock on the Indian Community School of Milwaukee (ICS). ICS won the AIA Design Excellence award from the Committee on Architecture for Education. Cornelius holds a Master of Architecture degree from the University of Virginia and a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He has previously taught at the University of Virginia.

Chris is the recipient of numerous awards and honors. He received the inaugural J. Irwin and Xenia S. Miller Prize. Other awards include, an Artist in Residence Fellowship from the National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution; multiple wins in the Ken Roberts Architectural Delineation Competition (KRob).

Professor Cornelius teaches at the undergraduate and graduate levels including a seminar course on visual thinking and mapping. Chris was among a group of indigenous architects who represented Canada in the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale.

ISAPD Welcomes Chris Cornelius to the Yale School of Architecture

After combined action by ISAPD and several MArch I students, ISAPD would like to welcome Oneida architect and critic, Chris Cornelius as the Louis I. Kahn Visiting Assistant Professor at Yale School of Architecture (YSoA).

Cornelius will be teaching an Advanced Design Studio entitled, “De-Colonizing Indigenous Housing”, where students will work with the Opaskwyak Cree Nation (OCN) in The Pas, Manitoba Canada. The OCN is interested in looking at housing in a new manner. The students will engage OCN tribal leaders and community activists to produce documentation of housing conditions and types. Students will continue to work on further detailed proposals related to mapping, triage, and reciprocities throughout the semester.

Read more about the Advanced Design Studio here:

Photo courtesy by studio: indigenous.

Indigenous Principles for an Architecture of Uncertainty


This gallery contains 23 photos.

This past fall ISAPD member, Anjelica S. Gallegos, participated in the Advanced Design Studio titled ‘Productive Uncertainty: Indeterminacy, Impermanence, and the Architectural Imagination’ taught by Marc Tsurumaki and Violette de la Selle. Gallegos worked to design the Four Waters Formative, … Continue reading

An Indigenous Approach to Urban Planning in New York

New York – Manhattan and Bronx Sites

For her second year Urban Design Studio taught by Bimal Mendis, Anjelica S. Gallegos (MArch I ’21), focused on restoring the Indigenous knowledge and practices of historical ecological consciousness to select sites. The three sites she worked with were in Fordham Landing, Bronx, and Inwood Hill, Manhattan. Her project entitled, The Nature-Culture Nexus Plan, focused on revealing the unseen inter-dependencies with the natural world, recharging the reciprocal relationship between the collective of people, animals, plants, fungi, ecosystems by reengaging the built environment with the natural environment.

The dependency humans have on the ecological environment has been ubiquitous for time immemorial and yet many natural processes are unacknowledged and often directly contradicted by human activities. For example, pollinators are the agents that release over 80% of the world’s flowering and food plants. Without pollinators humans and all of Earth’s terrestrial ecosystems would not survive.

In New York State between 42% and 68% of managed and commercial bee colonies have died each year since 2010. This phenomenon is coupled with extreme loss in the native pollinator community and the natural habitat that sustains it.

The loss of ecological consciousness stems from the coupled erasure of ecological knowledge and forced displacement of the communities who know these environments thoroughly; the Indigenous communities.

The NATURE-CULTURE NEXUS PLAN is designed to be a framework to sow across both ecosystems and urban places, while recognizing and strengthening the unique histories and current conditions of each site.

The seven step plan includes methodology within Indigenous traditional knowledge covering , cultural resources, responsive landscape technology, site heritage and cross-pollinating programming.

Although Indigenous communities are among the most climate-sensitive groups within the Northwest, Southern, and Eastern regions of the United States because they are heavily dependent on natural resources for cultural identity and economics, they are leading action to engage in climate-change mitigation and adaptation at regional, national, and international levels. Indigenous understanding and action to address climate change are rooted in Indigenous knowledge systems created over centuries that are as diverse as the communities and ecosystems from which they emerge.

Indigenous cultural identity and  traditional knowledge stems from a reciprocal relationship with place; the natural environment or site. Traditional knowledge includes ways of knowing culture, experiences, resources, ecology, and animal knowledge gained from both personal experience and from elders in the form of oral histories, stories, ceremonies, and land management practices passed down and adapted from generation to generation.

A return to ecological consciousness and active reciprocity with the natural world is necessary for survival and a healthy and secure future.

Gallegos’ project further proposed collaboration between local, state and federal programs and select policy, including the ConEdison Utility, United States Department of Energy -Office of Indian Energy and more. To see her complete project and manual with step by step methods, see this link.

Pueblo Ladder – Stair Concept


Historic and Future Migratory Practices Explored for Community Center Design

Anjelica Gallegos (MArch I ’21) designed a Restorative Community Center which explored the relationship between migration, the changing natural environment and future practices of transport on the New Haven site.

The unique migratory history, current and future patterns of migration and needs of the New Haven site was researched for the design of an ecological community center. Gathering information from 19th century scholar and previous Yale President Ezra Stiles, a map of New Haven based on information from interviews with the original Indigenous peoples of the land was created with the original context of the site, noting trails and spatial migratory practices used by the tribes. The historical changes of the shoreline of on the harbor adjacent to the site was investigated and data on the future changes of the shoreline due to climate change were incorporated. In an effort to generate a mutually restorative relationship with the natural environment and highlight how landscape and ecology influence migration, a program centered around adaptability, learning and implementing practices related to horticulture, agriculture, water harvesting and forest restoration was established. To address current needs an open floor plan for all levels was carefully organized to incorporate immigration services.

Site Plan showing future flood planes.


ISAPD Attends the United Nations and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Series (UNRIPS) Session

Bottom Center: ISAPD member Anjelica S. Gallegos, Greenberg Fellow Diego A. Tituana, UNRIPS Board member Dr.Cunningham and various undergraduate, graduate, and PhD Yale scholars.

On October 11th 2019, ISAPD member, Anjelica S. Gallegos attended the United Nations Rights of Indigenous Peoples Series (UNRIPS) session in New York City.

Yale Greenberg Fellow and Ecuadorian Foreign Service Diplomat, Diego A. Tituana, led a group of Yale scholars actively working on Indigenous issues in a variety of fields to the United Nations headquarters. The scholars had the opportunity to converse with UNRIPS Special Rapporteur Victoria Tauli – Corpuz and current UNRIPS board member and past Chair, Dr.Myrna Cunningham. Tituana, Corpuz and Cunningham assisted in the United Nation’s approval of 2019 as the International Year of Indigenous Language.

The United Nation Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted by the General Assembly in 2007 and can be viewed here.This inaugural UNRIPS session is the beginning of an ongoing series for students interested in Indigenous knowledge and rights to attend future UNRIPS events.