Project Goals

The InterAsia Initiative is a collaborative multi-institutional group that aims to shift paradigms of how Asia is conceptualized by promoting collaborative research, scholarly networking, and public policy connections.


Main General Goals:

1.  To develop a comprehensive, online, searchable scholars database
2.  To develop an updated project website for disseminating research and developing networks
3.  To develop large international conferences that will reinforce and expand scholarly networks
4.  Gather and make available relevant resources for scholars

With the renewed support of the Carnegie Corporation of New York starting Fall 2016, Yale will focus on enhancing the capacities of their regional partners, as hubs of research to develop the further professional trajectories of graduate students and researchers.  Please see press release for full details.


2017—2018 Priorities

1. Environmental Humanities Initiative

The main priority was the further development of Environmental Humanities, as part of the new Yale Environmental Humanities Initiative. This fits in very well with much of the research that InterAsia scholars have been showing in recent years. We also are building collaborations with the InterAsia hub at Duke University on the theme of environmental humanities.

2. China-Africa connections

Yale has historically had a significant number of researchers working on China, however, recently a growing number of researchers are working on China-Africa connections.

3. Asian Borderlands

This is another long-running thematic priority for Yale InterAsia researchers.

4. Urban ecology and Asian Urbanism

For priorities 2 through 3, we have continuous intellectual communication with the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong, frequently inviting researchers to visit each institute.