Observing others teach and being observed yourself are great ways to get inspired and to reflect on your own teaching strengths and areas for improvement. Below are some observation reports I have received, listed chronologically starting with the most recent observation.
Peer Observation through Yale’s Center for Teaching and Learning written by Dr. Sara Ronis, a then graduate student and co-coordinator of the McDougal Graduate Teaching Fellows (Fall 2014). Dr. Ronis observed a workshop I co-facilitated, titled Teaching Images and Objects, and here, shares her thoughts on my teaching style in an area outside my discipline. The workshop concentrates on fundamental elements of pedagogy such as Bloom’s Taxonomy and Backward Design and how to keep these fundamentals in mind as we incorporate objects and images into our class.
Peer observation by Sarah Piazza (Spring 2014). Ms. Piazza observed my Spanish 120 course, Beginning Spanish II. This is a second semester Spanish course taught at Yale and this specific class focused on the construction and use of the present perfect.
Faculty Observation by Dr. Ame Cividanes, the Spanish Language Program Director at Yale University (Spring 2013). Dr. Cividanes observed me substitute teach a Spanish 120 course (Beginning Spanish II). This is a second semester Spanish course taught at Yale and this specific class focused on the use of the subjunctive in adverbial clauses of time.