Update on 9 October 2013: the Call for Papers is now closed
3rd ANHS Himalayan Studies Conference
Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
Friday 14 – Sunday 16 March, 2014
The Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies (ANHS) is pleased to announce that its 3rd annual conference will be held at Yale University in New Haven, CT, Friday 14 – Sunday 16 March, 2014. The conference is hosted by the Yale Himalaya Initiative and convened by Dr Mark Turin.
Conference Theme
As a central theme, the 3rd Himalayan Studies Conference will address the idea of Communities, broadly conceived. This includes issues relating to communities within and across the Himalaya; ongoing partnerships between scholars, governments and citizens in the region; as well as communities of practice that support Himalayan Studies as an emerging field of interdisciplinary scholarship and practice.
While the Organizing Committee does not require participants to explicitly address this year’s theme in their papers and discussions, presenters are strongly encouraged to consider the role of communities writ large at the 2014 conference.
Panel, Roundtable & Paper Proposals
Participation in the conference is restricted to members of the ANHS. Please refer to the section entitled ‘Registration & Costs’ below for details on how to become a member. The Organizing Committee invites proposals for panels, roundtables and individual papers. Interdisciplinary panels that allow for audience participation and discussion are particularly encouraged. If you wish to propose a different format, please contact the Convener.
Proposals may be submitted for panels themed around a topic, region, film or significant publication. Click here to view a list of panels that are open to expressions of interest. A single panel will typically have 3-4 slots (to be divided between presenters and discussant – if appropriate), while a double panel would have 7-8 slots (including a discussant). Prospective panel organizers should send a 400-word panel abstract with the names and affiliations of the proposed panelists to the Organizing Committee <mailto:himalaya.conference@yale.edu> by 30 September 2013. Panel organizers will be notified by 31 October whether their proposal has been accepted. If accepted, each individual presenter who has committed to the panel is required to submit a 300-word abstract of his or her paper by 30 November 2013.
Roundtable sessions on a topic of broad interest involving a number of participants and a moderator are welcome. A roundtable is designed as a forum for intensive discussion, usually based on a set of pre-circulated readings or shared interests. Prospective roundtable organizers should send a 400-word abstract with the names and affiliations of the proposed participants to the Organizing Committee by 30 September 2013 to <mailto:himalaya.conference@yale.edu>. Roundtable organizers will be notified by 31 October whether their proposal has been accepted. If accepted, each participant in the roundtable session will be required to register and pay the conference fee.
Individual Papers
Proposals for individual papers are also welcome and will be clustered into panels based on topic by the Organizing Committee. Participants wishing to present an individual paper should send a 300-word abstract including a paper title, their affiliation and a brief CV to the Organizing Committee by 30 September 2013 to <mailto:himalaya.conference@yale.edu>. Applicants will be notified by 31 October 2013 whether his or her abstract has been accepted and of the likely theme of the panel in which the paper has been accommodated.
Registration & Costs
Only members of the ANHS may participate in the conference. Please ensure that your membership is up to date. Details of the membership rates are available on the ANHS website: <http://anhs-himalaya.org/membership/member.html> and payment can be made online.
Conference registration rates will soon be finalized. The rates are expected to be in the range of $120, with discounts for currently enrolled students and participants who register and pay early.
Thanks to generous funding provided by Yale University, the Organizing Committee can report that the registration fee will cover most meals for the duration of the conference.
Registration details and rates will be sent to all participants whose proposals / abstracts are accepted. Payment should be made online at least once month in advance of arriving in New Haven. It is not possible to register and pay on the day of the conference itself.
Travel & Accommodation
Please visit the conference website <https://campuspress.yale.edu/hsc2014> for more information on getting to and staying in New Haven. While participants are requested to make their own travel and lodging arrangements, a group-booking rate has been negotiated with a local hotel. Please click here for more information on taking advantage of this preferential rate.
Keynote Speakers
The Organizing Committee is delighted to announce the following keynote speakers:
Melvyn C. Goldstein (John Reynolds Harkness Professor in Anthropology, Co-Director, Center for Research on Tibet); Françoise Robin (Maître de conférence at l’INALCO and Member of Le Centre de recherche sur les civilisations de l’Asie orientale); and Kesang Tseten (Filmmaker and writer).
Important Dates
Deadline for panel & roundtable proposals, and individual paper abstracts: 30 September 2013
Notification of panel, roundtable & individual paper acceptance: 31 October 2013
Deadline for abstracts by panel & roundtable presenters: 30 November 2013
Conference registration closes: 14 February 2014
Conference dates: 14-16 March 2014
Please visit us online at <https://campuspress.yale.edu/hsc2014>
Or contact us <mailto:himalaya.conference@yale.edu>
We look forward to welcoming you to New Haven in 2014