About Pam Patterson

Bio info

Arts and Ideas

Africa, Ebola, and Global Health Equity


Biographies – Writing Home: Narratives of Place and Displacement in the Americas
Antonio Aiello


Art and Politics in the 21st Century
Paul Smith


How Art Teaches a Poet to See
Claudia Rankine

Claudia Rankine Interview


Surveillance and Civil Liberties in the U.S.
David Medine

cobb_headshot_webContingent Citizenship (Race and Democracy in the Age of Ferguson and Baltimore)
Jelani Cobb


Mary Lou Aleskie, Executive Director of the International Festival of Arts & Ideas in New Haven

mcbride_headshot_webRock ‘n Roll that Heals
Mary McBride

Mary McBride Interview

mattwilsonMatthew Wilson

feimster_headshot_webTown Hall: Justice, Civility and Active Citizenship
Crystal N. Feimster

chauncey_headshot_webCooperation Amidst Crisis: May Day 1970 and Its Lessons
Henry “Sam” Chauncey

Sam Chauncey on the History of Arts & Ideas


City of Hope
Syles, Renzi and Connor

stringquartetsmallString Quartet Truck