The Wall, by Stefan Brüggemann. Kensington, London, UK
*Choi, Meera, Hannah Tessler, and Grace Kao. Forthcoming 2024. “Heightened Vulnerabilities to Anti-Asian Racism during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Intersectional Analysis. Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Kao, Grace. 2024. “K-Pop and Me” in Between Us: Healing Ourselves & Changing the World Through Sociology. Edited by Marika Lindholm and Elizabeth Wood. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Tessler, Hannah, Meera Choi, and Grace Kao. 2024. “Is Everyone “Looking for Love?” Trends in Romantic Relationship Interest Among Singles During COVID-19.” Journal of Family Issues.
Tessler, Hannah, Meera Choi, and Grace Kao. 2024. “Love as a Low Priority: Gender and Relationship History Differences in Singles’ Value of Romantic Partnership.” Social Currents.
Yang, Milly and Grace Kao. 2024. “Do Resources Blunt the Impact of COVID-19 on Fertility Desires by Race and Gender in the United States?” Population Research and Policy Review.
Tessler, Hannah, Meera Choi, and Grace Kao. 2024. “Feelings of Safety and Belonging in High School for Asian American Students.” Journal of School Violence. 23 (2): 187-201.
Lee, Wonseok and Grace Kao. 2023. “’I Need U’: The Importance of Audience Participation in Online K-pop Concerts During COVID-19.” Journal of Popular Music Studies. 35: 46-66.
Lee, Wonseok and Grace Kao. 2021. “’Make It Right: Why #BlackLivesMatter to K-pop, BTS, and the BTS ARMY.” International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM) Journal. 11: 70-84.
Lee, Wonseok and Grace Kao. 2021. “’You Know You’re Missing Out on Something’: Collective Nostalgia and Community in Tim’s Twitter Listening Party During COVID-19.” Rock Music Studies. 8(1):36-52.
Ho, Phoebe and Grace Kao. 2021. “Are All Immigrant Families Created Equal? The Acculturation and Social Integration of Mixed-Nativity Families.” Journal of Family Issues. 59: 46.59.
Choi, Meera, Hannah Tessler, and Grace Kao. 2020. “Arts and Crafts as an Educational Strategy and Coping Mechanism for Republic of Korea and United States Parents During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” International Review of Education: Journal of Lifelong Learning. 66:715-735.
Lim, Youngshin, Hyunjoon Park, Gowoon Jung, Meera Choi, Hannah Tessler, and Grace Kao. 2020. “Men’s and Women’s Different Dreams on the Future of the Gendered Division of Paid Work and Household after COVID-19 in South Korea.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. 69:
Tessler, Hannah, Meera Choi, and Grace Kao. 2020. “The Anxiety of Being Asian American: Hate Crimes and Negative Biases During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 45:636-646.
Hu, Anning, Grace Kao, and Xiaogang Wu. 2020. “Can Greater Reliance on Test Scores Ameliorate the Association between Family Background and Access to Post-Collegiate Education? Survey Evidence from the Beijing College Students Panel Survey.” Social Science Research. Volume 88.
Kao, Grace and Wonseok Lee. 2020. “Can BTS Protect Asian Americans from Xenophobia in the Age of COVID-19?”Contexts. April 1, 2020.
Zimmermann, Calvin and Grace Kao. 2019. “Unequal Returns to Children’s Efforts: Race and Gender Disparities in Teachers’ Evaluations of Children’s Noncognitive Skills and Academic Ability.” Du Bois Review. 16(2): 417-438.
Cepa, Kennan and Grace Kao. 2019. “Cultural Preferences or Financial Constraints? Understanding Racial and Ethnic Differences in Family Attitudes and Parental Coresidence in Young Adulthood.” Journal of Family Issues. 40(12): 1705-1728.
Ho, Phoebe, Hyunjoon Park, and Grace Kao. 2019. “Racial and Ethnic Differences in Student Participation in Private Supplementary Education Activities.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. 59: 46-59.
Kao, Grace, Kelly Stamper Balistreri, and Kara Joyner. 2018. “Asian American Men in Romantic Dating Markets.” Contexts. 17:48-53.
Kirui, David and Grace Kao. 2018. “Does Generational Status Matter in College? Expectations and Academic Performance among Second Generation College Students in the U.S.” Ethnicities. 18:571-602.
Lai, Tianjian and Grace Kao. 2018. “Hit, Robbed, and Put Down (but not Bullied): Underreporting of Bullying by Minority and Male Students.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 47:619-635.
Ho, Phoebe, and Grace Kao. 2018. “Educational Achievement and Attainment Differences among Minorities and Immigrants.” Handbook of the Sociology of Education in the 21st Century. Barbara Schneider (Editor) and Guan Saw (Associate Editor). Chapter 5, pp. 109-125. Springer International Publishing.
Stamper, Balistreri, Kelly, Kara Joyner, and Grace Kao. 2017. “Trading Youth for Citizenship? The Spousal Age Gap among Cross-Border Marriages.” Population and Development Review. 43: 443-466.
Park, Hyunjoon and Grace Kao. 2016. “Introduction: Family Environments, School Resources, and Educational Outcomes.” Research in the Sociology of Education. Volume 19:xi-xix.
Stamper-Balistreri, Kelly, Kara Joyner, and Grace Kao. 2015. “Relationship Involvement among Young Adults: Are Asian American Men an Exceptional Case?” Population Research and Policy Review. 34:709-732.
*Chiang, Yi-Lin, Emily Hannum, and Grace Kao. 2015. “It’s Not Just about the Money: Gender and Youth Migration from Rural China.” Chinese Sociological Review. 47:177-201.
Azuma, Eiichiro, Grace Kao, Josephine Park and Fariha Khan. 2014. “Reflections on the University of Pennsylvania ‘s Asian American Studies Program. CUNY Forum. 2:23-28.
Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian, Kristin Turney, and Grace Kao. 2014. “Less Socially Engaged? Participation in Friendship and Extracurricular Activities among Racial/Ethnic Minority and Immigrant Adolescents.” Teachers College Record. 116:1-28.
Burke, Ruth and Grace Kao. 2013. “Bearing the Burden of Whiteness: The Implications of Racial Self Identification for Multiracial Adolescents’ School Belonging and Academic Achievement.” Ethnic and Racial Studies. 36:747-773.
Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian, Jessica McCrory Calarco, and Grace Kao. 2013. “Along for the Ride: Best Friends’ Resources and Adolescents’ College Completion.” American Education Research Journal – Social and Institutional Analysis (AERJ-SIA). 50:76-106.
Raleigh, Elizabeth and Grace Kao. 2013. “Is There a (Transracial) Adoption Achievement Gap? A National Longitudinal Analysis of Adopted Children’s Educational Performance.” Children and Youth Services Review. 35:142-150.
Chiang, Yi-Lin, Emily Hannum, and Grace Kao. 2012. “Who Goes, Who Stays, and Who Studies? Gender, Migration, and Educational Decisions among Rural Youth in China.” International Journal of Chinese Education. 1:106-131.
Vaquera Elizabeth and Grace Kao. 2012. “Educational Achievement of Immigrant Adolescents in Spain: Do Gender and Region-of-Origin Matter?” Child Development. 83:1560-1576.
Turney, Kristin and Grace Kao. 2012. “Behavioral Outcomes in Early Childhood: Immigrant Paradox or Disadvantage?” Pp. 79-108 in Is Becoming an American a Developmental Risk? Edited by Amy Marks and Cynthia Garcia-Coll. Washington DC: American Psychological Association Books.
Raleigh, Elizabeth and Grace Kao. 2010. “Do Immigrant Minority Parents Have More Consistent College Aspirations for Their Children?” Social Science Quarterly. 91:1083-1102.
Kao, Grace and Kristin Turney. 2010. “Adolescents and Schooling: Differences by Race, Ethnicity, and Immigrant Status.” Pp. 183-210 in Adolescence: Development During in a Global Era. (Edited by Dena Phillips Swanson, Malik Chaka Edwards, and Margaret Beale Spencer.) Burlington: Academic Press.
Burke, Ruth and Grace Kao. 2010. “Stability and Change in Racial Identities of Multiracial Adolescents.” Pp. 39-50 in Multiracial Americans and Social Class: The Influence of Social Class on Racial Identity (Kathleen Odell Korgen, Editor). New York and London: Routledge.
*Turney, Kristin and Grace Kao. 2009. “Pre-Kindergarten Child Care and Behavioral Outcomes among Children of Immigrants.” Early Childcare Research Quarterly. 24:432-444.
Turney, Kristin and Grace Kao. 2009. “Assessing the Private Safety Net: Social Support among Minority Immigrant Parents.” The Sociological Quarterly. 50: 666-692.
Lee, Elizabeth and Grace Kao. 2009. “Less Bang for the Buck? Cultural Capital and Immigrant Status Effects on Kindergarten Academic Outcomes.” Poetics. 37:201-226.
Turney, Kristin and Grace Kao. 2009. “Barriers to School Involvement: Are Immigrant Parents Disadvantaged?” Journal of Educational Research. 102: 257-271.
Brunn, Rachelle and Grace Kao. 2008. “Where are all the Boys? Examining the Black Gender Gap in Post-Secondary Attainment”? Du Bois Review. 5:1-24.
Vaquera, Elizabeth and Grace Kao. 2008. “Do You Like Me as Much as I Like You? Friendship Reciprocity and Its Effects on School Outcomes among Adolescents.” Social Science Research. 37:55-72.
Zhang, Yuping, Grace Kao, and Emily Hannum. 2007.“Do Mothers in Rural China Practice Gender Equality in Educational Aspirations for Their Children?” Comparative Education Review. 51:131-157.
Doyle, Jamie M. and Grace Kao. 2007. “Are Racial Identities of Multiracials Stable? Changing Self-Identification among Single and Multiple Race Individuals.” Social Psychology Quarterly. 70: 405-423.
Doyle, Jamie M. and Grace Kao. 2007.“Friendship Choices of Multiracial Adolescents: Racial Homophily, Blending, or Amalgamation?” Social Science Research. 36:633-653.
Kao, Grace and Lindsay Taggart Rutherford. 2007. “Does Social Capital Still Matter? Immigrant Minority Disadvantage in Social Capital and Its Effects on Academic Achievement.” Sociological Perspectives. 50:27-52.
Wang, Hongyu and Grace Kao. 2007. “Does Higher Socioeconomic Status Increase Contact Between Minorities and Whites? An Examination of Interracial Romantic Relationships among Adolescents.” Social Science Quarterly. 88:146-164.
Kao, Grace and Kara Joyner. 2006. “Do Asian and Hispanic Adolescents Practice Panethnicity in Friendship Choices?” Social Science Quarterly. 87:48-68.
Kao, Grace. 2006. “Where are the Asian and Hispanic Victims of Katrina? A Metaphor for Invisible Minorities in Contemporary Racial Discourse.” Du Bois Review. 3:223-231.
Vaquera, Elizabeth and Grace Kao. 2006. “The Implications of Choosing “No Race” on the Salience of Hispanic Identity: How Racial and Ethnic Background Intersect among Hispanic Adolescents.” The Sociological Quarterly. 47:375-396.
Wang, Hongyu, Grace Kao and Kara Joyner. 2006. “Stability of Interracial and Intraracial Romantic Relationships among Adolescents.” Social Science Research. 35: 435-456.
Kao, Grace and Elizabeth Vaquera. 2006. “The Salience of Racial and Ethnic Identification in Friendship Choices Among Hispanic Adolescents.” Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 28:23-47.
Joyner, Kara and Grace Kao. 2005. “Interracial Relationships and the Transition to Adulthood.” American Sociological Review. 70: 563-581.
Vaquera, Elizabeth and Grace Kao. 2005. “Private and Public Displays of Affection Among Interracial and Intraracial Adolescent Couples.” Social Science Quarterly. 86:485-508.
Kao, Grace and Kara Joyner. 2004. “Do Race and Ethnicity Matter among Friends? Activities among Interracial, Interethnic, and Intraethnic Adolescent Friends.” The Sociological Quarterly. 45:557-573.
*Kao, Grace. 2004. “Parental Influences on the Educational Outcomes of Immigrant Youth.” International Migration Review. 38: 427-449.
Kao, Grace. 2004. “Social Capital and Its Relevance to Minority and Immigrant Populations.” Sociology of Education. 77:172-175.
Kao, Grace and Jennifer Thompson. 2003. “Racial and Ethnic Stratification in Educational Achievement and Attainment.” Annual Review of Sociology. 29: 417-442.
Kao, Grace. 2002. “Ethnic Differences in Parents’ Educational Aspirations.” Research in Sociology of Education: Schooling and Social Capital in Diverse Cultures (Edited by Bruce Fuller and Emily Hannum). 13:85-104.
Kandel, William and Grace Kao. 2001. “The Impact of Temporary Labor Migration on Mexican Students’ Educational Aspirations and Performance.” International Migration Review. 35:1205-1231.
Kao, Grace. 2001. “Race and Ethnic Differences in Peer Influences on Educational Achievement.” In The Problem of the Century: Racial Stratification in the U.S. at the Millennium. (Edited by Douglas Massey and Elijah Anderson). Pp. 437-460. New York: Russell Sage.
Joyner, Kara and Grace Kao. 2000. “School Racial Composition and Adolescent Racial Homophily.” Social Science Quarterly. 81:810-825.
Kao, Grace. 2000. “Group Images and Possible Selves Among Adolescents: Linking Stereotypes to Expectations by Race and Ethnicity.” Sociological Forum. 15:407-430.
Kandel, William and Grace Kao. 2000. “Shifting Orientations: How U.S. Labor Migration Affects Children’s Aspirations in Mexican Migrant Communities.” Social Science Quarterly. 81:16-32.
Kao, Grace. 1999. “Racial Identity and Academic Performance: An Examination of Biracial Asian and African American Youth.” Journal of Asian American Studies. 2:223-249.
Kao, Grace. 1999. “Psychological Well-Being and Educational Achievement Among Immigrant Youth.” Pp. 410-477 in Children of Immigrants: Health, Adjustment, and Public Assistance. Edited by Donald J. Hernandez. Washington D.C.: National Academy Press. Results also summarized in Trends in the Well-Being of America’s Children & Youth 1998, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Kao, Grace and Marta Tienda. 1998. “Educational Aspirations among Minority Youth.” American Journal of Education. 106: 349-384. Most cited article ever published in AJE as of December 20, 2019 according to ISI Web of Science.
Kao, Grace, Marta Tienda, and Barbara Schneider. 1996. “Racial and Ethnic Variation in Academic Performance.” Research in Sociology of Education and Socialization. 11:263-297.
Kao, Grace and Marta Tienda. 1995. “Optimism and Achievement: The Educational Performance of Immigrant Youth.” Social Science Quarterly. 76: 1-19.
Kao, Grace. 1995. “Asian-Americans as Model Minorities? A Look at Their Academic Performance.” American Journal of Education. 103:121-159.
Encyclopedia Entries and Other Publications:
For my Korea Herald editorials, please go here.
Kao, Grace and Peter Shinkoda. 2021. “Media Bears Responsibility for Reinforcing Asian American Stereotpes.” Variety.
Ho, Phoebe and Grace Kao. 2014. “Helicopter Parents.” Page 460 in Asian American Society: An Encyclopedia. Edited by Mary Yu Danico. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Ho, Phoebe and Grace Kao. 2014. “Online Dating.” Pp. 717-718 in Asian American Society: An Encyclopedia. Edited by Mary Yu Danico. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Rosado, Shantee and Grace Kao. 2014. “Racial Formations.” Pp. 765-768 in Asian American Society: An Encyclopedia. Edited by Mary Yu Danico. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Kim, Eunbi and Grace Kao. 2014. “Koreatowns.” Pp. 611-614 in Asian American Society: An Encyclopedia. Edited by Mary Yu Danico. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Baldor, Tyler and Grace Kao. 2014. “Remittances.” Pp. 783-785 in Asian American Society: An Encyclopedia. Edited by Mary Yu Danico. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Grace Kao. 2013. “Asian Americans.” Sage Sociology of Education: An A-Z Guide. Edited by James Ainsworth. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. 1:48-50
Turney, Kristin and Grace Kao. 2012. “Parent Human Capital.” Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education. Edited by James E. Banks, pp. 1645-1646.
Kao, Grace. 2009. “Impact of Temporary Labor Migration on Schooling among Mexican Children.” Pp.409-410 in The World of Child Labor: An Historical and Regional Survey. Edited by Hugh D. Hindman. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.