10. The untold plight of mental health and substance use in African Emergency Department populations: a cross-sectional study at East Africa’s largest public hospital

Frances Ogudebe, APRN, of YSN
Consortium of Universities for Global Health Conference, 2020

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5 thoughts on “10. The untold plight of mental health and substance use in African Emergency Department populations: a cross-sectional study at East Africa’s largest public hospital

  1. Were you able to assess for substances other than alcohol (ie. cocaine, heroin, meth)? If so, were they also correlated with depression?

  2. 1. No they are not, but as we know there is excellent evidence for SBIRT for drug and alcohol use (including among ED populations), and such an intervention in that setting would be worthwhile to test
    2. The (validated) tools we used did not include other substances outside of tobacco and alcohol.

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