As Instructor of Record

At Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf:

  • Experimental Phonetics. (M.A. seminar). Summer 2022
  • Languages of the United States. (Advanced undergraduate seminar). Summer 2022
  • Morphology/Word-Formation. (Intermediate module). Winter 2021/2022
  • The Phonetics-Phonology Interface. (Advanced undergraduate seminar) Winter 2021/2022

At Yale University:

  • Introduction to Linguistics. Yale Summer Session 2019. [syllabus]
  • Topics in Phonology: The Phonetics-Phonology Interface. Spring 2021 [mid-semester syllabus]

As Teaching Assistant

At Yale University:

  • Language and Mind. Fall 2020. Instructor: Maria Piñango
  • Grammatical Diversity in U.S. English. Spring 2020. Instructor: Raffaella Zanuttini
  • Introduction to Linguistics, Fall 2019. Instructor: Jason Shaw
  • General Phonetics, Spring 2018. Instructor: Jonathan Manker
  • Introduction to Linguistics, Fall 2017. Instructors: Jim Wood, Matt Barros
  • General Phonetics, Spring 2017. Instructor: Jason Shaw
  • Introduction to Phonological Analysis, Fall 2016. Instructor: Ryan Bennett

Outside Linguistics

From Fall 2015 until the COVID-19 outbreak, I taught weekly (or more) at the Branford College Pottery Studio, serving as studio manager and a Graduate Affiliate of Branford College.