1959-60 – Field assistant on the Iranian Prehistoric Project, headed by Prof. Braidwood, in highland valleys of western Iran. Along with survey to discover sites, we excavated Tepe Sarab, a late Neolithic site.
1961 – Survey of valleys in western Iran with Kent Flannery. Discovered Neolithic Ali Kosh and carried out a brief sondage at the site, which revealed the first substantial charred remains of agricultural crops and other plants.
1963 – Survey of sites in the Khorramabad Valley with Kent Flannery, and test excavations in Paleolithic sites Kunji Cave, Gar Arjeneh and Pa Sangar.
1963 – Excavation of Ali Kosh with Kent Flannery. James Neely excavated Tepe Sabz, a Chalcolithic site. Danish botanist Hans Helbaek collected local flora and analyzed the charred plant remains.
1965 – Further survey in the Khorramabad Valley and excavation of the Upper Paleolithic sites of Yafteh Cave and Ghamari Cave in the Khorramabad Valley.
1966 – Excavation of Gheo Shih, Oaxaca Valley, Mexico, on University of Michigan project, directed by Kent Flannery.
1967 – Excavation of Cueva Blanca, Oaxaca Valley, Mexico, on University of Michigan project, directed by Kent Flannery.
1969-70 – Excavation of Chagha Sefid, a site bridging the layers at Ali Kosh and Tepe Sabz, with evidence of the introduction of irrigation, new crops and cattle. Colin Renfrew studied the obsidian, Jane Renfrew collected local plants and took the charred plant remains for study, and Jane Wheeler studied the fauna.
1970 – Survey of the Khuzistan plain with an emphasis on prehistoric sites.
1974-80 – Surveys along the upper coast of Texas and excavations of sites: Shell Point, Welder Homestead, Quintana Townsite.
1973 – With Rice University PhD student, Sekandar Amanolahi, an ethnographic study of the Baharvand tribe of Luri pastoral nomads.
1973 – Excavation of Tula’i, a late Neolithic nomad camp on the upper Khuzistan plain. Melinda Zeder assisted and studied the fauna.
1978 Study in the Louvre and other museums of the ceramics recovered from a large cemetery at Susa, dating to ca. 4000 BC.
1984 – Survey in Syria to select site for excavation, with Andrew Moore.
1986 – Excavation of Umm Qseir, Syria with Gregory Johnson and Javier Urcid.
1988 – Survey of semi-arid steppe in the Middle Khabur Basin, with Gregory Johnson, Joy McCorriston and Laura Calderone.
1989 – Feasibility study for an environmental and economic project in the Khabur basin, Syria, with Peder Mortensen and Ingolf Thuesen.
1990-1996 – Surveys, test excavations and sampling for biological material at Mashnaqa, Kuran, Kashkashok and Tell Halaf in the Khabur Valley, Syria. With Nick Kouchoukos and Gregory Johnson
1994-1997 – Excavation of Ziyadeh, a multi-period site in the Khabur Valley, Syria, with Gregory Johnson, Jennifer Arzt, Melinda Zeder, Joy McCorriston and fauna and botanical specialists: Scott Rufalo, Susan Arter, Jill; and archaeological assistants Rian Thum, Luke and Matt Barton
1996-2003 – In the Center for Earth Observation at Yale, analysis of satellite imagery to assess land use and human responses to climate change.
2000 – Ground truth survey of landscapes and agricultural practices throughout Syria, with Youssef Barkoudah, David Celis and Eric Hole.
2001 – Botanical survey of Jebel Abd al-Aziz with Nick Kouchoukos and Youssef Barkoudah
2001 – Topographic survey of third millennium Mabtuah Gharbi and catchment area, with Nick Kouchoukos.
2009 – Guest archaeologist at Arbid Abyad, a late Neolithic site in the Khabur basin, directed by Inna Mateiciucova, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.