Death and Ceremony in New Haven

Allie Douma and Hadley Tallackson   Gravestones from the New Haven Green: Map of New Haven Green and its uses in 1775. See building 5: “Burying Ground.”  Buildings, grounds and landmarks in New Haven photographs. 100s. Box 1. Folder 6. Yale University Archives, Pictorial Records and Collections. 22 Oct 2024. Rubbings of Grove Street Cemetery created by Robert Greenberg in 2012 and displayed in Lost in New Haven Museum. Photo…

Beer, Beverages and Prohibition: The Life and Death of Regional Bottlers

Benjamin Johnson   The anchor object I chose is a collection of historic paraphernalia from Hulls Brewing Company. Specifically, I focused on the 3 yellow Hulls cans in the zoomed-in image. Each can present a different type of beer. These are export, cream ale, and Bock beer.   Narrative 1 At Lost in New Haven, a collection of paraphernalia from the Hulls Brewery is on display. I was immediately drawn…