Mosquitoes: disease and invasion

The yellow fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti) has been spreading disease and mayhem around the world since the 1500s. How can we use historical records and population genetics to track its invasions through history and into the present?
key words: Aedes aegypti, dengue, yellow fever, Zika, invasive species, population genetics

Sources and acknowledgments 

Scientific literature:

Cornuet, Jean-Marie, et al. “Inferring population history with DIY ABC: a user-friendly approach to approximate Bayesian computation.” Bioinformatics 24.23 (2008): 2713-2719.

Pless, Evlyn, et al. “Multiple introductions of the dengue vector, Aedes aegypti, into California.” PLoS neglected tropical diseases 11.8 (2017).

Pless, Evlyn, and Vivek Raman. “Origin of Aedes aegypti In Clark County, Nevada.” Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 34.4 (2018): 302-305.

Pritchard, Jonathan K., Matthew Stephens, and Peter Donnelly. “Inference of population structure using multilocus genotype data.” Genetics 155.2 (2000): 945-959.


Evan Chang


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