Resources Links relevant to the claims in the mission statement of Faculty for Yale, and other relevant readings, are below. Free Expression The Woodward Report. Free Speech and Teaching at Yale (Stephen Carter, NYT, 2024) College Free Speech Rankings (FIRE, 2024) Fostering a Culture of Free Expression (University of Chicago, 2023) The Fundamental Issue: On the University of California Loyalty Oath (1949) Institutional Neutrality The Kalven Report (University of Chicago, 1967) Recommendations Regarding Institutional Neutrality (Heterodox Academy, 2024) Harvard Set to Consider Institutional Neutrality (2024) Yale Neutrality Symposium 2024: Who Speaks at Universities and On Behalf of Whom? Public Confidence American Confidence in Higher Ed Hits Historic Low (2023) Universities Are Not on the Level (Josh Barro, 2024) Universities are Bloated and Illiberal (The Economist, 2024) Donor Influence Gift Policy Committee Recommendations (Yale, 2022) Administrative Growth Draft Committee Report on Administration at Yale (2022) Colleges with the Highest Rate of Managers (2018) A Proliferation of Administrators (Yale Daily News, 2021) The Fall of the Faculty (Benjamin Ginsberg, 2011)