Published Papers
- “The Illiquidity of Water Markets: Efficient Institutions for Water Allocation in Southeastern Spain” with Javier Donna, The Review of Economic Studies, forthcoming
This paper was awarded the Best Paper in Regulatory Economics at IIOC (2016).
Read our short essays in VOX EU, Global Water Forum and EuropeNow.
- “Entry Games under Private Information” with Álvaro Parra and Yuzhou Wang The Rand Journal of Economics, 2023, Vol. 54, No. 3, 512-540. Online Appendix
- “La ‘Doña’ è Mobile: the Role of Women in Social Mobility in a Pre-modern Economy,” with Salvador Gil-Guirado and Chris Vickers, The Journal of Economic History, 2022, Vol. 82, No. 1, pp 1-41 (Lead article).
- “Praying for rain, resilience, and social stability in Murcia (Southeast Spain)” with Salvador Gil-Guirado, Ecology and Society, 2022, Vol. 27, No. 2, #9.
- “Water Theft as Social Insurance: Southeastern Spain, 1851-1948,” with Javier Donna, The Economic History Review, 2021, Vol. 74, No. 3, pp 721-753.
Read our blog post at the Economic History Review
- “Labor Income Inequality in Pre-Industrial Mediterranean Spain: the city of Murcia in the 18th Century” with Salvador Gil-Guirado, W. Daniel Giraldo-Paez and Chris Vickers, Explorations in Economic History, 2019, Vol. 73.
- “Complements and Substitutes in Sequential Auctions: The Case of Water Auctions” (Appendix), with Javier Donna, The RAND Journal of Economics, 2018, Vol. 49, No 1, pp 87-127.
This article was awarded the Best Paper Award at EARIE (2012) and JEI (2012).
- “Institutional Inertia: Persistent Inefficient Institutions in Spain,” The Journal of Economic History, 2017, Vol. 77, No 3, pp 692-723.
This paper was awarded the 10th Prize in Agrarian History at SEHA (2016).
Read our short essays in Global Water Forum and NEG.
- “The Long-Term Effect of Health Insurance on Near-Elderly Health and Mortality,” with Bernard Black, Eric French, Kate Litvak, 2017, American Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp 281-311.
- “Can we learn from the past? Four hundred years of changes in adaptation to floods and droughts. Measuring the vulnerability in two Hispanic cities,” with Salvador Gil-Guirado and María Del Rosario Prieto, Climatic Change, 2016, Vol. 139, pp 183-200.
- “Dissertation Summary of ‘The Illiquidity of Water Markets,’” Journal of Economic History, 2016, Vol. 76, No. 2, pp 616-618.
Working Papers
- “From the Convent to Hollywood: The Legacy of Spanish and American Rule in the Philippines” with Leticia Arroyo Abad and Noel Maurer, CEPR DP19535
- “Experimental Persuasion” with Ian Ball, Cowles Foundation Research paper 2298
- “Praying for Rain” with Salvador Gil-Guirado and Nicholas Ryan, NBER wp 31411
- “Women and the Econometrics of Family Trees” with Joseph Ferrie and Chris Vickers, NBER wp 31598
- “War of Attrition with Externalities” with Jorge Catepillan
- “Order Statistics from Independent Non-Identical Exponentiated and Proportional Hazard Rate Random Variables” with Tianhao Wu
- “Spillovers and Fairness: The Owens Valley Controversy as a Game of Spatial Externalities” with Nicholas Ryan and Santiago Truffa
Work in Progress
“Gambling for America: The First Wave of Migration to the Americas, 1492-1540” with Leticia Arroyo Abad, Yannay Spitzer and Ariel Zimran
“Efficient Mechanisms with Liquidity Constrained Agents”
“Sympathy for the Devil” with Salvador Gil-Guirado
Reviews and Other Research
Book Review for “Lending to the Borrower from Hell: Debt, Taxes, and Default in the Age of Philip II, by Mauricio Drelichman and Hans-Joachim Voth,” Business History Review, 2015, Vol. 89, No. 3, pp 588-590.
Book Review for “The Commons in History: Culture, Conflict and Ecology, by Derek Wall,” Journal of Economic History, 2015, Vol. 75, No. 1, pp 270-272.
“The Institutional Revelation: A Comment on Douglas W. Allen’s The Institutional Revolution”(with Joel Mokyr), The Review of Austrian Economics, 2013, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp 375-381.
“The ‘Bird in the Hand’ is not a fallacy: A Model of Dividends based on Hidden Savings,” Master’s Thesis CEMFI No.0808