“Sexual Violence during War” Presentation as part of the “Conflict Related Sexual Violence and the Responsibility to Protect” webinar, Cambridge University, February 17, 2021. [presentation begins at 36:13].
“The Islamic State’s Pattern of Sexual Violence: Ideology and Institutions, Policies and Practices.” With Mara Revkin. Presented at Kings College London “Understanding Violence” speakers’ series, May 12, 2021 [webinar]
Resuming Field Research in Pandemic Times. With Douglas Rogers, K. Siviramakrishnan and Rene Almeling. Covid-19 and the Social Sciences. Social Science Research Council, May 21, 2020
Why the Nobel Peace Prize went to 2 people fighting sexual violence in war. By Elisabeth Jean Wood and Ragnhild Nordås. Washington Post, Monkey Cage blog, October 8, 2018.
“Sexual Violence during War”. Lecture presented as part of the Frankfurt Cluster of Excellence lecture series “Formation of Normative Orders”; Frankfurt, December 12, 2018.
Los legados agrarios del conflicto en perspectiva comparada (video). Talk by Elisabeth Jean Wood at the Foro: Los beneficios de la Paz en Colombia, September 7, 2016, Bogotá.
How to Counter Rape During War, by Elisabeth Jean Wood and Dara Kay Cohen. New York Times oped, October. 28, 2015.
Interview describing my lecture “Political Violence: Ideology, institutions, and individual motivations,” presented in the Distinguished Lectures in the Social Sciences series, Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse, December 4, 2014.
Four Things Everyone Should Know About Wartime Sexual Violence, by Dara Kay Cohen, Ragnhild Nordas and Elisabeth Jean Wood. Published June 9, 2014 in the MonkeyCage blog of the Washington Post.
Sexual Violence in Syria is Likely a State Strategy (February 8, 2014) by Stefan Brunner
Abstract: Numerous accounts of sexual violence in the ongoing Syrian civil war have surfaced over the course of this conflict, in which government and pro-government forces have been documented to engage in rape of women and in various forms of sexual torture directed against men and women alike. This paper introduces the available sources on the issue, establishes the visible repertoire and patterns of sexual violence in the Syrian conflict, and addresses the question of its connection to government strategies. Considering that acts of sexual violence appear to go unpunished by the military chain of command in situations of command oversight and the high likelihood that orders are given to facilitate its application, it is highly probable that sexual violence is adopted as a military strategy by forces loyal to Bashar al-Assad.
Is Rape Inevitable in War? Al Jazeera oped, February 21, 2014
Examining Thematic Prosecutions and the Challenges of Understanding and Proving International Sex Crimes. With Morten Bergsmo, Alf Butenschøn Skre, CHEAH Wui Ling and Elisabeth J. Wood. FICHL Policy Brief Series No. 11 (2013)
Wartime Sexual Violence. Misconceptions, Implications, and Ways Forward. By Dara Kay Cohen, Amelia Hoover Green and Elisabeth Jean Wood. United States Institute of Peace Special Report 323, February 2013.
Is Wartime Rape Declining On a Global Scale? We Don’t Know— And it Doesn’t Matter. with Amelia Hoover Green and Dara Cohen. In Political Violence @ a Glance (blog), November 1, 2012.
The Santa Fe Radio Cafe. Interview by Mary-Charlotte Domandi, September 30, 2013
Ask the Experts: Preventing Sexual Violence, with Dara Kay Cohen, the Politics, Power and Preventive Action blog of the Council on Foreign Relations, June 11, 2012
Rape Is Not Inevitable in War, Yale Journal of International Affairs, Spring/Summer, 2010.
The MacMillan Report: Sexual Violence during War. Interview by Marilyn Wilkes, October 7, 2009