Resources from MTC: Cardiology
Thanks to Kerrilynn Carney for deconstructing a very complicated Cardiology Consult service!
Slides here:
Video of the even can be viewed here:
Thanks again to Dr. Scott Sussman and the YNHH Clinical Redesign team for sponsoring the event!
Clinical Library Resources
Thanks to everyone who came out to the Meet & Greet event!
Here are some resources from the event:
“Walk in Wednesday” with Alyssa from 8-10p
Mobile App Monday – 8-10pm at the library.
Meet & Greet: Clinical Apps & Research Resources with our Clinical Librarians
A “Meet & Greet: Clinical Apps & Research Resources,” a resources fair with the librarians where there will be mini-stations based on two main topics:
1. Point of Care Resources
- UpToDate & DynaMed Plus & VisualDX
- uCentral (PubMed Prime)
- Micromedex
- Read by QxMD
- ClinicalKey
- EndNote,
- Scholarly/Publishing (Impact factor, Scopus h-index, ORCID, JCR, where to publish, finding a journals impact factor)
- Qualtrics,
- Stats consultant,
- Quicksearch, VPN, ILL
When: Thursday, November 8th, 2018 from 6:30-8PM
Food: Pitaziki!
Bonus: The first five people to RSVP to the council chairs (see emails below) will receive a FREE ticket to Solidarity Night at the Peabody! We will give out the tickets at the clinical/research resources event.
Resources from Meet the Consultants: Dermatology
Resources from Meet the Consultants: Infectious Diseases!
Thanks to everyone who came out!
Here’s a link to a video of the event:
And the slides:
Clinical Liaison Librarians by Department
Clinical Liaison Librarians by Department
1. Janene Batten ( / 203-737-2964)
* YNHH Nurses
2. Alexandria Brackett ( / 203-785-3226)
* Anesthesiology
* Dermatology
* Emergency Medicine
* Neurosurgery
* Orthopedics & Rehabilitation
* Radiology & Biomedical Imaging
* Surgery
3. Melissa Funaro ( / 203-785-5321)
* Child Study Center
* Laboratory Medicine
* Neurology
* Pediatrics
* Psychiatry
* Therapeutic Radiology
4. Alyssa Grimshaw ( / 203-737-2838)
* Endocrinology & Metabolism
* Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Medicine
* Pharmacy
* Urology
5. Holly Grossetta Nardini ( / 203-737-1537)
* Ophthalmology
6. Katherine Stemmer Frumento ( / 203-785-6251)
* Allergy & Clinical Immunology
* Cardiovascular Medicine
* Digestive Diseases
* Geriatrics
* Hematology/Cancer Center
* Infectious Diseases
* Internal Medicine
* Nephrology
* Primary Care
* Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine
* Rheumatology
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