The links below refer to the slides of the talks.
- Search, Information and Prices, with Ben Brooks and Stephen Morris, Presentation Slides July 2020, Stony Brook Game Theory Conference
- The Economics of Social Data, with Alessandro Bonatti and Tan Gan, Presentation Slides February 2020, Princeton University
- Progressive Participation, with Philipp Strack, Presentation Slides December 2019, Harvard MIT Theory Workshop
- Countering the Winner’s Curse: Auction Design in a Common Value Model (with Ben Brooks and Stephen Morris), University of Washington, November 2018
- Information Design: A Unified Perspective (with Stephen Morris), Johns Hopkins University, Social Networks and Information Conference, April 2017
- First Price Auctions with General Information Structures: Implications for Bidding and Revenue (with Ben Brooks and Stephen Morris), NYU Abu Dhabi Conference on Mechanism Design, December 2016
- “The Design and Price of Information” (with Alessandro Bonatti and Alex Smolin), UC Berkeley, Simmons Center for Theoretical Computer Science, October 2015
- “The Limits of Price Discrimination” (with Ben Brooks and Stephen Morris), Departmental Seminar, University of Zurich, May 2014
- “The Comparison of Information Structures in Games: Bayes Correlated Equilibrium and Individual Sufficiency” (with Stephen Morris), Game Theory and Human Behavior, USC, February 2014
- Robust Predictions in Games with Incomplete Information (with Stephen Morris), Plenary Talk at the Asia Econometric Society Meeting, New Delhi, India, December 2012
- Correlated Equilibrium in Games with Incomplete Information (with Stephen Morris), Plenary Talk at the North American Econometric Society Summer Meeting, Evanston, USA, June 2012
- Robust Mechanism Design: An Introduction (with Stephen Morris), Slides for the Introduction of “Robust Mechanism Design,” World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 2011
- Mechanism Design with Limited Information: The Case of Nonlinear Pricing (with Ji Shen, Yun Xu, Edmund Yeh), Microsoft Research New England, January 2011
- ”Targeting in Advertising Markets: Implications for Offline vs. Online Media: Slides” (with Alesssandro Bonatti), Workshop on Media Economics and Public Policy, CUNY New York, October 2010
- “Should Auctions Be Transparent?” (with Johannes Hörner), NBER Market and Mechanism Design Conference, Cambridge, October 2010
- “Robust Predictions in Games with Incomplete Information: Video”
- “Robust Predictions in Games with Incomplete Information: Slides” (with Stephen Morris), Microsoft Research New England, Cambridge, April 2010
- “Robust Mechanism Design and Implementation (Short Version)” (with Stephen Morris), European Meeting of Econometric Society, Barcelona, August 2009
- “Robust Mechanism Design and Implementation: A Selective Survey: Video”
- “Robust Mechanism Design and Implementation: A Selective Survey: Slides” (with Stephen Morris), University of California at Irvine Conference on “Mechanism Design and Adaptive Systems” January 2009
- “Belief Free Incomplete Information Games” (with Stephen Morris), GAMES 2008, Northwestern University, July 2008
- “Information Acquisition in Interdependent Value Auctions” (with Juuso Välimäki and Xianwen Shi), SITE, Stanford University, June 2008
- “Strategic Distinguishability and Robust Virtual Implementation” (with Stephen Morris), Spring Theory Conference, Brown University, May 2008
- “Dynamic Marginal Contribution Mechanism” (with Juuso Välimäki), DIMACS: Economics and Computer Science, Rutgers University, October 2007
- “The Role of the Common Prior in Robust Implementation” (with Stephen Morris), European EconomicAssociation Meeting, Budapest, August 2007
- “The Role of Information in Mechanism Design” (with Juuso Välimäki), World Congress of the Econometric Society, London, July 2005