>> Current Working Papers: Cowles Foundation
>> Reprints: Cowles Foundation
Published Papers
- How Do Digital Advertising Auctions Impact Product Prices, forthcoming, Review of Economic Studies, with Alessandro Bonatti and Nicholas Wu
- Data, Competition and Digital Platforms, August 2024, American Economic Review, with Alessandro Bonatti
- A Unified Approach to Second and Third Degree Price Discrimination, January 2024, with Tibor Heumann and Michael Wang (as extended abstract in ACM EC Conference Proceedings 2024)
- Cost Based Nonlinear Pricing, ACM EC Conference Proceedings 2023, with Tibor Heumann and Stephen Morris
- Managed Campaigns and Data-Augments Auctions for Digital Advertising, ACM EC Conference Proceedings 2023, with Alessandro Bonatti and Nick Wu
- Is Selling Complete Information (Approximately) Optimal? 2022, with Yang Cai, Grigoris Velegkas, and Mingfei Zhao, ACM EC Conference Proceedings 2022, 608-663
- Calibrated Click-Through Auctions, 2022. with Paul Duetting, Renato Paes Leme, and Song Zuo, ACM WWW Conference Proceedings 2022
- Optimal Information Disclosure in Auctions, 2022, American Economic Review: Insights, 4, 371-388, with Tibor Heumann, Stephen Morris, Constantine Sorokin, and Eyal Winter, Presentation Slides December 2021
- The Economics of Social Data, 2022, RAND Journal of Economics, 53, 263-296, with Alessandro Bonatti and Tan Gan, Presentation Slides February 2020
- Progressive Participation, Theoretical Economics, 2022, 17, 1007-1039, with Philipp Strack, Presentation Slides December 2019
- Counterfactuals with Latent Information, American Economic Review, 2022, 112, 343-368, with Ben Brooks and Stephen Morris, Online Appendix, Presentation Slides April 2021
- Third-Degree Price Discrimination versus Uniform Pricing , Games and Economic Behavior, 2022, 131, 275-291, with Francisco Castro and Gabriel Weintraub, Presentation Slides November 2020
- The Optimality of Upgrade Pricing, with Alessandro Bonatti, Andreas Haupt, and Alex Smolin, WINE 2021 – The 17th Conference on Web and Internet Economics
- Information Markets and Nonmarkets, Handbook of Industrial Organization, Volume 4, 2021, 593-672, with Marco Ottaviani
- Nonlinear Pricing with Finite Information , Games and Economic Behavior, 2021, 130, 62-84, with Edmund Yeh and Jinkun Zhang
- Search, Information and Prices, Journal of Political Economy, 2021, 129, 2275-2319, with Ben Brooks and Stephen Morris, Presentation Slides July 2020
- Information, Market Power and Price Volatility, RAND Journal of Economics, 2021, 52, 125-150, with Tibor Heumann and Stephen Morris
- Countering the Winner’s Curse: Optimal Auction Design in a Common Value Model, Theoretical Economics, 2020, 15, 1399-1434, with Ben Brooks and Stephen Morris, Presentation Slides April 2019
- The Scope of Sequential Screening with Ex-Post Participation Constraints, Journal of Economic Theory, 2020, 188, 1-62, with Francisco Castro and Gabriel Weintraub, Presentation Slides April 2019
- A Public Option for the Core, 2020, SIGCOMM Conference Proceedings, with Scott Shenker et al.
- Markets for Information: An Introduction, Annual Review of Economics, 2019, 11, 85-107, with Alessandro Bonatti
- Dynamic Mechanism Design: An Introduction, Journal of Economic Literature, 2019, 57, 235-274, with Juuso Valimaki
- Revenue Guarantee Equivalence, American Economic Review, 2019, 109, 1911-1929, with Ben Brooks and Stephen Morris
- Information Design: A Unified Perspective, Journal of Economic Literature, 2019, 57, 44-95, with Stephen Morris, Presentation Slides
- Should First-Price Auctions Be Transparent?, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2018, 10, 177-218, with Johannes Hoerner
- First-Price Auctions with General Information Structures: A Short Introduction, SIGEcom Exchanges, 2018, 27-37, with Ben Brooks and Stephen Morris
- The Design and Price of Information, American Economic Review, 2018, 108, 1-45, with Alessandro Bonatti and Alex Smolin
- Belief-Free Rationalizability and Informational Robustness, Games and Economic Behavior, 2017, 104, 744-759, with Stephen Morris
- Interdependent Preferences and Strategic Distinguishability, Journal of Economic Theory, 2017, 168, 329-371, with Stephen Morris and Satoru Takahashi
- First Price Auctions with General Information Structures: Implications for Bidding and Revenue, Econometrica, 2017, 85, 107-143, with Benjamin Brooks and Stephen Morris
- Information Design, Bayesian Persuasion, and Bayes Correlated Equilibrium, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 2016, 106, 586-591, with Stephen Morris
- “Bayes Correlated Equilibrium and the Comparison of Information Structures in Games”, Theoretical Economics, 2016, 11, 487-522, with Stephen Morris
- Introduction to Symposium on Dynamic Contracts and Mechanism Design, Journal of Economic Theory, 2015, 159, 679-701, with Alessandro Pavan
- Sequential Information Disclosure in Auctions“, Journal of Economic Theory, 2015, 159, 1074-1095, with Achim Wambach
- “Dynamic Revenue Maximization: A Continuous Time Approach”, Journal of Economic Theory, 2015, 159, 819-853, with Philipp Strack
- “Selling Cookies”, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2015, 7, 259-294, with Alessandro Bonatti
- ”Information and Volatility” Journal of Economic Theory, 2015, 158, 427–465, with Tibor Heumann and Stephen Morris
- The Limits of Price Discrimination, American Economic Review, 2015, 105, 921-957, with Benjamin Brooks and Stephen Morris
- “Robust Predictions in Games with Incomplete Information” , Econometrica, 2013, 81, 1251-1308, with Stephen Morris.
- “An Introduction to Robust Mechanism Design 2013, Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics, 8, 169-230, with Stephen Morris.
- Multi-dimensional Mechanism Design with Limited Information 2012, ACM-EC 2012, with Ji Shen, Yun Xu and Edmund Yeh.
- Efficient Auctions and Interdependent Types, 2012, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 102, 319-324, with Stephen Morris and Satoru Takahashi
- “Robust Monopoly Pricing”, 2011, Journal of Economic Theory, 146, 2527-2543, joint with Karl Schlag.
- “Mechanism Design with Limited Information: The Case of Nonlinear Pricing” 2011, 2nd International ICST Conference on Game Theory for Networks, Shanghai, joint with Ji Shen, Yun Xu and Edmund Yeh.
- “Targeting in Advertising Markets: Implications for Offline vs. Online Media”, 2011, RAND Journal of Economics, 42, 414-443, joint with Alessandro Bonatti.
- “Rationalizable Implementation”, Journal of Economic Theory, 2011, (with Stephen Morris and Olivier Tercieux).
- “Dynamic Auctions: A Survey“, 2011, Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, Volume 2, 1511-1522. (with Maher Said). [CFDP 1757R]
- “Robust Implementation in General Mechanisms” Games and Economic Behavior, (2011) 71: 261-281 (with Stephen Morris). [CFP 1316]
- “The Dynamic Pivot Mechanism” Econometrica, (2010) 78: 771-789 (with Juuso Välimäki). [CFP 1239]
- “Robust Virtual Implementation” Theoretical Economics, (2009) 4: 45-88 (with Stephen Morris). [CFP 1265]
- “Robust Implementation in Direct Mechanisms” Review of Economic Studies, (2009) 76: 1175-1206 (with Stephen Morris). [CFP 1281]
- “Information Acquisition in Interdependent Value Auctions” Journal of the European Economic Association (2009) 7: 61-89 (with Xianwen Shi and Juuso Välimäki) [CFP 1264]
- “Ex Post Implementation” Games and Economic Behavior (2008), 63: 527-566 (with Stephen Morris). [CFP 1226]
- “The Role of the Common Prior in Robust Implementation” Journal of the European Economic Association (April-May 2008), 6(2-3): 551-559 (with Stephen Morris) [CFP 1225]
- “Pricing without Priors” Journal of the European Economic Association (April-May 2008), 6(2-3): 560-569 (with Karl Schlag) [CFP 1224]
- “Information Structures in Optimal Auctions” Journal of Economic Theory, 2007, 137: 580-609 (with Martin Pesendorfer) [CFP 1218]
- “An Ascending Auction for Interdependent Values: Uniqueness and Robustness to Strategic Uncertainty,” American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 97(2): 125-130, May 2007 (with Stephen Morris) [CFP 1207]
- “Efficient Recommender Systems,” Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology and the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Enterprise Computing, and E-Services, 2006 (with Deran Ozmen)
- “Optimal Pricing with Recommender Systems” Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, Ann Arbor MI, 2006, pp. 43-51 (with Deran Ozmen) [CFP 1177]
- “Dynamic Pricing of New Experience Goods” Journal of Political Economy, 114(4): 713-743, 2006. (with Juuso Välimäki) [CFP 1175]
- “Bandit Problems” In Steven Durlauf and Larry Blume, eds., The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd ed. Macmillan Press, forthcoming, 2008 [CFDP 1555]
- “Information in Mechanism Design” In Richard Blundell, Whitney Newey and Torsten Persson, eds., Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of the Econometric Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming, 2006, pp. 186-221. (with Juuso Välimäki) [CFP 1208]
- “Dynamic Price Competition” Journal of Economic Theory, 126:232-263, 2006 (with Juuso Välimäki). [CFP 1174]
- “Flexibility as an Instrument in Digital Rights Management” 2005, Proceedings of Workshop on Economics of Information Security (WEIS), joint with Thomas Eisenbach, Joan Feigenbaum, and Scott Shenker. [CFDP 1505]
- “The Financing of Innovation_ Learning and Stopping” RAND Journal of Economics, 36(4): 719-752, Winter 2005 (with Ulrich Hege). [CFP 1176]
- “Robust Mechanism Design” Econometrica, 73(6): 1771-1813, November 2005 (with Stephen Morris).
- “Dynamic Common Agency” Journal of Economic Theory, 111, 2003 (with Juuso Välimäki). [CFP 1073]
- “The Value of Benchmarking” In J. McCahery and L. Renneboog (eds.), Venture Capital Contracting and the Valuation of High Tech Firms, Oxford University Press, 2002 (with Ulrich Hege).
- “Entry and Vertical Differentiation” Journal of Economic Theory, 106: 91-125, 2002 (with Juuso Välimäki). [CFP 1056]
- “Strategic Buyers and Privately Observed Prices” Journal of Economic Theory, 105: 469-482, 2002 (Juuso Välimäki). [CFP 1079]
- “Information Acquisition and Efficient Mechanism Design” Econometrica, 70: 1007-1034, 2002 (with Juuso Välimäki). [CFP 1038]
- “Stationary Multi Choice Bandit Problems” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 25: 1585-1594, 2001 (with Juuso Välimäki). [CFP 1022]
- “Experimentation in Markets” Review of Economic Studies, 67: 213-234, 2000 (with Juuso Välimäki).
- “Venture Capital Financing, Learning and Moral Hazard” Journal of Banking and Finance, 22: 703-735, 1998 (with Ulrich Hege).
- “Market Diffusion with Two-Sided Learning” RAND Journal of Economics, 28(4): 773-795, 1997 (with Juuso Välimäki).
- “Learning and Strategic Pricing” Econometrica, 64: 1125-1150, 1996 (with Juuso Välimäki).
- “Learning and Commitment in Incentive Contracts” In H. Albach, ed., Global Intellectual Property Rights. WZB Berlin 1994
Published Book
- Learning and Intertemporal Incentives, 2020, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, joint with Juuso Välimäki.
- Robust Mechanism Design: The Role of Private Information and Higher Order Beliefs, World Scientific, Singapore, 2012, with Stephen Morris