The Burnard and Gailey articles brought to my attention several aspects of digital editing and text encoding which I had not previously considered. I found Burnard’s focus on the hermeneutic aspects of text encoding extremely interesting, as well as his classification of texts as simultaneously being images, linguistic constructs, and information structures; all three of these dimensions have bearing on how we interact with texts as both producers and users of digital editions, and navigating their interplay poses a significant challenge. I also appreciated Gailey’s discussion of the rather contradictory meanings of “search” in use today (“to thoroughly explore everything, to scrutinize it, or to simply ask a computer whether something contains a piece of information, without ever looking at it at all,” 125-6), an Internet-related semantic shift that I had not previously considered. Her examples of significant observations made throughout the digitization process for the Whitman Archive (such as Andrew Jewell’s discovery that the glue stains on a UVA manuscript matched one at Dartmouth!) brought into focus the ways in which our close engagement with a given text throughout the encoding process––one that, by nature, involves “searching” in its older definition––can provide entirely unexpected insights.
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