Category: Homework (page 2 of 2)

Suggested Markup Elements


My suffrage begins with a miniature, which I believe should be indicated in our digital edition. I would tag this with a combination of div and desc in the following way:

<div type=”miniature”> <desc type=”miniature”> This miniature depicts… </desc> </div>

Content Markers

I would suggest that we include content markers for each suffrage’s title and subsections. I would use an individual div to encompass each suffrage, placing its title in the <head> tag (perhaps in combination with the <title> tag) and placing its constituent parts (versiculus, responsum, etc.) in subordinate divs: <div type=”versiculus”> (or =”V”), <div type=”responsum”> (or =”R”), etc. Based on the general format of the suffrages, I believe this should not cause div nesting problems.

Decorated Initials

I would suggest, in accordance with Handout 7-2, that we use <hi rend=”…”> for this purpose, in conjunction with a <desc type=”initial”> tag to offer more detail on the decoration in question.

Rubricated Words and Initials

I would suggest that we use the <hi rend=”red”> tag here (for both single letters and full suffrage titles).

Touched Initials

My suffrage also includes a number of “touched” initials with additional strokes in colors other than that of the primary text. I believe that the tag <hi rend=”touched”>, perhaps with further color specification (e.g., <hi rend=”touched-red”>), would suit this purpose well.

Homework Instructions (see Handout 7 for more detailed instructions)

Saturday night (10/19), you have three tasks to complete.  You may do these individually, or arrange with your partner to tackle them together.

  1. Make sure you have the digital image of our manuscript downloaded onto your computer/easily accessible.
  2. Look over the portion of the MS that you have been assigned.  Using the resources you have been given today, transcribe at least three lines of your portion of the manuscript.  Be methodical: work slowly and carefully!
  3. Look over the whole of the section of the manuscript you have been assigned.  Observe the elements that you want to include in your marked-up text. (Note: this is not a question about cataloging information – don’t worry about the support, dimensions, etc.  Just focus on the text/images that you want to include in your text markup.) Select at least five of the things you’d like to mark up in your section. Alongside each of your chosen features, include a suggestion of how we might tag them in TEI.  For some there will be one clear option, for others there might be a number of possibilities.

***As you compile the list, you will find it useful to browse the TEI site: to figure out how you might tag each element. 


We will discuss these tomorrow; you will be asked to defend your choices, and why they should become the standard for the whole manuscript.


Post your short list of potential tags on the class blog Remember to mark this post by selecting the category “Homework” before you post it so that it appears on this page!  Feel free to comment on other people’s suggestions.


We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

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