AUGUST, 2016
At Jacobin, Colin Gordon and Clarissa Rile Hayward connect the rise in for-profit policing in Ferguson, MO to state disinvestment and hyper-decentralization.
JULY, 2016
In her column for the Washington Post, Danielle Allen explores the effects of the War on Drugs in today’s context.
JUNE, 2016
Danielle Allen discusses the role of the United States in Brexit
MAY, 2016
In the New York Times, Imani Perry reviews Elizabeth Hinton‘s newly published book, “From the War on Poverty to the War on Crime.”
APRIL, 2016
Ben Justice breaks down the hidden curriculum of the criminal justice system in an adaptation of his March 31 address at the University of Florida.
In a NYT op-ed, Elizabeth Hinton and Vesla Weaver, along with Julilly Kohler-Hausmann, refute the claim that black leaders supported the 1994 crime bill and argue that this is just another case of selective hearing.
At Dissent, Colin Gordon discusses the history of Ferguson’s finances, after the city’s rejection of policing reforms.
Danielle Allen, a frequent contributor to the Washington Post, considers our “war” on drugs in contrast to our approach to reducing tobacco use.
Writing for the Washington Post about recent student and faculty protests on college campuses, Danielle Allen debunks the “free speech” argument (Read more of Allen’s most recent work at WP here, here, here and here.)
Bruce Western, writing with Vincent Schiraldi, discusses the need for expanding the age reach of family court, at The Atlantic.
At Salon and Jacobin, Joe Soss and Sanford Schram revisit the myth of the “welfare queen”
Bruce Western illuminates the mass incarceration of young black men in an animated interview with The Atlantic.
AUGUST, 2015
To mark the one-year anniversary of the killing of Michael Brown, members of Deconstructing Ferguson contribute to Balkinization, the blog of Yale Law School’s Jack Balkin.
Vesla Weaver in conversation with Emily Bazelon and James Foreman Jr. at Slate about Ferguson, Eric Garner, and Alice Goffman’s book On the Run
One year after Ferguson, at Dissent Magazine, Colin Gordon blogs about enduring, deeply rooted injustices that the St. Louis suburb embodies.
JULY, 2015
In response to the Charleston, SC shootings, Tom Sugrue writes on the less talked-about racism of the North, in the Washington Post.
JUNE, 2015
Writing for the New York Times’ “Room For Debate,” Tracey Meares discusses the so-called “Ferguson Effect.”
Tom Sugrue reviews Kristen Green’s Something Must Be Done About Prince Edward County at the NYT Book Review.
At The Marshall Project, Issa Kohler-Hausmann discusses the continuing problem of adult sentencing for juveniles in New York State
MAY, 2015
Michael Sierra-Arévalo on the Hartford shootings at the Current
APRIL, 2015
Vesla Weaver and Michael Sierra-Arévalo contribute to a forum on the Baltimore riots at The Conversation
Sierra-Arévalo, writing for The Conversation, on repairing the fractured relationship between the police and minority communities
Melissa Nobles, interviewed at MIT News, comments on current, mainstream debates on racial justice.
A frequent contributor at Dissent Magazine, Colin Gordon follows up related posts on racism, geography and inequality with this piece on American injustice and subsequent protest that predictably occurs along the Mason-Dixon line.
MARCH, 2015
In Time Magazine, Elizabeth Hinton discusses the legacy of the War on Crime, and its continued immediacy today.
Writing with Lydia Forman Naval at The Atlantic, Bruce Western explores potential public employment programs for newly released prisoners.
“Ferguson Won’t Change Anything. What Will?” In response to this forum prompt at the Boston Review, Tracey Meares and Ben Justice discuss the need for “narrative reform.”
Michael Sierra-Arévalo on fear, trust, the police and people of color, in the New Haven Register
On the podcast “philosophy bites,” Meira Levinson poses crucial questions about what we are trying to do when we educate children.
Vesla Weaver, writing with Amy Lerman on the importance of protests, at Slate
At Bloggingheads, Daria Roithmayr speaks with Glenn Loury about Reproducing Racism
Continuing her discussion of political fragmentation in Missouri, Clarissa Hayward contributes an op-ed on Ferguson at the Washington Post
At the New York Times, Devin Fergus discusses predatory corporate practices that have contributed to a crisis in debt and consumer credit.
Andrew Papachristos writes about the crime gap, at the Washington Post.
At the Washington Post, Devin Fergus writes about the political origins of massive student loan debt and exorbitant tuition that is disproportionately high for students of color.
AUGUST, 2014
Daria Roithmayr and Dahlia Lithwick write at Slate on the disparate references to constitutionality, with racist implications, in Ferguson
In an interview with NPR’s Robert Siegel, Colin Gordon talks about finding the ingredients for racial injustice and violence in the political geography of the St. Louis area.
At the New Republic, Tracey Meares focuses on injustice in Ferguson schools as an alternative to looking solely at policing in that city
Clarissa Hayward asks “Is Ferguson Anomalous?” over at the Washington Post
At Rolling Out, Devin Fergus writes on how language matters when we talk about rebellion in places like Ferguson, Missouri.
JULY, 2014
On the Diane Rehm show, Danielle Allen discusses her 2014 book, Our Declaration. See also this review of Allen’s book at the NYT Book Review.
MAY, 2014
At the Huffington Post, Manuel Pastor responds to a NYT piece about Latinos “turning white”
APRIL, 2014
Joe Soss writes on the racial biases of the welfare system, at Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity
Daria Roithmayr blogs for the Huffington Post about the Supreme Court’s opinion on affirmative action in Michigan
At Slate, Daria Roithmayr contests problematic conclusions about ethnic groups and success in Amy Chua and Jed Rubenfeld’s The Triple Package
Manuel Pastor discusses the contradictions of the Republican Party’s stance on immigration reform
Vesla Weaver, contributing to the NYT Opinionator with Michael Stanley, on the notion of a “racial democracy”
Also at the NYT, Melissa Nobles discusses her project of constructing an archive of racist homicides since Jim Crow.
Daria Roithmayr discusses the “locked-in” model of how racism is reproduced, in a piece for HuffPo