As Dissertation Committee Chair
At Yale
- Comfort Ahenkorah. The Morpho-syntax and Semantics of Number in Akan. (Co-chair: Jim Wood). Ongoing.
- Ushasi Banerjee. Making Reference with Bare Nouns: Perspectives from Three Northeast Indian Languages. Ongoing.
- Ka Fai Yip. Exclusive Doubling. Ongoing
At Rutgers
- Deepak Alok, Speaker and Addressee in Natural Language: Honorificity, Indexicality and their Interaction in Magahi. (Co-chair: Mark Baker). [pdf] 2020.
Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Delhi. - Yagmur Sag, The Semantics of Number Marking: Reference to Kinds, Counting and Optional Classifiers. [pdf] 2019. Lecturer, Harvard University.
- Jess H.-K. Law, Constraints on Distributivity. (Co-chair: Simon Charlow). [pdf] 2019. Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, UCSC.
- Yi-Hsun Chen, Superlative Modifiers. [pdf] 2018. Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese as Second Language, National Chengchi University, Taiwan.
- Diti Bhadra, Evidentiality and Questions: Bangla at the Interfaces. (Co-chair: Mark Baker). [pdf] 2017.
Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Minnesota. - Beibei Xu, Question Bias and Biased Question Words in Mandarin, German and Bangla. [pdf] 2017.
Associate Professor, College of Foreign Languages, Huazhong Agricultural University, China. - Mingming Liu, Varieties of Alternatives. [pdf] 2016.
Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Tsinghua University, China. - Vandana Bajaj, Scaling up Exclusive -hii (Co-chair: Kristen Syrett). [pdf] 2016.
Program Coordinator, Princeton Center for Language Study, Princeton University. - Matthew Barros, Sluicing and Identity in Ellipsis (Co-chair: Ken Safir). [pdf] 2014.
Senior Lecturer, Washington University. - Slavica Kochovska, Macedonian Direct Objects, Clitics and the Left Periphery. [pdf] 2010.
Adjunct Lecturer, University of Wollongong, Australia. - Liping Chen, ‘Dou’: Distributivity and Beyond. [pdf] 2008.
Professor, Linguistic/ Literary/Cultural Studies, Sichuan International University, China. - Heather Robinson, Unexpected (In)definiteness: Plural Generic Expressions in Romance. [pdf] 2005.
Professor, English, York College, CUNY. - Daphna Heller, Identity and Information: Semantic and Pragmatic Aspects of Specificational Sentences. [pdf] 2005.
Associate Professor, Linguistics, University of Toronto. - Bruce Hall, Natural Quantification in Optimality Theory. (co-chair: Alan Prince). 2004.
- Yoko Futagi, Japanese Focus Particles at the Syntax-Semantics Interface. [pdf] 2004.
Associate Research Scientist, ETS. - Rong Yang, Common Nouns, Classifiers and Quantification in Chinese. [pdf] 2001.
Senior Speech Architect, United Health Group. - Takeo Kurafuji, Pronouns in Dynamic Semantics: The Null-Overt Contrast in Japanese. [pdf] 1999.
Professor, Ritsumeikan University, Japan. - Christine Brisson, Distributivity, Maximalization and’Floating Quantifiers’. [pdf] 1998.
Senior IT Project Leader, School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania. - Yael Sharvit, The Syntax and Semantics of Functional Relative Clauses. 1997.
Professor, Linguistics, UCLA.
As Dissertation Committee Member
At Yale
- Catarina Soares. Ongoing.
- Ankana Saha. Ongoing. External Member, Harvard Dissertation.
- Daria Bikina. Ongoing. External Member, Harvard Dissertation.
- Muye Zhang. Linguistic Variation From Cognitive Variability: The Case of English ‘have’. 2021.
- Martin Fuchs. On the Synchrony and Diachrony of the Spanish Imperfective Domain: Contextual Modulation and Semantic Change. 2020.
- Luke Lindemann. A Jewel Inlaid: Ergativity and Markedness in Nepali. 2019.
At Rutgers
- Augustina Owusu. 2022.
- Morgan Moyer. 2020.
- Nagarajan Selvanathan. Inversion in Copular Clauses and its Consequences. 2016.
- Teresa Torres Bustamente, On the Syntax and Semantics of Mirativity: Evidence from Spanish and Albanian. 2013.
- Andreea Nicolae, Any Questions? Polarity as a Window into the Structure of Questions. External member – Harvard Thesis. 2013.
- Richa, Unaccusativity, Unergativity and the Causative Alternation in Hindi. External member – JNU Thesis. 2009.
- Jessica Rett, Degree Modification in Natural Language. 2008.
- Jinyoung Choi, Free Choice and Negative Polarity: A Compositional Analysis of Korean PSI. External member – UPenn Thesis. 2013.
- Tom Werner, Deducing the Future and Distinguishing the Past: Temporal Interpretation in Modal Sentences in English. 2003.
- Masaaki Fuji, The Syntax and Semantics of Concealed Causative Constructions in Japanese. 2003.
- Ivano Caponigro, Free Not to Ask: On the Semantics of Free Relatives and Wh-words Cross-linguistically. External member – UCLA Thesis. 2003.
- Ron Artstein, Parts of Words. 2002.
- Susanne Preuss, Isssues in the Semantics of Questions with Quantifiers. 2001.
- Strang Burton, Six Issues to Consider in Choosing a Husband: Possessive Relations in the Lexical Semantic Structures of Verbs. 1995.
- Miriam Butt, The Structure of Urdu Complex Predicates, External member – Stanford Thesis. 1993.