In progress
- “Bare Nominals, Definites, Demonstratives: What competes with What”.
- “The Sortability Hypothesis Cross-linguistically”, talk presented at Cornell University, January 30, 2025 [PDF].
- Jointly with Rajesh Bhatt: “Levels of Disjunction in Hindi-Urdu Questions”, Questions at the Interface FOR2111, University of Konstanz [PDF].
- “Navigating the interfaces at the interrogative left periphery”, Charles Fillmore Forum Lecture, LSA Summer Institute, University of Massachusetts, Amherst [PDF].
- “The Interrogative Left Periphery: How a Clause becomes a Question”, to appear in Linguistic Inquiry [PDF]. Updated version of “When does a clause become a question: on the fine structure of the interrogative left periphery”, talk presented at SALT XXX, August 20, 2020 [PDF].
- “On Chierchia’s ‘Reference to Kinds Across Languages'”, in Louise McNally and Zoltan Gendler Szabo (eds) A Reader’s Guide to Classic Papers in Formal Semantics, Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy 100, Springer.
- Jointly with Li Julie Jiang: “The puzzle of Anaphoric Bare Nouns in Mandarin: A Counterpoint to Index!” in Linguistic Inquiry [PDF]
- Jointly with Klaus Abels: “On the Syntax of Multiple Sluicing and What it Tells us about wh scope taking” in Linguistic Inquiry [PDF]
- Jointly with Michael Stern, Gita Martohardjonno, Ming Chen and Christen Madsen, “Definiteness and argument position in the interpretation of bare nouns: From L1 Mandarin to L2 English”, to appear in Slabakova and L. White (Eds.), Generative SLA in the age of minimalism: Features, interfaces, and beyond (selected proceedings of the 15th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition conference). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [PDF]
- Jointly with Rajesh Bhatt: “Polar Question Particles: Hindi-Urdu kya:” NLLT [PDF] Original version: “Polar-kyaa: Y/N or Speech Act Operator?”, presented at the Workshop on Non-Canonical Questions and Interface Issues, Hegne February 2014 [PDF]
- Jointly with Yagmur Sag: “Determiners and Bare Nouns“, Annual Review of Linguistics 6, 173-194. [PDF]
- “Singleton Indefinites and the Privacy Principle: Certain Puzzles” in D. Altshuler and J. Rett (eds) The Semantics of Focus, Plurals, Degrees and Times, Springer [PDF]
- “The Multiple Faces of Hindi-Urdu bhii”, talk given at SALA 35, October 2019 [PDF].
- “(In)definiteness without articles: Diagnosis, Analysis, Implications” in Sharma, G. and R. Bhatt (eds) Trends in Hindi Linguistics, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin. [PDF]
- “Does Hindi-Urdu have feature driven wh movement to Spec vP?” Linguistic Inquiry 48.1 159-172. [PDF]
- “Determining (In)definiteness in the Absence of Articles”, Proceedings of TripleA 3, pp. 85-99. [PDF]
- Jointly with Klaus Abels: “On the syntax of multiple sluicing”, Proceedings of NELS 47 [PDF]
- Jointly with Deepak Alok: “Scope Marking at the Syntax-Semantics Interface”, Oxford Research Encyclopedia [PDF]
- Questions, Oxford Surveys in Semantics and Pragmatics, OUP [OUP].
- “Multiple Wh Questions”, in M. Everaert and H. van Riemsdijk, Syntax Companion2nd Edition [PDF].
- “Incorporation: Morpho-Syntactic vs. Semantic Considerations”, in O. Borik and B. Gehrke (eds.) The Syntax and Semantics of Pseudo-Incorporation, Syntax and Semantics 40 [PDF]
- “Bangla Plural Classifiers”, Language and Linguistics, 15.1. [PDF]
- “A Viability Constraint on Alternatives for Free Choice”, in A. Falaus (ed) Alternatives in Semantics, Palgrave. [PDF]
- “On the Existential Force of Bare Plurals Across Languages”, in I. Caponigro and C. Cechetto From Grammar to Meaning: The Spontaneous Logicality of Language. [PDF]
- “The Syntax of Scope and Quantification”, den Dikken (ed), Cambridge Handbook of Generative Syntax. [PDF]
- “Bangla Classifiers: Mediating between Kinds and Objects”, Italian Journal of Linguistics 24.2 [PDF]
- “Hindi Pseudo-Incorporation”, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 29.1, 123-167. [PDF].
- “Bare Noun Phrases”, Maeinborn, von Heusinger and Portner (eds), Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning, 33.2 1087-1108. 2011. [PDF]
- Jointly with Roger Schwarzschild: “Definite Inner Antecedents and Wh-Correlates in Sluices”, in Starverov, Altshuler, Braver, Fasola and Murray (eds) Rutgers Working Papers in Linguistics.[PDF]
- Jointly with Jane Grimshaw: “Subordination at the Interface: A Quasi-subordination Hypothesis”, Rutgers Univ. Ms. [PDF]
- “Variation in English Free Choice Items”, in Mohanty and Menon (eds) Universals and Variation: Proceedings of GLOW in Asia VII. [PDF]
- “Semantic Variation and Pleonastic Determiners: The Case of the Plural Definite Generic”, in Khuong, Richa and Sinha (eds.) The Fifth Asian GLOW: Conference Proceedings, CIIL (Mysore) and FOSSSIL (New Delhi). [PDF]
- Jointly with Rajesh Bhatt: “Rightward Scrambling as Rightward Remnant Movement”, Linguistic Inquiry 38.2: 287-301. [PDF]
- “Multiple Wh Questions”, in M. Everaert and H. van Riemsdijk, Syntax Companion 3, Case #44, Blackwell Publishers [PDF].
- “Licensing by Modification”, in Ilha Do Desterro, special issue on Semantics: Lexicon, Grammar and Use. [PDF]
- ” The Universal Force of Free Choice Any”, Linguistic Variation Yearbook 4, 5-40 [PDF]
- “Number Marking and (In)definiteness in Kind Terms”, Linguistics and Philosophy 27.4, 393-450 [PDF]
- Clause Structure in South Asian Languages, Kluwer (Joint editor with Anoop Mahajan). [TOC] [INTRO]
- “Two Types of Universal Terms in Questions”(reprint of 1992 paper) in Gutiérrez‑Rexach (ed) Semantics: Critical Concepts, Routledge.[PDF]
- “Bare Nominals: Non-specific and Contrastive Readings under Scrambling”, in Simin Karimi (ed.) Word Order and Scrambling, Blackwell Publishers.[PDF]
- “Single-pair vs. Multiple-pair Answers: Wh in-situ and Scope”, Linguistic Inquiry. 33.3, 512-20. [PDF]
- “Scope Marking: Cross-linguistic Variation in Indirect Dependency”, in Lutz, Mueller and von Stechow (eds.) Wh-Scope Marking, John Benjamins. [PDF]
- “Bare NPs, Reference to Kinds, and Incorporation”. Proceedings of SALT IX. [PDF]
- “ANY as Inherently Modal.” Linguistics & Philosophy 21, 433-476. [PDF]
- “Free Relatives and Ever: Identity and Free Choice Readings.”Proceedings of SALT VII, pp. 99-116. [PDF]
- Locality in WH Quantification. Kluwer. [Chap1 : Problem of Locality] [Chap2 : Scope of Hindi Wh] [Chap3 : Scope Marking] [Chap4 : Semantics of Questions] [Chap5 : Correlatives] [Chap6 : Definiteness in Relativization] [Chap7 : Conclusion]
- “Quantification in Correlatives.” In Bach, Jelinek, Kratzer and Partee (eds.), Quantification in Natural Language, 179-205. Kluwer. [PDF].
- “Licensing any in non-negative, non-modal contexts.” Proceedings of SALT V, 72-93. [PDF]
- “Scope Marking as Indirect Wh Dependency”, in Natural Language Semantics 2.2, pp. 137-170. [PDF]
- “Binding facts in Hindi and the Scrambling phenomenon.” In Butt, King and Ramchand (eds.), Theoretical Perspectives on Word Order Issues in South Asian Languages, pp.237-261. [PDF]
- “The Singular-Plural Distinction in Hindi Generics”, Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory II: OSU Working Papers in Linguistics 40, pp. 39-58. [PDF]
- Wh Dependencies in Hindi and the Theory of Grammar, Ph.D. thesis, Cornell University. [PDF]
- “The Syntax and Semantics of Correlatives”, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 9.4, pp. 637-686. [PDF]
- “Subjacency Effects at LF: The Case of Hindi WH”, Linguistic Inquiry 22.4, pp. 762-769. [PDF]
- “Uniqueness and Bijection in Wh Constructions”, Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory I, Cornell Working Papers, pp. 231-250. [PDF]
- “(In)definiteness in the Absence of Articles: Evidence from Hindi and Indonesian”, Proceedings of West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. [PDF]