Doing Physics

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At Yale University...

Detection of a two-phonon mode in a cuprate superconductor via polarimetric resonant inelastic x-ray scattering

Published in Physical Review B on March 18, 2024.

Congratulations to Kirsty and co-authors!
Collaboration spanning Yale University, University of California San Diego, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Diamond, Brookhaven National Lab, North Carolina State University, Max Planck Institute – Stuttgart, and the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique in Canada.

In this work we report on the detection of a low-intensity Cu-L3 RIXS signal at 140 meV, twice the energy of the bond-stretching (BS) phonon mode, in the cuprate superconductor Bi-2212. Ultrahigh-resolution polarimetric RIXS measurements allow us to resolve the outgoing polarization of the signal and identify this feature as a two-phonon excitation. Often the first approach to resolve subtle RIXS signals is to improve energy resolution. However, decomposition of the scattering processes into different polarimetric channels has the practical effect of separating overlapping signals, making it an important tool in situations where energy resolution cannot be improved. We leveraged this capability, setting a new state-of-the-art standard for polarimetric soft x-ray RIXS measurements.


Interplay of spin and charge order in the electron-doped cuprates

Published in Physical Review B on November 21, 2023.

Congratulations to our collaborators at the University of Wuerzburg and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

In this work we study magnetic and charge order in electron-doped cuprates starting from a one-band Hubbard model with both on-site and nearest neighbor interactions. This theoretical approach reproduces various features observed by RIXS measurements of NCCO, including incommensurate charge order and paramagnon dispersions.


Electronic stripe patterns near the Fermi level of tetragonal Fe(Se,S)

Published in npj Quantum Materials on October 19, 2023.

In this work we provide an in-depth investigation of the electronic states of tetragonal FeSe0.81S0.19, using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM/S) measurements, supported by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and theoretical modeling. We find a strong stripe patterns for states near the Fermi level that break rotational symmetry and have different origin than the nematicity in orthorhombic samples.

‘Strange Metal’ sends quantum researchers in circles

Low-energy quasi-circular electron correlations with charge order wavelength in Bi-2212

Article published in Science Advances on July 19, 2023.

In this RIXS work we found evidence for low-energy dynamic charge order correlations along all the directions in the copper-oxide plane by tracking the evolution of the bond stretching phonon.

Also see announcement in Yale News: ‘Strange Metal’ sends quantum researchers in circles


Stabilization of three-dimensional charge order through interplanar orbital hybridization in Pr-YBaCuO.

Published in Nature Communications on October 19, 2022.

Congratulations to our collaboration team led by Alejandro Ruiz and Alex Frano at UCSD.

In this work we demonstrate that interplanar orbital engineering can be used to surgically control electronic phases in correlated oxides and other layered materials. Specifically in Pr-YBCO a highly correlated 3D charge order state can be stabilized with an out-of-plane correlation length of ~ 364 Å, the largest value for charge order in any cuprate.


A new step in the search for room-temperature superconductors

Enhanced charge density wave coherence in a light-quenched, high-temperature superconductor

Report published in Science on May 19, 2022.

Congratulations to our collaboration team led by Giacomo Coslovich at SLAC!

In this work we found that an infrared pulse can induces a nonthermal response of the charge density wave (CDW) in YBCO, showing a near doubling of the CDW correlation length, caused by the suppression of the superconducting state. The results are consistent with a model where superconductivity plays the dominant role in stabilizing CDW topological defects, such as discommensurations.

Also see announcements in the news: Yale News, SLAC, Science Daily, MirageNews, QMI-UBC, Phys.Org.


Large response of charge stripes to uniaxial stress in LNSCO

Letter published on April 9, 2021 in Physical Review Research. T.J. Boyle et al. Phys. Rev. Research 3, L022004 – Published 9 April 2021

Congratulations to Tim, Morgan and Alejandro and our collaboration team!
We report resonant x-ray scattering experiments on LNSCO-125 that reveal a significant response of charge stripes to uniaxial tensile stress of 0.1GPa. These effects include a reduction of the onset temperature of stripes by 50K, a 29-K reduction of the low-temperature orthorhombic-to-tetragonal transition, competition between charge order and superconductivity, and a preference for stripes to form along the direction of applied stress. Altogether, we observe a dramatic response of the electronic properties of LNSCO-125 to a modest amount of uniaxial stress.

Collaborating groups: da Silva Neto (Yale, Physics and Energy Sciences Institute), Blanco-Canosa (Donostia International Physics Center and IKERBASQUE), Alex Frano (UCSD), BESSY-II at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Canadian Light Source, Advanced Light Source, Max-Planck Institute and University of British Columbia (Quantum Matter Institute).

Rethinking the fundamental way electrons interact in quantum materials.

Article published on January 26, 2021 in Nature Communications.

Also see popular articles in the news: YaleNews, QMI-News, UCSD, OperaNews, NewsWise, ScienceSprings

In this work we found evidence for dynamic charge order correlations along all the directions in the copper-oxide plane.


Experiments reporting on the orbital symmetries of CDW order in YBCO  (November 2020)

The results of experiments led by David Hawthorn’s group at the University of Waterloo to uncover the orbital symmetries present in copper-oxide plane of YBCO was recently published in Science Advances.

SNOM Lab (October 2020)

Dr. Adrian Gozar leading experiments with the scanning near-field optical microscope (SNOM) with the help of Tim Boyle.

Multi-group Journal Club

Various lectures by students, postdocs and professors. A joint effort between our group, UCSD (Alex Frano) and UBC (Fabio Boschini) that started during the covid-19 stay-at-home orders.

At UC Davis...


STS experiments on FeSe (September 2019)

Experiments at CLS (September 2019)

We were the first external users to use the QMSC ARPES beam line. Ryan Day (UBC) and Morgan Walker in the photos.

qRIXS at ALS (August 2019)

I went to Berkeley and all I got was this data set! 🙂

Paper Published !!! (August 2019)

Study of topological states in Hf2Te2P.

Congratulations to Tim and our collaborators in Davis and Berkeley !

Temporary Helium Recovery System with a QD ATL80 (July 2019)

Thank you Peter Klavins, Physics Specialist!
Now we can do low temperature STS again 🙂

Experiments at BESSY II Synchrotron (May-August 2019)

Collaboration between UC Davis, UCSD (Alex Frano), CIC nanoGUNE (Santiago Blanco-Canosa) and BESSY II (Erinco Schierle and Christian Shussler-Langeheine).

NSF Career awarded for the study of intertwined orders in quantum materials.

See News Articles and Abstract:

Sloan Research Fellowship in Physics

Awarded to E. H. da Silva Neto, PI (February 2018).

See New Articles and Announcement:


Resonant X-ray Scattering Experiments at SLAC

Polarimetric RIXS on NCCO published as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review B

We exploited the high-resolution ERIXS spectrometer at the ID32 beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility to uncover the coupling between dynamic magnetic correlations and charge order in cuprates.

In this collaboration: UC Davis, Max Planck Institute FKF, University of Minnesota, Quantum Matter Institute (UBC), ESRF, CNRS, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology , HZB, AGH Poland.

Congratulation to Martin Bluschke and collaborators. (July 2018).

We discovered the 3D stabilization of charge order in YBCO thin films, a behavior similar to what happens in bulk crystals of YBCO in high magnetic fields.

In this collaboration: Max Planck Institute FKF, HZB, UC Davis, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego,  LBNL, IKERBASQUE, Donostia International Physics Center.

Alex Eisner’s last lecture (June 2018).

Experiments at qRIXS, Advanced Light Source (June 2018)

Atoms and QPI on Iron Superconductor (May 2018).

Time-resolved ARPES work lead by Fabio Boschini published! (April 2018)

Preparing equipment for CLS run (March 2018)

Unisoku STM Installation (Dec. 2017 – Feb. 2018)


Performing Resonant X-ray Scattering experiments at the Canadian Light Source (December 2017).

Ultrafast experiments with the free-electron laser at LCLS (November 2017).

Performing RIXS experiments at the ESRF (Sep. 2017).

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