Spring 2015 Schedule

January 27
Tariq Thachil, Yale University
Do Ethnic Differences Impede Class Solidarities in the City? An Ethnographic Vignette-Experiment in North India

February 3
Erik Wibbels, Duke University (co-hosted with the Leitner Political Economy Workshop)
Political Networks and Public Goods: Evidence from Slums in India

February 10
Milan Svolik, University of Illinois/Yale University
Deliver the Vote! Micromotives and Macrobehavior in Electoral Fraud

February 17
Margaret Levi, Stanford University
Spend and Tax: Why and When States Underprovide Public Goods

February 23
Melani Cammett, Harvard University (co-hosted with the Leitner Political Economy Workshop – date change)
Is there a faith-based governance advantage? Evidence from a pilot survey of primary health care facilities in Lebanon

February 24
Betsy Levy Paluck, Princeton University (co-hosted with the Leitner Political Economy Workshop)
Inciting Action Against Corruption in Nigeria

March 3
Susan Stokes, Yale University
Social Movements and Two Paradoxes of Repression

March 24
Jeremy Wallace, Ohio State University
The New Normal: Reform, Information, and China’s Anti-Corruption Crusade in Context

March 30
Bonnie Weir, University of Illinois/Yale University (co-hosted with the Program on Order, Conflict, and Violence – date change)
Demography, Geography, and the Dynamics of Insurgency

March 31
Ellen Lust, Yale University
We Don’t Need No Education: Resource Endowments and the Demand for Social Service Provision

April 7
Peter Swenson, Yale University
Business Interests and the Healthcare State: Obamacare in Historical and Comparative Perspective

April 14
Lily Tsai, MIT (co-hosted with the Leitner Political Economy Workshop)

April 21
Ana De La O, Yale University
The Effect of Federal and State Audits on Municipal Accountability: Evidence from Mexico

April 28
Dan Slater, University of Chicago
The Uneven Quality of Democracy through Strength