The workshop meets weekly on Tuesdays from 11:30 AM – 12:50 PM in Room 203, 34 Hillhouse Avenue (Luce Hall), unless otherwise noted.
September 8th
Gareth Nellis, Yale University:
Intra-Party Factionalism and Incumbency Spillovers in India
September 15th
Steven Rosenzweig, Yale University
Dangerous Disconnect: How Politicians’ Misperceptions About Voters Lead to Violence in Kenya
September 22nd
Pia Raffler, Yale University
Bureaucrats Versus Politicians: A Field Experiment on Political Oversight in Uganda
September 29th
Michael Weaver, Yale University (with the American Politics Workshop)
Publicity and the De-legitimation of Lynching
October 6th
Leonardo Arriola, University of California, Berkeley
Economic Rights and Women’s Policy Influence in Africa: Portfolio Allocation across Executive Cabinets
October 13th
Roger Petersen, MIT (with the Order, Conflict, and Violence Workshop)
A Social Science Guide to the Iraq Conflict
October 20th
Alisha Holland, Harvard University
Forbearance as Redistribution: The Politics of Enforcement Against Latin America’s Urban Poor
October 27th
Yue Hou, University of Pennsylvania
November 3rd
Erik Wibbels, Duke University (with the Leitner Political Economy Workshop)
Land Title, Slum Recognition and the Emergence of Property Rights: Evidence from 157 Slums in Bangalore
November 9th
Sarah Parkinson, University of Minnesota (with the Order, Conflict, and Violence Workshop; Location: Rosenkranz Hall 202)
Organizational Evolution and Repertoires of Violence in Lebanon’s Palestinian Camps, 1982-1988
November 10th
Alexander Lee, University of Rochester
Path Dependence in European Development: Medieval Politics, Conflict and State Building
November 17th
Rogers Brubaker, UCLA (with the Sociology Colloquium)
The Dolezal Affair: Race, Gender, and the Micropolitics of Identity
December 1st
Jason Brownlee, The University of Texas at Austin
Distinguishing Preference Falsifiers from Genuine Compliers under Authoritarianism (coauthored with Steven Brooke)
December 8th
Rafaela Dancygier, Princeton University
Religious Parity or Gender Parity? Political Parties and Muslim Inclusion in Europe