Posts in "New Scholarship Series" category / Page 2

[Scholarship] New Scholarship on Administrative Law & Regulation (49th installment)

New Books

Karen Lee, The Legitimacy and Responsiveness of Industry Rule-making (Hart Publishing, 2018) [Website]


Accountability & Decision-making Processes

Kate Glover Berger, Diagnosing Administrative Law: A Comment on Clyde River and Chippewas of the Thames First Nation (2018) [SSRN]

Ben Worthy, ‘Three Harmless Words’: New Labour and Freedom of Information (August 2018) [SSRN]


Judicial Review

Cass R. Sunstein, Chevron As Law (September 2018) [SSRN]

Cass R. Sunstein, Chevron Without Chevron (September 2018) [SSRN]

Will Bateman & Leighton McDonald, The Normative Structure of Australian Administrative Law (August 2018) [SSRN]

Wei Cui, Jie Cheng & Dominika Wiesner, Judicial Review of Government Actions in China (August 2018) [SSRN]

Caleb Nelson, ‘Standing’ and Remedial Rights in Administrative Law (August 2018) [SSRN]

Peter L. Strauss, A Softer, Simpler View of Chevron (August 2018) [SSRN]

Justin (Gus) Hurwitz, Chevron’s Political Domain: W(h)ither Step Three? (August 2018) [SSRN]

Maria Ponomarenko, Administrative Rationality Review (July 2018) [SSRN]


Executive Department

Richard J. Pierce, How Should the U.S. Public Law System React to President Trump? (August 2018) [SSRN]

Richard J. Pierce, Should the Court Change the Scope of the Removal Power? (August 2018) [SSRN]


Legislation/Statutory Interpretation

Andrew Edgar & Rayner Thwaites, Implementing Treaties in Domestic Law: Translation, Enforcement and Administrative Law (September 2018) [SSRN]

Nicholas Bryner, An Ecological Theory of Statutory Interpretation (August 2018) [SSRN]


Administrative Independence

Miriam Seifter, Understanding State Agency Independence (August 2018) [SSRN]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

Sean Farhang, Legislating for Litigation: Delegation, Public Policy, and Democracy (October 2018) [SSRN]

Elizabeth G. Porter & Kathryn A. Watts, Visual Rulemaking (September 2018) [SSRN]

Richard L. Revesz, Congress and the Executive: Challenging the Anti-Regulatory Narrative (September 2018) [SSRN]

Blake Emerson, The Claims of Official Reason: Administrative Guidance on Social Inclusion (September 2018) [SSRN]

Kate Glover Berger, The Constitution of the Administrative State (September 2018) [SSRN]

Rory Van Loo, Technology Regulation by Default: Platforms, Privacy, and the CFPB (August 2018) [SSRN]

Timothy D. Lytton, Technical Standards in Health & Safety Regulation: Risk Regimes, the New Administrative Law, and Food Safety Governance (August 2018) [SSRN]

Jennifer Nou & Edward Stiglitz, Regulatory Bundling (August 2018) [SSRN]


Public Administration

Marion Oswald, Algorithm-Assisted Decision-Making in the Public Sector: Framing the Issues Using Administrative Law Rules Governing Discretionary Power (August 2018) [SSRN]


The Public/Private Divide

Ashwini Vasanthakumar, Privatising Border Control, 38(3) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 411 (2018) [Oxford Academic]


Environmental Law & Regulation

Stephen M. Johnson, Indeconstructible: The Triumph of the Environmental ‘Administrative State’ (August 2018) [SSRN]


Financial Regulation

Steven L. Schwarcz, Systematic Regulation of Systemic Risk (September 2018) [SSRN]

Natasha Sarin, The Salience Theory of Consumer Financial Regulation (September 2018) [SSRN]

John Crawford, Resolution Triggers for Systemically Important Financial Institutions (September 2018) [SSRN]


Global Regulation/ Global Governance

Rishi Gulati, An International Administrative Procedural Law of Fair Trial: Reality or Rhetoric? (July 2018) [SSRN]

[Scholarship] New Scholarship on Administrative Law & Regulation (47th installment)

New Books

Anne Twomey, The Veiled Sceptre: Reserve Powers of Heads of State in Westminster Systems (Cambridge University Press, 2018) [Website]

Paul Tucker, Unelected Power: The Quest for Legitimacy in Central Banking and the Regulatory State (Princeton University Press, 2018) [Website]

Pauline Westerman, Outsourcing the Law: A Philosophical Perspective on Regulation (Edward Elgar, 2018) [Website]


Accountability & Decision-making Processes

Louis J. Virelli & Ellen S. Podgor, Secret Policies (May 2018) [SSRN]

Robert R. Kuehn, Addressing Bias in Administrative Environmental Decisions (May 2018) [SSRN]

Randy Beck, Promoting Executive Accountability Through Qui Tam Legislation (April 2018) [SSRN]


Judicial Review

The Hon Joseph T Robertson QC, Administrative Deference: The Canadian Doctrine That Continues to Disappoint (May 2018) [SSRN]

Amanda Sapienza, Judicial Review of Non-Statutory Executive Action: Australia and the United Kingdom Reunited? (April 2018) [SSRN]

Jason N. E. Varuhas, Administrative Law and Rights in the UK House of Lords and Supreme Court (April 2018) [SSRN]

Christopher J. Walker, Administrative Law Without Courts (April 2018) [SSRN]

David M. Driesen, Judicial Review of Executive Orders’ Rationality (April 2018) [SSRN]

Mark Seidenfeld, The Long Shadow of Judicial Review (April 2018) [SSRN]


Executive Department

Erik M. Jensen, The Foreign Emoluments Clause (May 2018) [SSRN]

Yan Campagnolo, The Political Legitimacy of Cabinet Secrecy (May 2018) [SSRN]

Mark Seidenfeld, A Process-Based Approach to Presidential Exit (April 2018) [SSRN]

Josh Blackman, Presidential Speech (April 2018) [SSRN]


Legislation/Statutory Interpretation

Adam Perry, Strained Interpretations (May 2018) [SSRN]

Abbe R. Gluck & Richard A. Posner, Statutory Interpretation on the Bench: A Survey of Forty-Two Judges on the Federal Courts of Appeals (May 2018) [SSRN]

Jarrod Shobe, Agency Legislative History (May 2018) [SSRN]

Anya Bernstein, Democratizing Interpretation (April 2018) [SSRN]



Justin Weinstein-Tull, State Bureaucratic Undermining (May 2018) [SSRN]

Huyen Pham & Van H. Pham, Subfederal Immigration Regulation and the Trump Effect (May 2018) [SSRN]


Administrative Independence

Peter Conti-Brown & David T. Zaring, The Foreign Affairs of the Federal Reserve (May 2018) [SSRN]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

Jude Browne, The Regulatory Gift: Politics, regulation and governance, in Regulation & Governance (May 2018) [Wiley Online]

Iris H-Y Chiu, An Institutional Theory of Corporate Regulation (May 2018) [SSRN]

Jerry Ellig, Why and How Independent Agencies Should Conduct Regulatory Impact Analysis (April 2018) [SSRN]

Anthony Niblett, Regulatory Reform in Ontario: Machine Learning and Regulation (April 2018) [SSRN]


Public Administration

Rory Van Loo, Regulatory Police (May 2018) [SSRN]

Tapas Kundu & Tore Nilssen, Delegation of Regulation (April 2018) [SSRN]

K. Sabeel Rahman, Reconstructing the Administrative State in an Era of Economic and Democratic Crisis (April 2018) [SSRN]


EU Administrative Law

Herwig C.H. Hofmann, Delegation, Discretion and the Duty of Care in the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (April 2018) [SSRN]


Comparative Administrative Law

Giacinto della Cananea, The ‘Common Core’ of Administrative Laws in Europe: A Research Agenda (May 2018) [SSRN]

[Scholarship] New Articles on Administrative Law & Regulation (45th installment)

Accountability & Decision-making Processes

Gillian E. Metzger & Kevin M. Stack, Internal Administrative Law (February 2018) [SSRN]

David Pozen, Transparency’s Ideological Drift (February 2018) [SSRN]


Judicial Review

Kent H. Barnett, Christina L. Boyd & Christopher J. Walker, Administrative Law’s Political Dynamics (March 2018) [SSRN]

F. Andrew Hessick, Remedial Chevron (March 2018) [SSRN]

Tara Leigh Grove, Government Standing and the Fallacy of Institutional Injury (March 2018) [SSRN]

Michael Kagan, Chevron’s Liberty Exception (February 2018) [SSRN]

Matthew J Dowd & Jonathan Stroud, Standing to Appeal at the Federal Circuit: Appellants, Appellees, and Intervenors (February 2018) [SSRN]


Executive Department

Matthew J. Steilen, How to Think Constitutionally About Prerogative: A Study of Early American Usage (March 2018) [SSRN]

Bijal Shah, Congress’s Agency Coordination (March 2018) [SSRN]

Daniel Walters, The Self-Delegation False Alarm: Analyzing Auer Deference’s Effect on Agency Rules (March 2018) [SSRN]

Jennifer Raso, Tranchemontagne and the Administration of Rights: Lessons from the Game of Jurisdiction (March 2018) [SSRN]

Kathryn E. Kovacs, Rules or Rulers? The Rise of the Unitary Executive (March 2018) [SSRN]

Daphna Renan, Presidential Norms and Article II (February 2018) [SSRN]

Christopher J. Walker & Melissa F. Wasserman, The New World of Agency Adjudication (March 2018) [SSRN]

Laurence Claus, The Divided Executive (February 2018) [SSRN]


Legislation/Statutory Interpretation

Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl, Statutory Interpretation and the Rest of the Iceberg: Divergences between the Lower Federal Courts and the Supreme Court (March 2018) [SSRN]

Amy Semet, An Empirical Examination of Agency Statutory Interpretation (March 2018) [SSRN]

Neomi Rao, Why Congress Matters: The Collective Congress in the Structural Constitution (March 2018) [SSRN]

Ellen P. Aprill & Daniel Jacob Hemel, The Tax Legislative Process: A Byrd’s Eye View (February 2018) [SSRN]


Administrative Independence

Alketa Peci & Osvaldo Cristian Rudloff Pulgar, Autonomous bureaucrats in independent bureaucracies? Loyalty perceptions within supreme audit institutions, in Public Management Review (February 2018) [Taylor & Francis Online]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

Richard L. Revesz, Regulation and Distribution (March 2018) [SSRN]

Robert L. Glicksman & David L. Markell, Unraveling the Administrative State: Mechanism Choice, Key Actors, and Regulatory Tools (February 2018) [SSRN]

Sarah E. Light, Regulatory Horcruxes (February 2018) [SSRN]

W. Kip Viscusi, Pricing Lives: International Guideposts for Safety (February 2018) [SSRN]

Emily Cauble, Exploiting Regulatory Inconsistencies (February 2018) [SSRN]


Public Administration

Alasdair S. Roberts, Strategies for Governing: The Foundation of Public Administration (February 2018) [SSRN]

Claudio M. Radaelli, Regulatory indicators in the European Union and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development: Performance assessment, organizational processes, and learning, in Public Policy and Administration (February 2018) [SAGE Journals]


The Public/Private Divide

Orr Karassin & Oren Perez, Shifting between Public and Private: The Reconfiguration of Global Environmental Regulation (February 2018) [SSRN]


Environmental Law & Regulation

Ceri Ailsa Warnock & Ole W. Pedersen, Environmental Adjudication: Mapping the Spectrum and Identifying the Fulcrum (February 2018) [SSRN]

Huiyu Zhao & Robert V. Percival, Comparative Environmental Governance in China and the United States: Federalism in an Era of Globalism (2017) [SSRN]

Robert V. Percival, Environmental Laws (2017) [SSRN]

[Scholarship] New Articles on Administrative Law & Regulation (43rd installment)

New Books

Colleen M. Flood, Lorne Sossin, Administrative Law in Context, 3rd Edition (Emond, 2017) [Website]

Miroslava Scholten & Michiel Luchtman (eds.), Law Enforcement by EU Authorities: Implications for Political and Judicial Accountability (Edward Elgar, 2017) [Website]


Accountability & Decision-making Processes

Cary Coglianese & Gabriel Scheffler, What Congress’s Repeal Efforts Can Teach Us About Regulatory Reform (November 2017) [SSRN]

Aaron Nielson, Optimal Ossification (November 2017) [SSRN]

Kent Roach, Ontario’s Bill 175 on Policing: Improved Accountability but Lagging Governance (November 2017) [SSRN]

Emily S. Bremer & Sharon Jacobs, Agency Innovation in Vermont Yankee’s White Space (November 2017) [SSRN]


Judicial Review

Kent H. Barnett & Christopher J. Walker, Chevron Step Two’s Domain (December 2017) [SSRN]

Edward Clark, Reasonably Unified: The Hidden Convergence of Standards of Review in the Wake of Baker (December 2017) [SSRN]

Michael B. Rappaport, Classical Liberal Administrative Law in a Progressive World (December 2017) [SSRN]

Adam Perry, Plan B: A Theory of Judicial Review (November 2017) [SSRN]

Jonathan H. Adler, Auer Evasions (November 2017) [SSRN]


Executive Department

Jill E. Family, Immigration Law Allies and Administrative Law Adversaries (December 2017) [SSRN]

Curtis A. Bradley & Jack Landman Goldsmith III, Presidential Control Over International Law (November 2017) [SSRN]


Administrative History

Sophia Z. Lee, From the History to the Theory of Administrative Constitutionalism (2017) [SSRN]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

Evan Fox-Decent, New Frontiers of Public Fiduciary Law (December 2017) [SSRN]

Paul P. Craig, Book Review: Comparative Administrative Law and Political Structure (December 2017) [SSRN]

Cass R. Sunstein, Lucia A. Reisch & Julius Rauber, A World-Wide Consensus on Nudging? Not Quite, But Almost (2017) [SSRN]

Bethany Davis Noll & Denise Grab, Deregulation: Process and Procedures That Govern Agency Decisionmaking in An Era of Rollbacks (November 2017) [SSRN]

Hannah Jacobs Wiseman, Regulatory Triage in a Volatile Political Era (November 2017) [SSRN]

Gregory Mitchell, Libertarian Nudges (November 2017) [SSRN]


Public Administration

Phil Weiser, Entrepreneurial Administration (November 2017) [SSRN]

Mila Sohoni, A Bureaucracy — If You Can Keep it (November 2017) [SSRN]


Environmental Law & Regulation

Nathalie J. Chalifour & Jessica Earle, Feeling the Heat: Climate Litigation Under the Charter’s Right to Life, Liberty and Security of the Person (November 2017) [SSRN]


Financial Regulation

Matthias Breuer, How Does Financial-Reporting Regulation Affect Market-Wide Resource Allocation? (November 2017) [SSRN]

[Scholarship] New Articles on Administrative Law & Regulation (42nd installment)

New Books

Athanasios Psygkas, From the “Democratic Deficit” to a “Democratic Surplus”: Constructing Administrative Democracy in Europe (Oxford University Press, 2017) [Website]

Maria Weimer & Anniek de Ruijter (eds.), Regulating Risks in the European Union: The Co-production of Expert and Executive Power (Hart, 2017) [Website]


Accountability & Decision-making Processes

Janina Boughey & Greg Weeks, Government Accountability As a ‘Constitutional Value’ (October 2017) [SSRN]


Judicial Review

Richard W. Murphy, Abandon Chevron and Modernize Stare Decisis for the Administrative State (November 2017) [SSRN]

Cary Coglianese, Chevron’s Interstitial Steps (October 2017) [SSRN]

Cass R. Sunstein & Adrian Vermeule, The Morality of Administrative Law (October 2017) [SSRN]

Ronald M. Levin, Making Sense of Issue Exhaustion in Rulemaking (October 2017) [SSRN]

Yan Campagnolo, A Rational Approach to Cabinet Immunity Under the Common Law (October 2017) [SSRN]

Lorne Sossin, The Complexity of Coherence: Justice Lebel’s Administrative Law (2017) [SSRN]


Executive Department

Curtis A. Bradley, Exiting Congressional-Executive Agreements (October 2017) [SSRN]

David L. Noll, Deregulating Arbitration (October 2017) [SSRN]

Cary Coglianese, The Emptiness of Decisional Limits: Reconceiving Presidential Control of the Administrative State (2017) [SSRN]


Legislation/Statutory Interpretation

John Mark Keyes & Carol Diamond, Constitutional Inconsistency in Legislation—Interpretation and the Ambiguous Role of Ambiguity (October 2017) [SSRN]

Christopher J. Walker, Restoring Congress’s Role in the Modern Administrative State (October 2017) [SSRN]


Administrative History

Gillian E. Metzger, 1930s Redux: The Administrative State Under Siege, 131 Harv. L. Rev. 1 (2017) [Harvard Law Review]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

Adam M. Dodek & Emily Alderson, Risk Regulation for the Legal Profession (September 2017) [SSRN]

Robert L. Rabin, Pathways to Auto Safety: Assessing the Role of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (2017) [SSRN]


Public Administration

Daniel E. Ho & Sam David Sherman, Managing Street-Level Arbitrariness: The Evidence Base for Public Sector Quality Improvement (October 2017) [SSRN]

Giacomo Manetti, Marco Bellucci & Luca Bagnoli, Stakeholder Engagement and Public Information Through Social Media: A Study of Canadian and American Public Transportation Agencies, 47(8) American Review of Public Administration, pp. 991-1009 [SAGE journals]

Benjamin Y. Clark &Tatyana S. Guzman, Does Technologically Enabled Citizen Participation Lead to Budget Adjustments? An Investigation of Boston, MA, and San Francisco, CA, 47(8) American Review of Public Administration, pp. 945 – 961 [SAGE journals]

Jurgita Šiugždinienė, Eglė Gaulė & Rimantas Rauleckas, In search of smart public governance: the case of Lithuania, International Review of Administrative Sciences (October 2017) [SAGE journals]

Dan Moore, Engagement with Human Rights by Administrative Decision-Makers: Building a More Grassroots Human Rights Culture (October 2017) [SSRN]


Environmental Law & Regulation

Elizabeth Glass Geltman, Environmental Health Regulation in the Trump Era: How President Trump’s 2-for-1 Regulatory Plan Impacts Environmental Regulation (November 2017) [SSRN]

Elizabeth Glass Geltman, The New Anti-Federalism: Late Term Obama Environmental Regulations and the Rise of Trump (October 2017) [SSRN]

Daniel A. Farber & Cinnamon Piñon Carlarne, Climate Change Law (October 2017) [SSRN]


Financial Regulation

Hilary J. Allen, A US Regulatory Sandbox? (October 2017) [SSRN]

Anil K. Kashyap, Dimitrios P. Tsomocos & Alexandros Vardoulakis, Optimal Bank Regulation in the Presence of Credit and Run Risk (October 2017) [SSRN]


EU Administrative Law

Peter L. Lindseth, Reflections on the ‘Administrative, Not Constitutional’ Character of EU Law in Times of Crisis (October 2017) [SSRN]


[Scholarship] New Articles on Administrative Law & Regulation (41st installment)

New Books

Stefan E. Weishaar, Niels Philipsen & Wenming Xu (eds.), Regulatory Reform in China and the EU: A Law and Economics Perspective (Edward Elgar, 2017) [Website]

Oliver James, Sebastian R. Jilke & Gregg G. Van Ryzin (eds.), Experiments in Public Management Research: Challenges and Contributions (Cambridge University Press, 2017) [Website]


Accountability & Decision-making Processes

Seth F. Kreimer, The Ecology of Transparency Reloaded (September 2017) [SSRN]

Amy Baker Benjamin, The Many Faces of Secrecy (September 2017) [SSRN]

Yseult Marique & Emmanuel Slautsky, Freedom of Information in France – Law and Practice (September 2017) [SSRN]

Margaret B. Kwoka, First-Person FOIA (September 2017) [SSRN]

Emily S. Bremer, Designing the Decider (September 2017) [SSRN]

Athanasios Psygkas, From the ‘Democratic Deficit’ to a ‘Democratic Surplus’: Constructing Administrative Democracy in Europe (September 2017) [SSRN]


Judicial Review

Evan Fox-Decent & Alexander Pless, The Charter and Administrative Law Part I: Procedural Fairness (September 2017) [SSRN]

Evan Fox-Decent & Alexander Pless, The Charter and Administrative Law Part II: Substantive Review (September 2017) [SSRN]

Aileen McHarg, Administrative Discretion, Administrative Rule-Making and Judicial Review (September 2017) [SSRN]

David E. Adelman & Robert L. Glicksman, Presidential Politics and Judicial Review (September 2017) [SSRN]

Christopher J. Walker, Attacking Auer and Chevron Deference: A Literature Review (September 2017) [SSRN]


Executive Department

Eric E. Johnson, Agencies and Science-Experiment Risk (2017) [SSRN]


Legislation/Statutory Interpretation

Sande Buhai, Statutory Damages (September 2017) [SSRN]


Administrative Independence

Cary Coglianese, Improving Regulatory Analysis at Independent Agencies (September 2017) [SSRN]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

Hanoch Dagan & Roy Kreitner, The Bureaucrats of Private Law (September 2017) [SSRN]

Cass R. Sunstein, Misconceptions About Nudges (September 2017) [SSRN]

Jaye Ellis, The Role of Translation in Transnational Governance (2017) [SSRN]

Eyal Zamir & Doron Teichman, Behavioral Law and Economics: Administrative, Constitutional, and International Law (September 2017) [SSRN]


Public Administration

Gianluca Sgueo, Gamification, Participatory Democracy and Engaged Public(S) (September 2017) [SSRN]

Robert F. Durant & David H. Rosenbloom, The Hollowing of American Public Administration, 47(7) The American Review of Public Administration 719 (2017) [SAGE Journals]

Joe Tomlinson, A Primer on the Digitisation of Administrative Tribunals (September 2017) [SSRN]


The Public/Private Divide

Evan J. Criddle & Evan Fox-Decent, Guardians of Legal Order: The Dual Commissions of Public Fiduciaries (September 2017) [SSRN]


Environmental Law & Regulation

Robert Fischman & Lydia Barbash-Riley, Empirical Environmental Law Scholarship (2017) [SSRN]


Financial Regulation

Iris H-Y Chiu, A Rational Regulatory Strategy for Governing Financial Innovation (September 2017) [SSRN]

Hossein Nabilou & André Prüm, Shadow Banking in Europe: Idiosyncrasies and Their Implications for Financial Regulation (September 2017) [SSRN]


Global Regulation/ Global Governance

Carsten Herrmann-Pillath, Deliberative Trade Policy: Rethinking Global Governance of International Trade (September 2017) [SSRN]


[Scholarship] New Articles on Administrative Law & Regulation (40th installment)

New Books

Susan Rose-Ackerman, Peter L. Lindseth, & Blake Emerson (eds.), Comparative Administrative Law, 2nd Edition (Edward Elgar, 2017) [Website]

Herwig C.H. Hofmann & Jacques Ziller (eds.), Accountability in the EU: The Role of the European Ombudsman (Edward Elgar, 2017) [Website]


Accountability & Decision-making Processes

Chad G. Marzen, Public Records Denials (August 2017) [SSRN]


Judicial Review

Kristin E. Hickman & Nicholas R. Bednar, Chevron’s Inevitability (September 2017) [SSRN]

James D. Ridgway & David S. Ames, Misunderstanding Chenery and the Problem of Reasons-or-Bases Review (August 2017) [SSRN]

Jonathan M. Coady, The Time Has Come: Standard of Review in Canadian Administrative Law (August 2017) [SSRN]

John C. Eastman, The President’s Pen and the Bureaucrat’s Fiefdom (July 2017) [SSRN]

Urja Mittal, Litigation Rulemaking (June 2017) [SSRN]


Executive Department

Jerry Louis Mashaw & David Berke, Presidential Administration in a Regime of Separated Powers: An Analysis of Recent American Experience (August 2017) [SSRN]

Joel P. Trachtman, Terminating Trade Agreements: The Presidential Dormant Commerce Clause versus a Constitutional Gloss Half Empty (August 2017) [SSRN]

Daniel A. Farber, Presidential Administration Under Trump (August 2017) [SSRN]

Todd F. Gaziano & John Yoo, Presidential Authority to Revoke or Reduce National Monument Designations (August 2017) [SSRN]

James F. Blumstein, Regulatory Review by the Executive Office of the President: An Overview and Policy Analysis of Current Issues (August 2017) [SSRN]

Jean Galbraith, Making Treaty Implementation More Like Statutory Implementation (July 2017) [SSRN]


Legislation/Statutory Interpretation

Abbe R. Gluck, Congress, Statutory Interpretation, and the Failure of Formalism: The CBO Canon and Other Ways that Courts Can Improve on What They are Already Trying to Do (July 2017) [SSRN]


Administrative Independence

Deirdre Curtin, ‘Accountable Independence’ of the European Central Bank: Seeing the Logics of Transparency, 23 European Law Journal 28 (2017) [Ingenta Connect]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

Cary Coglianese, The Limits of Performance-Based Regulation (August 2017) [SSRN]

Robert W. Hahn & Andrea Renda, Understanding Regulatory Innovation: The Political Economy of Removing Old Regulations Before Adding New Ones (August 2017) [SSRN]

Robert Knowles, Warfare As Regulation (August 2017) [SSRN]

Michèle Finck, Blockchain Regulation (August 2017) [SSRN]


Public Administration

Miriam Seifter, Further from the People? The Puzzle of State Administration (August 2017) [SSRN]

Stephen Daly, Oversight of HMRC Soft Law: Lessons from the Ombudsman (July 2017) [SSRN]


The Public/Private Divide

William J. Moon, Contracting Out of Public Law (August 2017) [SSRN]


Environmental Law & Regulation

Alastair Neil Craik, Environmental Assessment: A Comparative Legal Analysis (August 2017) [SSRN]


Financial Regulation

Dirk A. Zetzsche, Ross P. Buckley, Douglas W. Arner & Janos Nathan Barberis, Regulating a Revolution: From Regulatory Sandboxes to Smart Regulation (August 2017) [SSRN]

Howell E. Jackson & Jeffery Y. Zhang, Private and Public Enforcement of Securities Regulation (2017) [SSRN]

Scott E. Harrington, Systemic Risk and Regulation: The Misguided Case of Insurance SIFIs (July 2017) [SSRN]


EU Administrative Law

Merijn Chamon & Valerie Demedts, Constitutional Limits to the EU Agencies’ External Relations (September 2017) [SSRN]

Julian Nowag & Xavier Groussot, From Better Regulation to Better Adjudication? Impact Assessment and the Court of Justice’s Review (August 2017) [SSRN]

Albert Sanchez-Graells, Against the Grain? – Member State Interests and EU Procurement Law (August 2017) [SSRN]


Global Regulation/ Global Governance

Gianluca Sgueo, Converging Methods of Governance at the Supranational Level. The Role of Civil Society Coalitions (July 2017) [SSRN]

[Scholarship] New Articles on Administrative Law & Regulation (39th installment)

Accountability & Decision-making Processes

Ronald A. Cass, Due Process and Delegation: ‘Due Substance’ and Undone Process in the Administrative State (June 2017) [SSRN]

Karen McCullagh, Information Access Rights in FOIA and FOISA – Fit for Purpose? (June 2017) [SSRN]

Wei Wu, Liang Ma, Wenxuan Yu, Government Transparency and Perceived Social Equity: Assessing the Moderating Effect of Citizen Trust in China, 49 (6) Administration & Society (January 2017) [SAGE journals]


Judicial Review

Kent H. Barnett, Christina L. Boyd & Christopher J. Walker, Gaming the Chevron Doctrine? (June 2017) [SSRN]

William S. Dodge, Chevron Deference and Extraterritorial Regulation (June 2017) [SSRN]

Zachary D. Clopton, Justiciability, Federalism, and the Administrative State (June 2017) [SSRN]

Kristin E. Hickman, Administrative Law’s Growing Influence on U.S. Tax Administration (June 2017) [SSRN]

Ilan Wurman, As-Applied Nondelegation (June 2017) [SSRN]

Evan D. Bernick, Is Judicial Deference to Agency Fact-Finding Unlawful? (May 2017) [SSRN]


Executive Department

Daphna Renan, The Law Presidents Make (July 2017) [SSRN]

Mila Sohoni, On Dollars and Deference: Agencies, Spending, and Economic Rights (June 2017) [SSRN]

Jennifer L. Mascott, Constitutionally Conforming Agency Adjudication (June 2017) [SSRN]

Bijal Shah, Interagency Transfers of Adjudication Authority (June 2017) [SSRN]

Zachary S. Price, Funding Restrictions and Separation of Powers (June 2017) [SSRN]

Cass R. Sunstein, The American Nondelegation Doctrine (May 2017) [SSRN]


Legislation/Statutory Interpretation

Samuel Estreicher & David L. Noll, Legislation and the Regulatory State (Carolina Academic Press, 2d ed. 2017) (June 2017) [SSRN]


Administrative Independence

Patrick Corrigan & Richard L. Revesz, The Genesis of Independent Agencies (July 2017) [SSRN]

Juliana Bonacorsi Palma & Bruno M. Salama, Agencies Without the Rooseveltian State: Legal Regime of Regulatory Agencies in Brazil (May 2017) [SSRN]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

Scott Baker & Lewis A. Kornhauser, Delegation Without Commitment: Soft Authority, Red Flags and the Reputational Motivations of Civil Servants (July 2017) [SSRN]


Public Administration

Melissa Mortazavi, Rulemaking Ex Machina (June 2017) [SSRN]

Evan Fox-Decent, Challenges to Public Fiduciary Theory: An Assessment (June 2017) [SSRN]


Financial Regulation

Gabriel Glöckler, Johannes Lindner & Marion Salines, Explaining the sudden creation of a banking supervisor for the euro area, 24 (8) Journal of European Public Policy 1135 (2017) [Taylor & Francis Online]

Joanna Diane Caytas, Regulatory Issues and Challenges Presented by Virtual Currencies (June 2017) [SSRN]


EU Administrative Law

Adriana Bunea & Raimondas Ibenskas, Unveiling patterns of contestation over Better Regulation reforms in the European Union, Public Administration 2017;0:1–16 [Wiley Online]

Christopher A. Cooksey, Juliette Henaff, Lionel Simonet, Alberto Alemanno & Paige Morrow, The Open Government Partnership Beyond the Nation State: The Case of the European Union (June 2017) [SSRN]

Peter L. Lindseth, The Metabolic Constitution: Legitimate Compulsory Mobilization and the Limits of EU Legal Pluralism (June 2017) [SSRN]

Bernardo Rangoni, Regulation after Agencification: Hierarchy and Uncertainty in the Case of Energy (May 2017) [SSRN]

[Scholarship] New Articles on Administrative Law & Regulation (38th installment)

Accountability & Decision-making Processes

Christopher J. Walker, Modernizing the Administrative Procedure Act (May 2017) [SSRN]

Edward Stiglitz, Delegating for Trust (April 2017) [SSRN]

Aaron Nielson, Sticky Regulations (April 2017) [SSRN]


Judicial Review

Reeve T. Bull & Jerry Ellig, Judicial Review of Regulatory Impact Analysis: Why Not the Best? (April 2017) [SSRN]

Ronald M. Levin, Rulemaking and the Guidance Exemption (April 2017) [SSRN]


Executive Department

Bijal Shah, Toward an Intra-Agency Separation of Powers (May 2017) [SSRN]

David A. Wirth, Executive Agreements Relying on Implied Statutory Authority: A Response to Bodansky and Spiro (May 2017) [SSRN]

Patricia L. Bellia, Faithful Execution and Enforcement Discretion (April 2017) [SSRN]

Bérénice Boutin, Administrative Measures in Counter-Terrorism and the Protection of Human Rights (April 2017) [SSRN]

Daphna Renan, The Law Presidents Make (April 2017) [SSRN]


Legislation/Statutory Interpretation

Frank H. Easterbrook, The Absence of Method in Statutory Interpretation, 84 U. Chi. L. Rev. 81 (2017) [Website]

Abbe R. Gluck, Congress, Statutory Interpretation, and the Failure of Formalism: The CBO Canon and Other Ways That Courts Can Improve on What They Are Already Trying to Do, 84 U. Chi. L. Rev. 177 (2017) [Website]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

Wendy E. Wagner, William F. West, Thomas Owen McGarity & Lisa Peters, Dynamic Rulemaking (May 2017) [SSRN]

Richard J. Pierce Jr., The Regulatory Budget Debate (April 2017) [SSRN]

Matthew C. Turk, Regulation by Settlement (April 2017) [SSRN]

Sarah E. Light, Advisory Nonpreemption (April 2017) [SSRN]

Jessika van der Sluijs, Regulatory Impact Assessment – The Swedish Example (April 2017) [SSRN]

Delcianna Winders, Administrative License Renewal and Due Process — A Case Study (April 2017) [SSRN]

Emily S. Bremer, The Agency Declaratory Judgment (April 2017) [SSRN]


Environmental Law & Regulation

Alex Wang, Explaining Environmental Information Disclosure in China (April 2017) [SSRN]


Financial Regulation

John Crawford, Lesson Unlearned?: Regulatory Reform and Financial Stability in the Trump Administration (April 2017) [SSRN]

Lauren E. Willis, The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Quest for Consumer Comprehension (April 2017) [SSRN]

Colleen Baker, Christine Cumming & Julapa Jagtiani, The Impacts of Financial Regulations: Solvency and Liquidity in the Post-Crisis Period (April 2017) [SSRN]

Anita K. Krug, The Other Securities Regulator: A Case Study in Regulatory Damage (April 2017) [SSRN]


Global Regulation/ Global Governance

Peter L. Lindseth, Technology, Democracy, and Institutional Change (May 2017) [SSRN]


[Scholarship] New Articles on Administrative Law & Regulation (37th installment)

Accountability & Decision-making Processes

Brian D. Feinstein, Congress in the Administrative State (April 2017) [SSRN]

Margaret B. Kwoka, Inside FOIA, Inc. (April 2017) [SSRN]

Adam Candeub, Tyranny and Administrative Law (March 2017) [SSRN]

Robert R. Gasaway & Ashley C. Parrish, Administrative Law in Flux: An Opportunity for Constitutional Reassessment (March 2017) [SSRN]

Andrew Edgar, Administrative Regulation-Making: Contrasting Parliamentary and Deliberative Legitimacy (February 2017) [SSRN]


Judicial Review

Paul Daly, The Court and Administrative Law: Models of Rights Protection (April 2017) [SSRN]

Jake William Rylatt & Joe Tomlinson, Something New in Substantive Review: Keyu v Secretary of State for the Home Department (March 2017) [SSRN]


Executive Department

Tom Campbell, Executive Action and Nonaction (April 2017) [SSRN]

Sharon Jacobs, Administrative Dissents (April 2017) [SSRN]

David L. Markell, Agency Motivations in Exercising Discretion (March 2017) [SSRN]

Miriam Seifter, Gubernatorial Administration (March 2017) [SSRN]

Steven Davidoff Solomon & David T. Zaring, The Dealmaking State: Executive Power in the Trump Administration (February 2017) [SSRN]

Jessica Bulman-Pozen & Gillian E. Metzger, The President and the States: Patterns of Contestation and Collaboration Under Obama (December 2016) [SSRN]


Legislation/Statutory Interpretation

Ethan J. Leib & James J. Brudney, Legislative Underwrites (March 2017) [SSRN]

Anya Bernstein, Before Interpretation (March 2017) [SSRN]

Thomas R. Lee and Stephen C. Mouritsen, Judging Ordinary Meaning (March 2017) [SSRN]


Administrative History

Moshe Cohen-Eliya & Iddo Porat, The Administrative Origins of Constitutional Rights and Global Constitutionalism (April 2017) [SSRN]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

Edward Stiglitz, Cost-Benefit Analysis and Public Sector Trust (April 2017) [SSRN]

James W. Coleman, Policymaking by Proposal: How Agencies Are Transforming Industry Investment Long before Rules Can Be Tested in Court (April 2017) [SSRN]

Jim Rossi, Carbon Taxation by Regulation (March 2017) [SSRN]

Cary Coglianese & David Lehr, Regulating by Robot: Administrative Decision Making in the Machine-Learning Era (March 2017) [SSRN]

Lukas van den Berge, The Relational Turn in Dutch Administrative Law (March 2017) [SSRN]

Aziz Z. Huq & Genevieve Lakier, The Triumph of Fault in Public Law (March 2017) [SSRN]

Brian D. Galle, What’s in a Nudge? (February 2017) [SSRN]


Public Administration

Paul MacMahon, Soft Adjudication (April 2017) [SSRN]

Robert Thomas & Joe Tomlinson, Current Issues in Administrative Justice: Examining Administrative Review, Better Initial Decisions, and Tribunal Reform (March 2017) [SSRN]

David B. Spence, The Effects of Partisan Polarization on the Bureaucracy (March 2017) [SSRN]

Aziz Z. Huq, Constitutionalism, Legitimacy, and Public Order: A South African Case Study (March 2017) [SSRN]


The Public/Private Divide

Emily S. Bremer, Private Complements to Public Governance (February 2017) [SSRN]


Financial Regulation

Greg Buchak, Gregor Matvos, Tomasz Piskorski & Amit Seru, Fintech, Regulatory Arbitrage, and the Rise of Shadow Banks (March 2017) [SSRN]

Daniel Aobdia & Nemit Shroff, Regulatory Oversight and Auditor Market Share (March 2017) [SSRN]

Urska Velikonja, Are SEC’s Administrative Law Judges Biased? An Empirical Investigation (February 2017) [SSRN]


EU Administrative Law

Francis Snyder, Better Regulation in EU Law: Variations on a Theme (March 2017) [SSRN]


Global Regulation/ Global Governance

Alexia Brunet Marks, The Right to Regulate (Cooperatively) [March 2017] [SSRN]

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