New Books
Karen Lee, The Legitimacy and Responsiveness of Industry Rule-making (Hart Publishing, 2018) [Website]
Accountability & Decision-making Processes
Kate Glover Berger, Diagnosing Administrative Law: A Comment on Clyde River and Chippewas of the Thames First Nation (2018) [SSRN]
Ben Worthy, ‘Three Harmless Words’: New Labour and Freedom of Information (August 2018) [SSRN]
Judicial Review
Cass R. Sunstein, Chevron As Law (September 2018) [SSRN]
Cass R. Sunstein, Chevron Without Chevron (September 2018) [SSRN]
Will Bateman & Leighton McDonald, The Normative Structure of Australian Administrative Law (August 2018) [SSRN]
Wei Cui, Jie Cheng & Dominika Wiesner, Judicial Review of Government Actions in China (August 2018) [SSRN]
Caleb Nelson, ‘Standing’ and Remedial Rights in Administrative Law (August 2018) [SSRN]
Peter L. Strauss, A Softer, Simpler View of Chevron (August 2018) [SSRN]
Justin (Gus) Hurwitz, Chevron’s Political Domain: W(h)ither Step Three? (August 2018) [SSRN]
Maria Ponomarenko, Administrative Rationality Review (July 2018) [SSRN]
Executive Department
Richard J. Pierce, How Should the U.S. Public Law System React to President Trump? (August 2018) [SSRN]
Richard J. Pierce, Should the Court Change the Scope of the Removal Power? (August 2018) [SSRN]
Legislation/Statutory Interpretation
Andrew Edgar & Rayner Thwaites, Implementing Treaties in Domestic Law: Translation, Enforcement and Administrative Law (September 2018) [SSRN]
Nicholas Bryner, An Ecological Theory of Statutory Interpretation (August 2018) [SSRN]
Administrative Independence
Miriam Seifter, Understanding State Agency Independence (August 2018) [SSRN]
Modes of Governance and Regulation
Sean Farhang, Legislating for Litigation: Delegation, Public Policy, and Democracy (October 2018) [SSRN]
Elizabeth G. Porter & Kathryn A. Watts, Visual Rulemaking (September 2018) [SSRN]
Richard L. Revesz, Congress and the Executive: Challenging the Anti-Regulatory Narrative (September 2018) [SSRN]
Blake Emerson, The Claims of Official Reason: Administrative Guidance on Social Inclusion (September 2018) [SSRN]
Kate Glover Berger, The Constitution of the Administrative State (September 2018) [SSRN]
Rory Van Loo, Technology Regulation by Default: Platforms, Privacy, and the CFPB (August 2018) [SSRN]
Timothy D. Lytton, Technical Standards in Health & Safety Regulation: Risk Regimes, the New Administrative Law, and Food Safety Governance (August 2018) [SSRN]
Jennifer Nou & Edward Stiglitz, Regulatory Bundling (August 2018) [SSRN]
Public Administration
Marion Oswald, Algorithm-Assisted Decision-Making in the Public Sector: Framing the Issues Using Administrative Law Rules Governing Discretionary Power (August 2018) [SSRN]
The Public/Private Divide
Ashwini Vasanthakumar, Privatising Border Control, 38(3) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 411 (2018) [Oxford Academic]
Environmental Law & Regulation
Stephen M. Johnson, Indeconstructible: The Triumph of the Environmental ‘Administrative State’ (August 2018) [SSRN]
Financial Regulation
Steven L. Schwarcz, Systematic Regulation of Systemic Risk (September 2018) [SSRN]
Natasha Sarin, The Salience Theory of Consumer Financial Regulation (September 2018) [SSRN]
John Crawford, Resolution Triggers for Systemically Important Financial Institutions (September 2018) [SSRN]
Global Regulation/ Global Governance
Rishi Gulati, An International Administrative Procedural Law of Fair Trial: Reality or Rhetoric? (July 2018) [SSRN]