Accountability & Decision-making Processes

Ryan Bubb & Patrick L. Warren, Optimal Agency Bias and Regulatory Review (January 2013) [SSRN]

Bruce M. Owen, Decorrupting Government — The United States Board of Overseers (January 2013) [SSRN]

Daniel P. Tokaji, America’s Top Model: The Wisconsin Government Accountability Board (January 2013) [SSRN]

Rebecca Hamlin, International Law and Administrative Insulation: A Comparison of Refugee Status Determination Regimes in the United States, Canada, and Australia, 37 Law & Soc. Inquiry 933 (2012) [Wiley]

Judicial Review

John Bell, Mark Elliott, David Feldman, Christopher F. Forsyth & Jason N. E. Varuhas, Response to Ministry of Justice Consultation Paper ‘Judicial Review: Proposals for Reform’ (January 2013) [SSRN]

Michael Ray Harris, Intervention of Right in Judicial Proceedings to Review Informal Federal Rulemakings, 40 Hofstra L. Rev. 879 (2012) [Westlaw]


Executive Department

Rebecca Ingber, Interpretation Catalysts and Executive Branch Legal Decisionmaking (January 2013) [SSRN]

Curtis A. Bradley & Trevor W. Morrison, Historical Gloss and the Separation of Powers, 126 Harv. L. Rev. 411 (2012) [Westlaw]

Robert Bejesky, War Powers Pursuant to False Perceptions and Asymmetric Information in the “Zone of Twilight”, 44 St. Mary’s L.J. 1 (2012) [Westlaw]

Vanessa MacDonnell, The Constitution as Framework for Governance (January 2013) [SSRN]

Michael D. Sant’Ambrogio, The Extra-Legislative Veto (January 2013) [SSRN]

Joseph Landau, DOMA and Presidential Discretion: Interpreting and Enforcing Federal Law, 81 Fordham L. Rev. 619 (2012) [Westlaw]


Legislation/Statutory Interpretation

Rajiv Mohan, Chevron and the President’s Role in the Legislative Process, 64 Admin. L. Rev. 793 (2012) [Westlaw]

David Orentlicher, NFIB V. Sibelius: Proportionality in the Exercise of Congressional Power (November 2012) [SSRN]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

Joshua D. Wright & Angela Diveley, Do Expert Agencies Outperform Generalist Judges? Some Preliminary Evidence from the Federal Trade Commission (December 2012) [SSRN]

Jonathan S. Masur & Eric A. Posner, Unemployment and Regulatory Policy (December 2012) [SSRN]

Jeroen Van der Heijden, International Comparative Analysis of Building Regulations: An Analytical Tool (January 2013) [SSRN]

William Boyd, Genealogies of Risk: Searching for Safety, 1930s-1970s (January 2013) [SSRN]

Johann Morri, Interpretive and Legislative Norms in France and in the USA (September 2012) [SSRN]


Public Administration

Philippe Bezes & Salvador Parrado, Trajectories of Administrative Reform: Institutions, Timing and Choices in France and Spain, 36 West European Politics 22 (2013) [Taylor & Francis Online]

Jesse D. Lecy , Ines A. Mergel & Hans Peter Schmitz, Networks in Public Administration, in: Public Management Review (January 2013) [Taylor & Francis Online]

Xun Wu, Yan-ling He & Milan Tung-Wen Sun, Public Administration Research in Mainland China and Taiwan: An Assessment of Journal Publications, 1998-2008, in: Public Administration (Jan. 2013) [Wiley]

Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella, Interest Representation and Public Administration (2012) [SSRN]

Marc T. Law & Cheryl X. Long, What do Revolving-Door Laws Do? 55 J.L. & Econ. 421 (2012) [Westlaw]


Environmental Law & Regulation

Dino Falaschetti, Global Environmental Governance: Mechanism Design Lessons from Corporate Governance (January 2013) [SSRN]


Financial Regulation

Martin Cihák, Asli Demirgüç-Kunt & R. Barry Johnston, Incentive Audits: A New Approach to Financial Regulation (January 2013) [SSRN]

John Crawford, Predicting Failure (January 2013) [SSRN]

Fernando Zunzunegui, Financial Regulation in a Global Economy (January 2013) [SSRN]

Zoltan Sarkany, International Financial Supervisory Convergence: How Much Should there Be? How Best to Assess the Appropriate Level of Cross Border Supervision and Enforcement? (November 2012) [SSRN]


EU Administrative Law

Rob van Gestel, Hans-W. Micklitz, European Integration Through Standardization: How Judicial Review is Breaking Down the Club House of Private Standardization Bodies, 50 Common Market Law Review 145 (2013) [Kluwer]

Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella, The Concrete Options for a Law on Administrative Procedure Bearing on Direct EU Administration (2012) [SSRN]