
April: Jimi Miller is a speaker at the Northeast ASPB Section meeting in New Haven, Connecticut.

April: Caroline Beakes (Saybrook) is awarded the Yale College Dean’s Research Fellowship to support her summer research in the Clay Lab.

February: Stacey Lawrence’s first author Method is published in Methods of Molecular Biology.


December: Nakeirah Christie passes her qualifying exam and is now a Ph.D. candidate in the MB&B Department! Thanks to her thesis dissertation committee: Mark Hochstrasser, Erdem Karatekin, Christian Schlieker, and Chuck Sindelar.

August: Will Chezem’s first author Review is published in the journal Phytochemistry.

Recent Yale PhD graduates (August 2016)

August: Will Chezem and Stacey Lawrence successfully defend their PhD thesis dissertations.

Brenden and Jimi pose for the 2019 IS-MPMI XVIII Congress Save the Date (July 2016)

July: Brenden Barco is a speaker at the ‘Plant Hormones & Regulators in Symbiosis and Defense’ Concurrent Session at the XVII International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions in Portland, Oregon.

June: Nakeirah Christie joins the Clay lab as a graduate student in the BBSB track.

May: Jacob Stai (Ezra Styles) graduates with a B.S. degree, majoring in MCDB. He will attend the Genetics and Genomics graduate program at Iowa State University. He is well on his way to become a world-class plant scientist.

March: Interview film on research in the Clay Lab is now live on the Faculti platform:

February: Brenden Barco is awarded the Ko Shimamoto Congress Travel Award to attend the XVII International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions in July.

January: Jimi Miller and Will Chezem’s first author Review is published in the journal Frontiers in Plant Science.



December: Andrew Hayward is a technical writer for Qiagen.

September: Brenden Barco’s second author Report is published in the journal Nature.

August: Nicole Clay is the Elsevier Award speaker at the 54th annual meeting of the Phytochemical Society of North America at the University of Illinois, Illinois.

July: Nicole Clay is a Discussion Leader at the Plant Metabolic Engineering, Gordon Research Conference at Waterville Valley Resort, New Hampshire.

June: Will Chezem is awarded the Yale Graduate Student Assembly (GSA) Conference Travel Fellowship to attend the Plant Metabolic Engineering, Gordon Research Conference in July.

May: Senior thesis student Angelina Seffens (Trumbull) graduates with a B.S. degree, majoring in MCDB.

April: Will Chezem wins one of three Best Student Speaker Presentation Awards at the Symposium on Advances in Understanding Plant Secondary Metabolism, Northeast Section Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists (NEASPB) at Northeastern University, Massachusetts.

April: Brenden Barco is awarded the Carl Storm Travel Fellowship to attend the Plant Metabolic Engineering, Gordon Research Conference in July.

April: Stacey Lawrence is inducted into the Bouchet Graduate Honor Society in recognition of her scholarship, leadership, character, service and advocacy in the academy.



October: Brenden Barco passes his qualifying exam and is now a Ph.D. candidate in the MCDB Department! Thanks to his thesis dissertation committee: Jason Crawford, Craig Crews, and Vivian Irish.

President-elect Franck Dayan presented Nicole with the Elsevier/Phytochemistry Young Investigator AwardElsevier/Phytochemistry Young Investigator AwardElsevier/Phytochemistry Young Investigator Award

President-elect Franck Dayan presented Nicole with the Elsevier/Phytochemistry Young Investigator Award (August 2014)

August: Nicole Clay wins the Elsevier/Phytochemistry Young Investigator Award at the 53rd annual meeting of the Phytochemical Society of North America at North Carolina State University, North Carolina.

Jimi (top row to the left) is one of the 2014 IS-MPMI Student Travel Awardees

Jimi (top row to the left) is one of the 2014 IS-MPMI Student Travel Awardees (July 2014)

IS-MPMI president Sophien Kamoun and Nicole Clay chat with 2014 IS-MPMI Student Travel Awardees

IS-MPMI president Sophien Kamoun and Nicole chat with 2014 IS-MPMI Student Travel Awardees (July 2014)

July: Nicole Clay is the co-chair and speaker at the concurrent session on Secondary Metabolism at the XVI International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions in Rhodes, Greece.

June: Lara Zipperer (Morse) will attend ISIPCA, the fragrance/cosmetic science program in France. She is well on her way to become a world-class perfumerer.

May: Senior thesis students Jennifer Cheung (Berkeley) and Jarred Phillips (Davenport) graduates with a B.S. degree, majoring in MCDB. Senior thesis student Lara Zipperer (Morse) graduate with a B.S. degree with a major in EEB. Samantha Lee (Calhoun) and Etoroabasi Ekpe (Branford) also graduates with majors in MCDB.

May: Brenden Barco joins the Clay Lab as a graduate student in the MCGD track

April: Stacey Lawrence is awarded the EMBO Short Term Fellowship to support her research in Dr. Simon RĂ¼diger’s Lab in the University of Heidelberg, Germany.

April: Jarred Phillips (Davenport) wins the MCDB Departmental Edgar J. Boell Prize for Excellence in Research.

April: Angelina Seffens (Trumbull) is awarded the Yale College Dean’s Research Fellowship to support her summer research in the Clay Lab.

New Jersey Governor's Office presented Jarred with the Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship Awar

New Jersey Governor’s Office presented Jarred with the Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship Award (March 2014)

March: Jarred Phillips (Davenport) is awarded the Woodrow Wilson New Jersey Teaching Fellowship Award. He is well on his way to becoming an engaging biology teacher in a high-need secondary school in New Jersey.

March: Jimi Miller is awarded the IS-MPMI Congress Student Travel Award to attend the XVI International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions in July.



December: Jimi Miller passes his qualifying exam and is now a Ph.D. candidate in the MB&B Department! Thanks to his thesis dissertation committee: Michael Koelle, Karin Reinisch, and David Schatz.

September: Konstantin Kanofsky joins the Clay Lab as a visiting scientist from Technische Universitat Braunschweig in Germany.

August: Nicole Clay is a plenary speaker at the 52nd Meeting of the Phytochemical Society of North America at Oregon State University, Oregon.

August: Will Chezem wins the Best Poster Presentation Award at the 52nd Meeting of the Phytochemical Society of North America (PSNA)

52nd PSNA Meeting

52nd Meeting of the Phytochemical Society of North America in Corvallis, Oregon. Nicole is on the left; Will is a quarter of the way in from the right (August 2013)

Will Poster Award

Dr. Argelia Lorence and President-elect Fred Stevens presented Will with the Best Poster Presentation Award (August 2013)






June: The Clay Lab moves into its new lab space on the 7th floor of the Kline Biology Tower.

May: Jimi Miller joins the Clay Lab as a graduate student in the BBSB track.

April: Jacob Stai (Ezra Stiles) is awarded the Yale College Freshman Summer Research Fellowship to support his research in the Clay Lab.

Jan: Nicole Clay is a concurrent session speaker at the Plant Interactions with Pests and Pathogens Workshop, Plant & Animal Genome XXI in San Diego.



XV International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions in Kyoto, Japan

XV International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions in Kyoto, Japan (July 2012)


Lunch break for Nicole and fellow scientists from Europe in Kyoto, Japan (July 2012)

Current and Former Yalies: (Top row) Tomohiko Tsuge, Patrick Cournoyer, Will Chezem, Stacey Lawrence, Yule Liu (Bottom row) Naomi Nakayama, Eunyoung Chae, Teresa Ceserani, Nicole Clay, Yusuke Saijo

Current and Former Yalies in Kyoto. Top row: Tomohiko Tsuge, Patrick Cournoyer, Will Chezem, Stacey Lawrence, Yule Liu. Bottom row: Naomi Nakayama, Eunyoung Chae, Teresa Ceserani, Nicole Clay, Yusuke Saijo (July 2012)

Gordon Research Conferences-Plant Molecular Biology in Holderness, New Hampshire. Nicole and Stacey are on the right.

Gordon Research Conferences-Plant Molecular Biology in Holderness, New Hampshire. Nicole and Stacey are on the right (July 2012)















July: Will Chezem is a speaker at the Systems Biology Workshop at the XV International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions in Kyoto, Japan.

July: Will Chezem and Stacey Lawrence pass their qualifying exams and are Ph.D. candidates in the MCDB Department! Thanks to their thesis dissertation committees; Will’s: Craig Crews, Jo Handelsman, and Timothy Nelson; Stacey’s: Michael Koelle, Paul Forscher, Vivian Irish, and Jo Handelsman.

July: Nicole Clay is a poster speaker at the Genomic Approaches to Plant Signaling Systems, Gordon Research Conferences-Plant Molecular Biology in Holderness, New Hampshire.

May: Senior thesis student Nadia Jimenez (Calhoun) graduates with a B.S. degree and a major in MCDB at Yale. We wish her future success and happiness.

April: Stacey Lawrence is awarded the 2012 ASBMB Student Travel Award to attend the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in sunny San Diego.

May: Will Chezem and Stacey Lawrence are awarded the IS-MPMI Congress Student Travel Award to attend the XV International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions in July. Congrats to Stacey for also winning the Yale Graduate Student Assembly (GSA) Conference Travel Fellowship.

January: Teresa Ceserani and Suyuna Eng Ren join the Clay Lab as a postdoctoral fellow and research assistant, respectively.



June: The Clay Lab is the newest lab in the Dept of Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology at Yale University. Will and Stacey join the Clay Lab as graduate students in the MCGD track.

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