Differentiating and integrating power series
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Power Series: Using power series to sum numerical series
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Sum these series.
1. 1 + 1/22 + 1/24 + 1/26 + 1/28 + …
1. The series sums to 4/3.
1. The powers of 2 in the denominators suggest trying x = 1/2. Then we see the numerical series is x = 1/2 substituted into 1 + x2 + x4 + x6 + x8 + … We recognize this as the series expansion for 1/(1 – x2). Then, 1 + 1/22 + 1/24 + 1/26 + 1/28 + … = 1/(1 – (1/2)2) = 4/3.
2. 2/3 + 4/33 + 6/35 + 8/37 + 10/39 + …
1. The series sums to 27/32.
1. The powers of 3 in the denominators suggest trying x = 1/3. Then we see the numerical series is x = 1/3 substituted into 2x + 4x3 + 6x5 + 8x7 + 10x9 + …The relation between the coefficient and the exponent of each term suggests viewing this as a derivative: 2x + 4x3 + 6x5 + 8x7 + 10x9 + … = (x2 + x4 + x6 + x8 + x10 + …)’ Of course, we can add any constant to the series being differentiated, without changing its derivative. Adding 1 gives a familiar series. 2x + 4x3 + 6x5 + 8x7 + 10x9 + … = (1 + x2 + x4 + x6 + x8 + x10 + …)’ = (1/(1 – x2))’ = 2x/(1 – x2)2 Substituting in x = 1/3, we find 2/3 + 4/33 + 6/35 + 8/37 + 10/39 + … = (2/3)/(1 – 1/32)2 = 27/32
3. 1 – 1/42 + 1/44 – 1/46 + 1/48 – …
1. The series sums to 16/17.
1. The powers of 4 in the denominators suggest trying x = 1/4. Then we see the numerical series is x = 1/4 substituted into 1 – x2 + x4 – x6 + x8 + …We recognize this as the series expansion for 1/(1 + x2). Then 1 – 1/42 + 1/44 – 1/46 + 1/48 – … = 1/(1 + 1/42) = 16/17.
4. 1 – 1/3 + 1/5 – 1/7 + 1/9 – 1/11 +
1. The series sums to π/4.
1. Here we have fewer clues; no obvious choice for x. But in order to view this as a power series evaluated at some x = a, then the numerical series should contain some number raised to different powers. With this assumption, the only choice for x is x = 1. But what powers should we use? Trying 1, x, x2, x3, … gives 1 – x/3 + x2/5 – x3/7 + x4/9 – x5/11 + …This doesn’t look like a familiar series. If we match the exponent of x to the denominator, then we might recognize this series as the integral of a familiar series.x – x3/3 + x5/5 – x7/7 + x9/9 – x11/11 + 2 + x4 – x6 + x8 – x10 + …)dx = ∫1/(1 + x2) dx= arctan(x). Substituting x = 1 we find: 1 – 1/3 + 1/5 – 1/7 + 1/9 – 1/11 + …= arctan(1) = π/4.
5. 3 – 32/3 + 33/5 – 34/7 + 35/9 – …
1. The series sums to π/√3.
1. The previous problem has the same set of denominators as this problem, which saw the exponent of x increasing by 2 between successive terms. The powers of 3 in the numerators suggest taking x = 3, but since the powers of 3 increase by 1 between successive terms of the series, maybe x = √3 is a better choice. Then the series has the form x2 – x4/3 + x6/5 – x8/7 + x10/9 – … This isn’t exactly a series we recognize, but it’s close. Try factoring out an x (NOT an x2, because the series from the previous problem, which looks pretty similar to this, starts with an x). x⋅(x – x3/3 + x5/5 – x7/7 + x9/9 – … ) = x⋅arctan(x) where we’ve used the arctan(x) series from the previous problem. Substituting x = √3 we see 3 – 32/3 + 33/5 – 34/7 + 35/9 – … = (√3)⋅arctan(√3) = (√3)⋅(π/3) = π/√3.
Power Series: Differentiating and integrating power series
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1. Find the Taylor series, expanded about x = 0, for f(x) = x⋅cos(x2).
1. The series is x – x5/2 + x9/4! – x13/6! + … .
1. First, recognize that x⋅cos(x2) is 1/2 the derivative of sin(x2). Substituting u= x2 in the series for sin(u), we find sin(x2)= x2 – x6/3! + x10/5! – x14/7! + … Then 2x⋅cos(x2) = (sin(x2))’= (x2 – x6/3! + x10/5! – x14/7! + …)’ = 2x – 6x5/3! + 10x9/5! – 14x13/7! + … and so x⋅cos(x2)= x – x5/2 + x9/4! – x13/6! + … Alternately, we could substitute x2 for x in the series expansion of cos(x), them multiply that series by x.
2. Find the Taylor series, expanded about x = 0, for f(x) = ex + x2.
1. The series is 1 + x + 3x2/2 + 7x3/6 + 25x4/24 + 27x5/40 + 331x6/720 +…
1. Substitute u = x + x2 in the series eu = 1 + u + u2/2! + u3/3! + u4/4! + … obtaining ex + x2 = 1 + (x + x2) + (x + x2)2/2! + (x + x2)3/3! + (x + x2)4/4! + …= 1 + (x + x2) + (x2 + 2x3 + x4)/2! + (x3 + 3x4 + 3x5 + x6)/3! + (x4 + 4x5 + 6x6 + 4x7 + x8)/4! + …Now group together like powers of x. ex + x2 = 1 + x + (1 + 1/2!)x2 + (1 + 1/3!)x3 + (1/2! + 3/3! + 1/4!)x4 + (3/3! + 4/4! + 1/5!)x5 + … = 1 + x + 3x2/2 + 7x3/6 + 25x4/24 + 27x5/40 + 331x6/720 + …
3. Find the Taylor series, expanded about x = 0, for f(x) = 1/(1 – x)3.
1. The series is 1 + 3x + 6×2 + 10×3 + 15×4 + 21×5 + …
1. First, recognize that 1/(1 – x)3 is 1/2 the second derivative of 1/(1 – x). Recall the series for 1/(1 – x) is 1/(1 – x) = 1 + x + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + … Then (1/(1 – x))’ = 1 + 2x + 3x2 + 4x3 + 5x4 + 6x5 + … (1/(1 – x))” = 2 + 3⋅2x + 4⋅3x2 + 5⋅4x3 + 6⋅5x4 + 7⋅6x5 + …Then the series for 1/(1 – x)3 is: 1 + (3⋅2/2)x + (4⋅3/2)x2 + (5⋅4/2)x3 + (6⋅5/2)x4 + (7⋅6/2)x5 + …= 1 + 3x + 6x2 + 10x3 + 15x4 + 21x5 + …
4. Find the Taylor series, expanded about x = 0, for cos(x)⋅sin(x).
1. The series is x – 2x3/3 + 2x5/15 – 4x7/315 + 2x9/2835 – 4x11/155925 + …
1. Multiply the series for cos(x) by the series for sin(x) and group together terms having like powers of x. cos(x)⋅sin(x) = (1 – x2/2! + x4/4! – x6/6! + x8/8! – …)⋅(x – x3/3! + x5/5! – x7/7! + …) = x – (1/3! + 1/2!)x3 + (1/5! + (1/2!)⋅(1/3!) + 1/4!)x5 – (1/7! + (1/2!)⋅(1/5!) + (1/4!)⋅(1/3!) + 1/6!)x7 – (1/9! + (1/2!)⋅(1/7!) + (1/4!)⋅(1/5!) + (1/6!)⋅(1/3!) + 1/8!)x9 + ..
5. Find the Taylor series, expanded about x = 0, for ∫1/(1 – x5) dx.
1. The series is x + x6/6 + x11/11 + x16/16 + x21/21 + x26/26 + …
1. The series for 1/(1 – x5) can be found by substituting u = x5 into the series for 1/(1 – u). 1/(1 – x5) = 1 + x5 + (x5)2 + (x5)3 + (x5)4 + (x5)5 + …= 1 + x5 + x10 + x15 + x20 + x25 + …Then the integral ∫1/(1 – x5) dx has series obtained by integrating this, so ∫1/(1 – x5) dx = x + x6/6 + x11/11 + x16/16 + x21/21 + x26/26 + …
Power Series: Taylor’s theorem
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1. Find the Taylor series, expanded about x = 0, for f(x) = 1/(1 + x)3
1. The series is ∑n=0∞anxn,where an = (-1)n(n+1)(n+2)/2
1. For f(x) = 1/(1 + x)3 we compute some derivatives and seek a pattern. f'(x)= -3/(1 + x)4 f”(x)= 3⋅4/(1 + x)5 f”'(x)= -3⋅4⋅5/(1 + x)6 and so on. Evaluating the function and its derivatives at x = 0 we find f(0)= 1 f'(0)= -3 f”(0)= 3⋅4 f”'(0)= -3⋅4⋅5 and so on. Then the coefficients of the Taylor series, f(n)(0)/n!, are f(0) = 1 f'(0)/1! = -3 f”(0)/2! = 3⋅4/2! = 3⋅4/2 f”'(0)/3! = -3⋅4⋅5/3! = – 4⋅5/2 We need a few more terms to find the pattern. f(4)(0)/4! = 3⋅4⋅5⋅6/4! = 5⋅6/2 f(5)(0)/5! = -3⋅4⋅5⋅6⋅7/5! = -6⋅7/2 Now we see it: f(n)(0)/n! = (-1)n(n+1)(n+2)/2
2. Find the Taylor series for f(x) = 1 + x – x3, expanded about x = 1.
1. The expansion is f(x)= 1 -2(x-1) -3(x-1)2 – (x-1)3.
1. We compute the derivatives. Only a few are nonzero, so we need to expend much energy looking for the pattern. f(1)= 1 f'(1)= -2 f”(1)= -6 f”'(x)= -6 f(n)(x) = 0 for all n > 3. Then the Taylor series is f(x) = 1 – (2/1!)(x-1) – (6/2!)(x-1)2 – (6/3!)(x – 1)3 = 1 -2(x-1) -3(x-1)2 – (x-1)3
3. Without computing any derivatives, find the Taylor series, expanded about x = 0, for x3ex
1. The series is x3 + x4 + x5/2! + x6/3! + x7/4! + … + xn+3/n! + …
1. Recall the Taylor series for ex= 1 + x + x2/2! + x3/3! + x4/4! + … Multiplying by x3 raises all the exponents by 3: x3ex= x3 + x4 + x5/2! + x6/3! + x7/4! + … + xn+3/n! + …
4. Without computing any derivatives, find the Taylor series, expanded about x = 0, for sin2(x). Hint: trigonometric identities.
1. sin2(x)= -x2 + 23x4/4! – 25x6/6! + …
1. Recall sin2(x) = (1 – cos(2x))/2. The Taylor series for cos(2x) is cos(2x)= 1 – (2x)2/2! + (2x)4/4! – (2x)6/6! + ….So 1 – cos(2x) has series expansion 1 – cos(2x)= -22x2/2! + 24x4/4! – 26x6/6! + …and we find sin2(x)= -x2 + 23x4/4! – 25x6/6! + …
5. Evaluate the limit limx → 0(sin(x) – x)/x3. Use Taylor series, not l’Hôpital’s rule.
1. The limit is -1/6.
1. Substitute in the Taylor series for sin(x), obtaining sin(x) – x = (x -x3/3! + x5/5! – …) – x= -x3/3! + x5/5! – … and so (sin(x) – x)/x3 = -1/3! + x2/5! – … where all the omitted terms have powers of x higher than 2, specifically, x4, x6, x8 and so on. As x → 0, only the -1/3! remains.
Power Series: The radius and interval of convergence
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Find the radius and interval of convergence of these power series.
1. ∑n=1∞xn/√n
1. The radius of convergence is 1, the interval of convergence is [-1,1).
1. Apply the Ratio Test limn → ∞|(xn+1/√(n+1))/(xn/√n)| = limn → ∞ |x|⋅√(n/(n+1)) = |x| By the Ratio Test, the series converges for |x| < 1, that is, -1 < x < 1. The radius of convergence is 1. At the left endpoint, the series becomes ∑n=1∞(-1)n/√n. This converges by the Alternating Series Test. At the right endpoint, the series becomes ∑n=1∞1/√n. This is a p-series with p = 1/2, so diverges. The interval of convergence is [-1,1).
2. ∑n=1∞(x-1)n/(n 5n)
1. The radius of convergence is 5, the interval of convergence is [-4,6).
1. Apply the Ratio Test limn → ∞|((x-1)n+1/((n+1)5n+1) / ((x-1)n/(n 5n)| = limn → ∞ |(x-1)n+1/(x-1)n|⋅(n/(n+1))⋅(5n/5n+1) = |x-1|/5 By the Ratio Test, the series converges for |x-1|/5 < 1, that is for -5 < x-1 < 5, or -4 < x < 6. The radius of convergence is 5. At the left endpoint the series becomes ∑n=1∞(-5)n/(n 5n) = ∑n=1∞(-1)n/n convergent by the Alternating Series Test. At the right endpoint the series becomes ∑n=1∞(5)n/(n 5n)= ∑n=1∞ 1/n This is the harmonic series, hence divergent. The interval of convergence is [-4, 6).
3. ∑n=2∞(-1)nxn/(2nln(n))
1. The radius of convergence is 2, the interval of convergence is (-2,2].
1. Apply the Ratio Test limn → ∞|((-1)n+1xn+1)/(2n+1ln(n+1)) / ((-1)nxn)/2nln(n))| = limn → ∞ |-(xn+1/xn)|⋅(2n/2n+1)⋅(ln(n)/ln(n+1)) = |-x|/2 where limn → ∞ln(n)/ln(n+1) = 1 is obtained by applying l’Hôpital’s rule to limx → ∞ln(x)/ln(x+1) By the Ratio Test, the series converges for |-x|/2 < 1, that is, for -2 < x < 2. The radius of convergence is 2. At the left endpoint, the series becomes ∑n=2∞(-1)n(-2)n/(2nln(n))= ∑n=2∞ 2n/(2n ln(n))) = ∑n=2∞1/ln(n) Now ln(n) < n, so 1/ln(n) > 1/n and the series diverges by comparison with the harmonic series. At the right endpoint, the series becomes ∑n=2∞(-1)n2n/(2nln(n)) = ∑n=2∞ (-1)n/ln(n) converging by the Alternating Series Test. The interval of convergence is (-2,2].
4. ∑n=1∞(3x + 1)n/n2
1. The radius of convergence is 1/3, the interval of convergence is [-2/3, 0].
1. Apply the Ratio Test limn → ∞|((3x+1)n+1/(n+1)2) / ((3x+1)n/n2)|= limn → ∞ |(3x+1)n+1/(3x+1)n|⋅(n2/(n+1)2)= |3x+1| By the Ratio Test, the series converges for |3x+1| < 1, that is, -1 < 3x+1 < 1, so -2 < 3x < 0, giving -2/3 < x < 0. The radius of convergence is 1/3. At the left endpoint, the series becomes ∑n=1∞ (-1)n/n2 convergent by the Alternating Series Test. At the right endpoint, the series becomes ∑n=1∞ 1n/n2 convergent, being a p-series with p= 2. The interval of convergence is [-2/3, 0].
5. ∑n=1∞xn/nn
1. The radius of convergence is ∞, the interval of convergence is (-∞, ∞).
1. Apply the Ratio Test: limn → ∞|(xn+1/(n+1)n+1)/(xn/nn)| = limn → ∞ |xn+1/xn|⋅((nn)/((n+1)n+1)) = limn → ∞|x|⋅(n/(n+1))n⋅(1/(n+1)) = 0 for all x Here we have used limn → ∞(1 + 1/n)n= e, we see limn → ∞(n/(n+1))n= 1/e to be sure we needn’t be concerned with the factor (n/(n+1))n in the limit. By the Ratio Test, this series converges for al x, so the radius of convergence is ∞ and the interval of convergence is (-∞, ∞).
Power Series: Geometric series
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1. Find a power series for 1/(x2 – 1)
1. The series is -1 – x2 – x4 – x6 – x8-…
1. First, note that 1/(x2 – 1)= -1/(1 – x2). Now apply the series of Example 3 to conclude 1/(x2 – 1)= -(1 + x2 + x4 + x6 + x8 + …)
2. From the power series for 1/(x + 1) and for 1/(x – 1), use partial fractions to find a power series for 1/(x2 – 1). What assumption are you making in this approach?
1. Adding the series for (1/2)(1/(x+1)) and for (1/2)(1/(x-1)), and rearranging the terms, we obtain the series from problem 1.
1. From Example 1 we know a series for 1/(1 + x) is 1 – x + x2 – x3 + x4– … The series for 1/(x – 1)= -(1/(1 – x)) is -1 – x – x2 – x3 – x4 – … Next, note that using a partial fractions expansion we have 1/(x2 – 1) = (1/2)(1/(x-1)) – (1/2)(1/(x+1)) Assuming we can add the series and rearrange them in any way we wish (This will be addressed in the next section), we find 1/(x2 – 1)= (1/2)(-1 – x – x2 – x3 – x4 – …) – (1/2)(1 – x + x2 – x3 + x4 – …) = -1 – x2 – x4; – x2 – … agreeing with the solution to problem 1.
3. Find a power series for 1/(x2 + 5x + 6). On what interval is this series valid?
1. The series is (1/2 – 1/3) – (1/4 – 1/9)x + (1/8 – 1/27)x2 – (1/16 – 1/81)x3 + …This series is valid for |x| < 2.
1. Using the method of partial fractions, we find: 1/(x2 + 5x + 6) = 1/((x + 2)(x + 3)) = 1/(x + 2) – 1/(x + 3). Using the method of Example 4 we find these power series: 1/(2 + x) = 1/(2(1 + x/2)) = (1/2)(1 – x/2 + x2/4 – x3/8 + x4/16 – …) 1/(3 + x) = 1/(3(1 + x/3)) = (1/3) (1 – x/3 + x2/9 – x3/27 + x4/81 – …) Subtracting these we find the series for 1/(x2 + 5x + 6) is: (1/2 – 1/3) – (1/4 – 1/9)x + (1/8 – 1/27)x2 – (1/16 – 1/81)x3 + … The series for 1/(2 + x) is valid for: |x/2| < 1, that is, |x| < 2. The series for 1/(3 + x) is valid for |x/3| < 1, that is, |x| < 3. Both expansions are valid for the intersection of these intervals, |x| < 2.
4. Find a power series for (2x + 5)/(x2 + 5x + 6). On what interval is this series valid?
1. The series is (1/2 + 1/3) – (1/4 + 1/9)x + (1/8 + 1/27)x2 – (1/16 + 1/81)x3 + …This expansion is valid for |x| < 2.
1. Using the method of partial fractions, we find (2x + 5)/(x2 + 5x + 6) = (2x + 5)/((x + 2)(x + 3))= 1/(x + 2) + 1/(x + 3) Recalling the series for 1/(2 + x) and 1/(3 + x) from problem 3, we find the series for (2x + 5)/(x2 + 5x + 6) is the sum of these (1/2 + 1/3) – (1/4 + 1/9)x + (1/8 + 1/27)x2 – (1/16 + 1/81)x3 + … As in problem 3, this expansion is valid for |x| < 2.
5. Using -1/x = 1/(1 – (x+1)), find a power series for -1/x. On what interval is this series valid?
1. The series is 1 + (x + 1) + (x + 1)2 + (x + 1)3 + (x + 1)4 + … The series is valid for -2 < x < 0.
1. The expansion for 1/(1 – (x + 1)) is 1 + (x + 1) + (x + 1)2 + (x + 1)3 + (x + 1)4 + … This converges for |x + 1| < 1. That is, -1 < x + 1 < 1, or -2 < x < 0