Washington Post. What drought in the Amazon means for the planet
CNN. Extreme drought and deforestation are priming the Amazon rainforest for a terrible fire season
EOS. The Rain Forest Can Recover After Fire, but It’s Not the Same
The New York Times. Amazon Is Less Able to Recover From Droughts and Logging, Study Finds
CNN. The Amazon is a key buffer against climate change. A new study warns wildfires could decimate it
New Scientist. Area of Amazon affected by wildfires predicted to grow by 2050
Scientific American. Deforestation Intensifies Warming in the Amazon Rain Forest
CBS This Morning. Earth Matters: Behind the battle against deforestation in the Amazon rainforest
France24. Why is part of the Amazon burning?
BuzzFeed News. These Scientists Know How Bad The Amazon Fires Could Get. They Saw It Burn 20 Years Ago
National Geographic. Brazil Amazon fires threaten river habitat of thousands of fish
PBS-Newshour. 9 numbers you need to know to understand the Amazon fires
Wired. Humans, More Than Drought, Are Fueling the Amazon’s Flames