Doctor of Philosophy University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 8/12–8/16
Bachelor of Technology National Institute of Technology Trichy, India 7/08–8/12
I received my PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from University of Florida under the supervision of Prof. Susan B. Sinnott, where I worked on the development of charge optimized many-body (COMB3) interatomic potentials for Ni, Ni-Al and Ni-Al-O systems (available in the NIST repository) for classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, and ab initio characterization of dopant behavior in Ni-base superalloys using density functional theory (DFT). Earlier, I received my Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering from National Institute of Technology Trichy, India in 2012.
Research Experience:
Postdoctoral Associate Yale University, New Haven, CT 3/20–present
Postdoctoral Researcher University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 9/16–2/20
Graduate Assistant University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 8/12–8/16
Prior to my current appointment, I was a a Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Pennsylvania, in the group of Prof. David Srolovitz, where I investigated the fast transport at the metal-ceramic interfaces using ab initio DFT and ReaxFF based atomistic modeling.
Additional Appointments:
Visiting Fellow City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong 3/19-4/19
Visiting Scholar The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 8/15-7/16
Summer Fellow Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 6/15-8/15
Research Intern University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland 5/11-7/11