Location, Hotel and Parking

Marsh Lecture Hall  & Bass 305:




Hotel Information:

The New Haven Convention and Visitors Bureau maintains a complete list of area hotels to assist you in planning your trip to New Haven.

For additional information, kindly refer to the following link:



Parking Information:

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience, but regretfully, we are unable to offer complimentary parking on weekdays. However, to ensure your convenience, we are pleased to share that on Saturdays, you have the option to park your vehicle at the Yale Science Hill parking lots. These lots are conveniently situated near the meeting venue.

With regard to weekday parking, we have taken the liberty of outlining three potential solutions that aim to enhance your convenience.

Solution (1), Yale West Campus parking lots + Yale free shuttle (Green Line):

Free parking is available at the West Campus and smoothly transition to the meeting location by utilizing the shuttle service provided.

The parking addresses available are as follows: 100, 600, 800, 810, 840, or 900 West Campus Drive, West Haven, CT 06516

Green Line can be followed in real-time by utilizing this provided link to track the shuttle’s movements. The journey typically takes around 20 minutes.


Solution (2), Street parking

You can conveniently locate a street parking near 260 Whitney Avenue. For more detailed information, please visit https://parknewhaven.com/.

You can pay for meters with coins, pre-purchased parking vouchers, Parkmobile or the New Haven City Card.

Solution (3),

Exploring additional downtown parking options or considering other potential solutions.

free parking spots nearby