Through a lens



A camera is a great tool to help  see closer, see more, see different. When you slow down and really focus on what you see, even the everyday and the familiar look new.  For me, looking through a lens and within a frame helps make that happen. This column, “through the lens” will focus on what new things emerge to look at through my camera. I hope it becomes a jumping off point for you to take out your camera and do the same.


Today, I got to thinking about frames, borders, edges.

The places we don’t usually look first. What treasure are there, waiting to be seen?


Continue reading Through a lens

In the news


The New Haven Independent wrote a great article featuring the summer teacher institute here. Monica Bunton,  one of our partnership teachers at Fair Haven k-8 School is shown above working in the galleries. The second grade team at Fair Haven has been working with Tom Lee, teaching artist and storyteller for the past three years. Tom works with students both in the classroom and in the galleries. The opportunity to practice oral language skills and to exercise rich descriptive vocabulary has been particularly useful for Fair Haven’s bilingual students.

If your school is interested in learning more about the partnership program, please leave a comment below.

Point of view

This is how I saw today.


1917 18 22 16 15

This is how you saw.


10 2

 4 6

We experimented with point of view.






Donald Graves wrote, “When you use your hand to see, you will encounter your life differently.” Can you find a way to see the familiar, the everyday this weekend? Feel free to add your photos and drawings to the comments section.