Connecticut Medicine | April 2017 | Merceditas S. Villanueva, MD and Gerald Friedland, MD

Responding to an Ever Changing Epidemic: The Evolution of HIV Care in New Haven
(Pages: 237-240) | Click here to view article via the web

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The following article was recommended at our Faculty Retreat.

New England Journal of Medicine | November 2016 | David I. Rosenthal, MD

Meaning and the Nature of Physicians’ Work | Click here to view article via the web

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Per Dr. Villanueva, the following article was recommended based on a recent excellent Medical  Grand Rounds given by Dr. Camara Phyllis Jones during which she eloquently described a way of organizing thoughts around racism within health care.  It is worth reading!

American Journal of Public Health | August 2000 | Camara Phyllis Jones, MD, MPH, PhD

Levels of Racism: A Theoretic Framework and a Gardener’s Tale | Click here to view article via the web

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