Il sillabo del 2009

Italian 153b

Theater Practicum: Pirandello

Spring 2009


Instructor Monica Georgeo

Italian Dept. (82-90 Wall St. 4th floor)



Guidelines for students in 153b:


1. Italian 153b will be conducted entirely in Italian.


2. Italian 153b is  an Language and  Literature course and requires a strong commitment from the student in terms of attendance,  homework assignment and participation. This course is dedicated to an in-depth study of Pirandello’s EnricoIV  (Henry  IV),  with the aim of staging a full-fledged performance of the play,  in Italian,  for the Yale community as the climax of the semester’s work.  Based on the premise that theatrical performance offers a powerful entree to linguistic proficiency,  the course will involve a series of exercises designed to develop communicative skills,  revolving around the interpretation,  translation during the first half of the course,  and the preparation of the subtitles in English,  organization of costumes,  lights,  scenery,  props and advertising during the second half which will culminate in the enactment of Pirandello’s masterpiece.


You will be allowed three absences during the semester. Absences for religious holidays are excused. Each excessive absence will result in 2 points off your final grade.


3. There will be a midterm paper due on March 1 in which you will (offer your critical commentary of the play as well) analyze the character of your choice and discuss that character’s function within your overall interpretation of the play. The final exam will consist of the staging of the play itself.


4. You will be expected to have read carefully the assigned material in preparation of each class,  and to keep a journal on your personal theatrical experience. Each day two students will present on the main parts of the reading and together we will work on pronunciation,  interpretation and translation of the assigned reading.


5. The criteria for grading are as follows:  Class participation (attendance,  readings,  active participation):  20%;  Midterm paper:  15%;  Translation:  20%;   Final performance:   30%;  Rehearsals:  15%.


Texts (at the Yale Bookstore)

 Pirandello: Sei personaggi in cerca di autore,  Enrico IV




Italian 153b meets T-Thu 1-2:15 pm.

Sections Thu 7-9 pm on a needed base.


Programma di lavoro

13 gennaio – Introduzione al corso. Vita di Luigi Pirandello


15 gennaio – Enrico IV Trama,  Critica e Scheda


20 gennaio – Lettera a Ruggeri di Luigi Pirandello  e Film


22 gennaio –  Pag 129-137


27 gennaio – Pag 138-146


29 gennaio – Pag 147– 154


3 febbraio – Pag 155-164


5 febbraio –  Pag 165 -177


10 febbraio – Pag 178 SECONDO ATTO Pag 183-187


12 febbraio – Pag 188-192


17 febbraio – Pag. 193-220


19 febbraio TERZO ATTO Pag 221-230


24 febbraio – Pag 231-236


26 febbraio – Riflessioni e analisi dei personaggi


28 febbraio – Provini di parti memorizzate


3 e 5  marzo – Midterm,  assegnazione delle parti e dei ruoli e prove


6-22 marzo – Vacanze di primavera


24 e 26 marzo – Prime prove di memorizzazione e verifica dell’organizzazione


31 marzo-23 aprile – Prove


27 e 28 aprile Rappresentazione  Teatrale


 Buon divertimento e buon lavoro!



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