Week 58: Research on 99

So I finished up research for my seminar and truly worked my butt of trying to read as many papers and abstracts as I possibly could to synthesize a comprehensive report on the merits of oxytocin as an autism treatment model. Below, you’ll find a link…

Week 57: Ramadan Regression

So this week was supposed to be pretty different but it actually did not seem to turn that way. For the first time since I was nine, I actively chose not to participate in the Ramadan fast. Most folks will recognize it as the holy…

Week 56: Summertime Madness

For my autism seminar, I have decided to focus on oxytocin. Some of you may know it as the “love hormone”. It actually was the first hormone to be synthesized. It plays a role in the positive feedback of labor by inducing uterine contractions and…

Week 36: Forward & Backward

It’s kind of weird how fast my week transitioned from looking forward to reflecting back. Let me explain. The beginning of the week was pretty exciting as Emily was going to present some highlights on her time working on open laws for the San Francisco’s…

Week 29: Research Recovery

As you guys already know, research is a big part of my life in ol’ Korea. I made my return this week and some news was not so great. The DNA quality of our samples were not up to snuff… AH! The problem here is…

Week 18: Smart Zones

Let’s get science-y! So like before Yale I had a pretty faint idea on what research was like. Unlike a good number of my peers, I did have the fortune of many resources where I went to high school to pursue any research as an…

Week 17: A Mountain of Personality

One thing I kept on looking forward to after moving into to my host family’s place was the climbing I would get to do with my host dad. With the whole retirement thing working out for him, he’s got plenty of time to chill with…

Week 5: Month-iversary

Another week. But actually, I can officially say a new month. Wednesday marked a month since I left the States and Friday marked a month of being in Korea. All in all, pretty hard to believe. So how did I celebrate the month-iversary week? Hip…

Week 4: Slow Road to Synthesis

FaceTime has become the weekly form of contact with the parents. Waking up early Sunday keeps me in rhythm with the rest of the week so now I manage to wake up around 7:30AM daily. During this week’s barrage of questions from my mother, she…