Web Updates

We’ll be posting pending changes to the web site here, and invite your feedback.

At the last Web Strategy meeting on October 6, these requests were reviewed:

  1. Change the link on the home page to Worldcat.org to the FirstSearch version. The group decided not to make this change. The home page functions as a portal for many different users, and links need to function as much as possible as unmediated access points. Worldcat.org is a simpler interface and is appropriate for the home page. Librarians should link to the Firstsearch interface in subject guides, and demonstrate it in classes.
  2. Add a link directly to Borrow Direct on the home page. There is currently a direct link in the search boxes at top left. However this is not obvious, and we will look at changing the placement of the link (refer to the new web manager).
  3. Make links to Borrow Direct and Scan and Deliver more obvious in the Get It Guide. Proposed change will be made October 21, pending feedback.
  4. Change link for digital collections on the home page to the new theme. Change will be made October 21, pending feedback.
  5. Some simplifications were made to the Purchase Request form at the request of Collections staff. In addition, we’ll consider a new placement on the home page (refer to the new web manager).


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