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Plantinga: corrections, links, etc.

Plantinga corrections:

On the bottom of p. 97,

Now suppose it is true as a matter of fact that if God had actualized T, Curley would have accepted the bribe: then God could not have actualized W.  And if, on the other hand, Curley would have rejected the bribe, had God actualized T, then God could not have actualized W*.

should instead be:

Now suppose it is true as a matter of fact that if God had actualized T, Curley would have accepted the bribe: then God could not have actualized W*.  And if, on the other hand, Curley would have rejected the bribe, had God actualized T, then God could not have actualized W.

And toward the bottom of p. 102,

(1) God strongly actualizes T in W and W includes every state of affairs God strongly actualizes in W,

should instead be:

(1) God strongly actualizes T in W and T includes every state of affairs God strongly actualizes in W,

Links to Books, etc.:
The Nature of Necessity.
God, Freedom, and Evil.
Plantinga’s homepage at Notre Dame.
Plantinga page: “The Analytical Theist”.
From the Philosophical Lexicon (

alvinize, v. To stimulate protracted discussion by making a bizarre claim. “His contention that natural evil is due to Satanic agency alvinized his listeners.”

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