Posts in "General" category

[Scholarship] New Scholarship on Administrative Law & Regulation (60th installment)

New Books

Edward H. Stiglitz, The Reasoning State (CUP, 2022) [Website]

Despoina Mantzari, Courts, Regulators, and the Scrutiny of Economic Evidence (OUP, 2022) [Website]


Accountability & Decision-making Processes

Richard L. Revesz & Max Sarinsky, Regulatory Antecedents and the Major Questions Doctrine (May 2023) [SSRN]

Rebecca S. Eisenberg & Nina A. Mendelson, The Not-So-Standard Model: Reconsidering Agency-Head Review of Administrative Adjudication Decisions (May 2023) [SSRN]

Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia & Christopher J. Walker, Assessing Visions of Democracy in Regulatory Policymaking (May 2023) [SSRN]

David Schleicher & Roderick M. Hills, Jr., Local Legislatures and Delegation (May 2023) [SSRN]

Aram A. Gavoor & Steven Platt, U.S. Department of Justice Executive Branch Engagement on Litigating the Administrative Procedure Act (April 2023) [SSRN]

Joshua D. Blank & Leigh Osofsky, Democratizing Administrative Law (April 2023) [SSRN]

Jim Rossi & Kevin M. Stack, Representative Rulemaking (April 2023) [SSRN]

Evan D. Bernick, Movement Administrative Procedure (February 2023) [SSRN]


Judicial Review

Jason N. E. Varuhas, The Principles of Legality in Aotearoa New Zealand (May 2023) [SSRN]

Oren Tamir, Getting Right What’s Wrong with the Major Questions Doctrine (May 2023) [SSRN]

Jody Freeman & Matthew Stephenson, The Anti-democratic Major Questions Doctrine (April 2023) [SSRN]

Jack Michael Beermann, The Anti-Innovation Supreme Court: Major Questions, Delegation, Chevron and More (April 2023) [SSRN]

Erica N. White, Overcoming the Major Questions Doctrine with Federal Public Health Authorities (April 2023) [SSRN]

Jed Handelsman Shugerman, Major Questions and an Emergency Question Doctrine: The Biden Student Debt Case Study of Pretextual Abuse of Emergency Powers (April 2023) [SSRN]

Jason N. E. Varuhas, The Interdependence of Process and Substance: Facts, Evidence and the Changing Nature of Judicial Review (April 2023) [SSRN]

Ronald M. Levin, The Major Questions Doctrine: Unfounded, Unbounded, and Confounded (March 2023) [SSRN]

Scott A. Schumacher, Taxes, Administrative Law, and Agency Expertise: Questioning the Orthodoxy (March 2023) [SSRN]

Cade Mallett, Judicial Review of Administrative Action Based on AI (March 2023) [SSRN]

Michael B. Rappaport, Chevron and Originalism: Why Chevron Deference Cannot Be Grounded in the Original Meaning of the Administrative Procedure Act (February 2023) [SSRN]

Daniel Walters, The Major Questions Doctrine at the Boundaries of Interpretive Law (February 2023) [SSRN]

Shiling Xiao & Yang Lin, Judicial Review of Administrative Rules in China: Incremental Expansion of Judicial Power (February 2023) [SSRN]

Thomas Koenig & Ben Pontz, The Roberts Court’s Functionalist Turn in Administrative Law (February 2023) [SSRN]

Haiyun Damon-Feng, Administrative Reliance (February 2023) [SSRN]

Christopher J. Walker & Scott MacGuidwin, Interpreting the Administrative Procedure Act: A Literature Review (February 2023) [SSRN]

Emily Hammond, ‘Constitutionalisation’ and Australian Judicial Review (January 2023) [SSRN]


Executive Department

Thomas M. Poole, Prerogative (April 2023) [SSRN]

Gary Lawson, Command and Control: Operationalizing the Unitary Executive (April 2023) [SSRN]

Conor Casey & David Kenny, The Risk and Rewards Of Ireland’s Leviathan: Rule Of Law Values and the Irish Executive’s Crisis Response To COVID-19 (April 2023) [SSRN]

Alan Z. Rozenshtein, The Virtuous Executive (March 2023) [SSRN]

Christine Kexel Chabot, The President’s Approval Power (February 2023) [SSRN]

Matthew Calabrese, Deciding Without an Appointment: Examining the Appointments Clause and Administrative Arbitration (January 2023) [SSRN]


Legislation/Statutory Interpretation

Brian D. Feinstein, Congress Is An It: A New View of Legislative History (April 2023) [SSRN]

Anita S. Krishnakumar, The Common Law as Statutory Backdrop (February 2023) [SSRN]


Administrative Independence

Brian D. Feinstein & David T. Zaring, Disappearing Commissioners (March 2023) [SSRN]

Matthew Groves & Greg Weeks, Tribunal Justice and Politics in Australia: The Rise and Fall of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (April 2023) [SSRN]


Administrative History

Aaron L. Nielson & Christopher J. Walker, The Early Years of Congress’s Anti-Removal Power (May 2023) [SSRN]

Joshua Macey & Brian Richardson, Checks, Not Balances (March 2023) [SSRN]

Jan P. Vogler, Bureaucracies in Historical Political Economy (February 2023) [SSRN]

Aditya Bamzai, Alexander Hamilton, the Nondelegation Doctrine, and the Creation of the United States (January 2023) [SSRN]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

Elena Chachko, Toward Regulatory Isolationism? The International Elements of Agency Power (May 2023) [SSRN]

Marina Lao, The Major Questions Doctrine, FTC Rulemaking, and Rulemaking on Noncompete Clauses (May 2023) [SSRN]

Richard L. Revesz & Burcin Unel, Just Regulation: Improving Distributional Analysis in Agency Rulemaking (May 2023) [SSRN]

Daniel J. Hemel, The Equality-Equity Dilemma in Cost-Benefit Analysis (May 2023) [SSRN]

David A. Weisbach, Regulatory Trading (April 2023) [SSRN]

Erika Douglas, Constructing the Digital Regulatory Ecosystem: Agency Collaboration (April 2023) [SSRN]

Chris Brummer, Yesha Yadav & David T. Zaring, Regulation by Enforcement (April 2023) [SSRN]

Paul Daly, How Binding are Binding Guidelines? An Analytical Framework (March 2023) [SSRN]

Jeffrey J. Rachlinski, Nudges, Defaults, and the Problem of Constructed Preferences (March 2023) [SSRN]

Gary Lawson & Joseph Postell, Against the Chenery II “Doctrine” (March 2023) [SSRN]


Public Administration

Cary Coglianese, Regulating Machine Learning: The Challenge of Heterogeneity (May 2023) [SSRN]

Carol Harlow & Richard Rawlings, Populism and Administrative Law (April 2023) [SSRN]

Emily S. Bremer, Power Corrupts (April 2023) [SSRN]

Bijal Shah, Administrative Subordination (April 2023) [SSRN]

Jacques Ziller, An Impact of Public Management Concepts on Civil Service Regimes? (April 2023) [SSRN]

Slobodan Tomic, Regulatory Inspection and Public Audit (March 2023) [SSRN]

Yiran Zhang, The Care Bureaucracy (March 2023) [SSRN]

Joshua D. Blank & Leigh Osofsky, Automated Legal Guidance at Federal Agencies (March 2023) [SSRN]


Environmental Law & Regulation

Dayna Nadine Scott, Impact Assessment in the Ring of Fire: Contested Authorities, Competing Visions and a Clash of Legal Orders (May 2023) [SSRN]

William W. Buzbee, The Antiregulatory Arsenal, Antidemocratic Can(n)ons, and the Waters Wars (May 2023) [SSRN]

Cary Coglianese, Public Participation and Environmental Regulation: Continuities, Changes, and Challenges (April 2023) [SSRN]

Richard Lazarus, The Scalia Court: Environmental Law’s Wrecking Crew Within The Supreme Court (March 2023) [SSRN]

Richard Lazarus, Justice Breyer’s Friendly Legacy for Environmental Law (March 2023) [SSRN]


EU Administrative Law

Merijn Chamon & Nathan de Arriba-Sellier, FBF: On the Justiciability of Soft Law and Broadening the Discretion of EU Agencies (May 2023) [SSRN]

Lucas Schramm,Ulrich Krotz,Bruno De Witte, Building ‘Next Generation’ after the pandemic: The implementation and implications of the EU Covid Recovery Plan, Journal of Common Market Studies (July 2022) [Wiley Online]

[Scholarship] New Scholarship on Administrative Law & Regulation (59th installment)

Accountability & Decision-making Processes

Emily S. Bremer, The Undemocratic Roots of Agency Rulemaking (March 2022) [SSRN]

Edward Stiglitz, Reason-Giving and Rent-Seeking (March 2022) [SSRN]

Louis J. Virelli, Recusal in Administrative Adjudication (March 2022) [SSRN]

Adira Levine, FOIA Disclosure and the Supreme Court (2022) [SSRN]

Patrick Corcoran, Preserving Democratic Legitimacy in the Application of A.I. to Notice-and-Comment Rulemaking (February 2022) [SSRN]

Dominique Custos, “Some food for comparative thinking on the disclosure of reasons for administrative action: using comparative lenses to examine the French law of giving reasons”, British Association of Comparative Law (BACL) Blog(November 2021) [Website]


Judicial Review

Paul Daly, The Administrative State after the Carbon Tax References (April 2022) [SSRN]

Desiree LeClercq, Judicial Review of Emergency Administration (April 2022) [SSRN]

Janina Boughey & Anne Carter, Constitutional Freedoms and Statutory Executive Powers (March 2022) [SSRN]

Derek McKee, The Boundaries of Judicial Review Since Highwood Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses v. Wall (March 2022) [SSRN]

Paul P. Craig, Varying Intensity of Judicial Review: A Conceptual Analysis (March 2022) [SSRN]

Carmelle Dieleman, Accommodating Rights in Administrative Law: A Critique of the Doré/Loyola Framework (March 2022) [SSRN]

Goutham Shivshankar, The Challenges of Administrative Law Review in the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Case of India (March 2022) [SSRN]

Leighton McDonald, Thinking about Doctrine in Administrative Law (March 2022) [SSRN]

Adam Perry, Consistency in Administrative Law (February 2022) [SSRN]

Farrah Ahmed, The Delegation Theory of Judicial Review (2021) [SSRN]


Executive Department

David M. Driesen, Appointment and Removal (April 2022) [SSRN]

Brian D. Feinstein & Abby K. Wood, Divided Agencies (April 2022) [SSRN]

Nicholas Bednar, Bureaucratic Capacity in the Administrative Presidency (March 2022) [SSRN]

Todd Phillips, Commission Chairs (February 2022) [SSRN]

Blake Emerson, Executive (Administrative State) (February 2022) [SSRN]

Robert L. Glicksman & Richard E. Levy, The New Separation of Powers Formalism and Administrative Adjudication (February 2022) [SSRN]

Evan Caminker, Democracy, Distrust, and Presidential Immunities (February 2022) [SSRN]

Cristina M. Rodríguez, Regime Change, 135 Harv. L. Rev. 1 (2021) [SSRN]

Jennifer Nou, Constraining Executive Entrenchment (February 2022) [SSRN]

Jean Galbraith, The Runaway Presidential Power over Diplomacy (2022) [SSRN]

Aaron L. Nielson, Three Views of the Administrative State: Lessons from Collins v. Yellen (2021) [SSRN]


Legislation/Statutory Interpretation

Jacob Bronsther & Guha Krishnamurthi, Optional Legislation (March 2022) [SSRN]

Kimberly L. Wehle & Jackson Garrity, Executive Accountability Legislation from Watergate to Trump–And Beyond (January 2022) [SSRN]


Administrative Independence

Brian D. Feinstein & Jennifer Nou, Submerged Independent Agencies (April 2022) [SSRN]

Christina Parajon Skinner & Carola Binder, The Legitimacy of the Federal Reserve (November 2021) [SSRN]


Administrative History

Paul P. Craig, Natural Justice in English Administrative Law: Continuity and Change from the 17th Century (March 2022) [SSRN]

Blake Emerson, ‘Policy’ in the Administrative Procedure Act: Implications for Delegation, Deference, and Democracy (March 2022) [SSRN]

Craig Green, Indian Affairs and Administrative Law (November 2021) [SSRN]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

Cass R. Sunstein, Welfare Now (May 2022) [SSRN]

Aaron L. Nielson, What Happens If the FTC Becomes a Serious Rulemaker? (April 2022) [SSRN]

Avishalom Tor, The Law and Economics of Behavioral Regulation (April 2022) [SSRN]

Zachary D. Liscow & Daniel Markovits, Democratizing Behavioral Economics (April 2022) [SSRN]

Richard L. Revesz & Samantha Yi, Distributional Consequences and Regulatory Analysis (April 2022) [SSRN]


Public Administration

Maria Carreri & Luis R. Martinez, Fiscal Rules, Austerity in Public Administration, and Political Accountability: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Colombia (April 2022) [SSRN]

Yves Steinebach, Administrative traditions and the effectiveness of regulation, Journal of European Public Policy (April 2022) [Taylor & Francis Online]

Ming Hsu Chen & Daimeon Shanks, The New Normal: Regulatory Dysfunction as Policymaking (April 2022) [SSRN]

Cary Coglianese & Alicia Lai, Assessing Automated Administration (April 2022) [SSRN]

Jordan Carr Peterson & Nicholas G. Napolio, Regulatory Productivity in Federal Administration: An Empirical Analysis of the Deep State (April 2022) [SSRN]

Cary Coglianese & Alicia Lai, Algorithm vs. Algorithm (March 2022) [SSRN]

Albert Sanchez-Graells, Recent Developments in UK Public Procurement Regulation (March 2022) [SSRN]

Paul Daly, Jennifer Raso and Joe Tomlinson, Administrative Law in the Digital World (March 2022) [SSRN]

Samuel Bagg, Fighting Power with Power: The Administrative State as a Weapon against Concentrated Private Power (February 2022) [SSRN]

Jennifer Nou & Julian Nyarko, Regulatory Diffusion (February 2022) [SSRN]

K. Jonathan Klüser, From bureaucratic capacity to legislation: how ministerial resources shape governments’ policy-making capabilities, West European Politics (February 2022) [Taylor & Francis Online]

Nissim Cohen, “Public Administration Reform and Political Will in Cases of Political Instability: Insights from the Israeli Experience.” Public Policy and Administration (January 2022) [SAGE Journals]

Amy Widman, Inclusive Agency Design (January 2022) [SSRN]


Environmental Law & Regulation

Mark Nevitt, Delegating Climate Authorities (April 2022) [SSRN]


Financial Regulation

Chen Li, Huanhuan Zheng, Yunbo Liu, The hybrid regulatory regime in turbulent times: The role of the state in China’s stock market crisis in 2015–2016, 16(2) Regulation & Governance 392 (2022) [Wiley Online]


EU Administrative Law

R. Daniel Kelemen & Tommaso Pavone, Where Have the Guardians Gone? Law Enforcement and the Politics of Supranational Forbearance in the European Union (February 2022) [SSRN]

Michael Kaeding, EU Agencies and Brexit: Assessing the Implications of Brexit for EU Agencies (January 2022) [SSRN]


Global Regulation/ Global Governance

Nadine Arnold, Accountability in transnational governance: The partial organization of voluntary sustainability standards in long-term account-giving, 16(2) Regulation & Governance 375 (2022) [Wiley Online]

[Scholarship] New Scholarship on Administrative Law & Regulation (58th installment)

New Books

Susan Rose-Ackerman, Democracy and Executive Power: Policymaking Accountability in the US, the UK, Germany, and France (Yale University Press, 2021) [Website]

Paul Daly, Understanding Administrative Law in the Common Law World (Oxford University Press, 2021) [Website]

David Williamson & Gary Lynch-Wood, The Structure of Regulation: Explaining Why Regulation Succeeds and Fails (Edward Elgar, 2021) [Website]

Brian J. Cook, The Fourth Branch: Reconstructing the Administrative State for the Commercial Republic (University Press of Kansas) [Website]


Accountability & Decision-making Processes

Rebecca Williams, Rethinking Administrative Law for Algorithmic Decision Making, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 2021 [Website]

W Wagner, W West, T Mcgarity, L Peters, Deliberative Rulemaking: An Empirical Study of Participation in Three Agency Programs, 73 Admin. L. Rev. 609 (2021) [Hein Online]

Janina Boughey, The Culture of Justification in Administrative Law: Rationales and Consequences (November 2021) [SSRN]

Benjamin Minhao Chen & Brian Libgober, Making Regulators Reasonable: Do Procedural Rationality Requirements Fix Cognitive Biases? (October 2021) [SSRN]

Jennifer Mascott, Oversight and Executive Privilege in the Context of Separated Powers (September 2021) [SSRN]

Margaret B. Kwoka & Michael Karanicolas, Overseeing Oversight (September 2021) [SSRN]

Amy Goudge, Administrative Law, Artificial Intelligence, and Procedural Rights (August 2021) [SSRN]


Judicial Review

Paul Daly, Big Bang Theory: Vavilov’s New Framework for Substantive Review (January 2022) [SSRN]

Elad Gil, Rethinking Foreign Affairs Deference (January 2022) [SSRN]

Paul Daly, Vavilov on the Road (December 2021) [SSRN]

Sheila M. Wildeman, Habeas Corpus Unbound (December 2021) [SSRN]

Lisa Heinzerling, Nondelegation on Steroids (December 2021) [SSRN]

Jacob Loshin & Aaron L. Nielson, Hiding Nondelegation in Mouseholes (December 2021) [SSRN]

Justin W. Aimonetti, Voigt Deference: Deferring to a State Agency’s Interpretation of a Federal Regulation (December 2021) [SSRN]

Gerard Kennedy, Wither the Divisional Court?: Looking at the Past, Analyzing the Present, and Querying the Future of Ontario’s Intermediary Appellate Court (December 2021) [SSRN]

Mikolaj Barczentewicz, Cart Challenges, Empirical Methods, and Effectiveness of Judicial Review (November 2021) [SSRN]

Christopher J. Walker & James Saywell, Remand and Dialogue in Administrative Law (October 2021) [SSRN]

Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov, Itay Cohen & Chani Koth, The Changing Role of Judicial Review during Prolonged Emergencies: The Israeli Supreme Court during COVID-19 (October 2021) [SSRN]

Fabrizio Cafaggi & Paola Iamiceli, Uncertainty, Administrative Decision Making and Judicial Review. The Courts’ Perspectives (October 2021) [SSRN]

Lisa Schultz Bressman & Kevin M. Stack, Chevron Is a Phoenix (September 2021) [SSRN]

Mark Aronson, Judicial Review of Administrative Action: Between Grand Theory and Muddling Through (September 2021) [SSRN]

Anthony Sangiuliano, The Dawn of Vavilov, the Twilight of Doré: Remedial Paths in Judicial Review of Rights-Affecting Administrative Decisions and the Unification of Canadian Public Law (August 2021) [SSRN]

James E. Pfander & Andrew Borrasso, Public Rights and Article III: Judicial Oversight of Agency Action (June 2021) [SSRN]


Executive Department

Nikolas Bowie & Daphna Renan, The Separation-of-Powers Counterrevolution (January 2022) [SSRN]

David Froomkin, Nondelegation Step Zero (January 2022) [SSRN]

Conor Casey, Political Executive Control of the Administrative State: How Much Is Too Much? (January 2022) [SSRN]

Christine Kexel Chabot, Interring the Unitary Executive (December 2021) [SSRN]

Jordan Carr Peterson, The Politicized Enforcement of Laws Criminalizing Executive Branch Conflicts of Interest (December 2021) [SSRN]

David Schneiderman, Parliamentarism and its Adversaries: Legislatures in an Era of Illiberal Executives (November 2021) [SSRN]

Marco Rizzi & Tamara Tulich, All Bets on the Executive(s)! The Australian Response to COVID-19 (October 2021) [SSRN]

Tom Ginsburg, Aziz Z. Huq & David Landau, The Law of Democratic Disqualification (October 2021) [SSRN]

David L. Noll, Administrative Sabotage (September 2021) [SSRN]

Barry Sullivan, Reforming the Office of Legal Counsel (July 2021) [SSRN]

Claire O. Finkelstein & Richard W. Painter, Presidential Accountability and the Rule of Law: Can the President Claim Immunity If He Shoots Someone on Fifth Avenue? (July 2021) [SSRN]


Legislation/Statutory Interpretation

Ronald M. Levin, The Evolving APA and the Originalist Challenge (November 2021) [SSRN]

Grégoire Webber, Notwithstanding Rights, Review, or Remedy? On the Notwithstanding Clause and the Operation of Legislation (October 2021) [SSRN]

Jody Freeman & Matthew Stephenson, The Untapped Potential of the Congressional Review Act (October 2021) [SSRN]

David Tan, Uncommon Legislative Attitudes: Why a Theory of Legislative Intent Needs Non-Trivial Aggregation (July 2021) [SSRN]


Administrative History

Jed Handelsman Shugerman, Removal of Context: Blackstone, Limited Monarchy, and the Limits of Unitary Originalism (January 2022) [SSRN]

Thomas G. W. Telfer, The New Bankruptcy ‘Detective Agency’? The Origins of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy in Great Depression Canada [SSRN]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

Yaniv Heled, Ana Santos Rutschman & Liza Vertinsky, Regulatory Reactivity: FDA and the Response to COVID-19 (December 2021) [SSRN]

Thomas W. Merrill, Public Nuisance as Risk Regulation (November 2021) [SSRN]

Michael Gmeiner & Robert Gmeiner, Regulation Enforcement (September 2021) [SSRN]


Public Administration

Desiree Klingler, Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces: Reassessing the Costs and Benefits in Government Contracting (January 2022) [SSRN]

Leslie Book, Keith Fogg & Nina E. Olson, Reducing Administrative Burdens to Protect Taxpayer Rights (January 2022) [SSRN]

Douglas Sarro, Incentives, Experts, and Regulatory Renewal (December 2021) [SSRN]

Barbara Maria Piotrowska, Are Street-Level Bureaucrats Politically Impartial? (November 2021) [SSRN]

Hendrik Bruns & Yavor Paunov, Why Policymakers Should Be Transparent About the Behavioural Interventions They Use: A Systematic, Policy-Oriented Review (November 2021) [SSRN]

Kurt Glaze, Daniel E. Ho, Gerald K. Ray & Christine Tsang, Artificial Intelligence for Adjudication: The Social Security Administration and AI Governance (November 2021) [SSRN]

Ryan Calo, Modeling Through (October 2021) [SSRN]

Matthias Döring, “How-to Bureaucracy: A Concept of Citizens’ Administrative Literacy.” Administration & Society 53, no. 8 (September 2021): 1155–77 [SAGE Journals]

Philip S.C. Lewis & Linda Mulcahy, Government Lawyers: Technicians, Policy Shapers and Organisational Brakes (July 2021) [SSRN]

Matej Horvat, Wojciech Piatek, Lukáš Potěšil & Krisztina F. Rozsnyai, Public Administration’s Adaptation to COVID-19 Pandemic – Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Slovak Experience (June 2021) [SSRN]

Rachel Sachs, Encouraging Interagency Collaboration: Learning from COVID-19 (June 2021) [SSRN]

Law Commission of Ontario, Regulating AI: Critical Issues and Choices (June 2021) [SSRN]

Law Commission of Ontario, Legal Issues and Government AI Development (June 2021) [SSRN]


The Public/Private Divide

Rohan Balani, Expanding the Scope for Judicial Deference in the Mixed-Government Era (July 2021) [SSRN]

Caroline Henckels, Arbitration Under Government Contracts and Government Accountability (July 2021) [SSRN]


Environmental Law & Regulation

Ricardo Pereira, Public Participation, Indigenous Peoples’ Land Rights and Major Infrastructure Projects in the Amazon: The Case for a Human Rights Assessment Framework (June 2021) [SSRN]

Andrew Leach, The No More Pipelines Act? (June 2021) [SSRN]


EU Administrative Law

Miroslava Scholten, Enforcement (December 2021) [SSRN]

Herwig C.H. Hofmann, An Introduction to Automated Decision-Making (ADM) and Cyber-Delegation in the Scope of EU Public Law (July 2021) [SSRN]

Paul P. Craig, The EU, the Member States and Damages Liability (July 2021) [SSRN]


Global Regulation/ Global Governance

Daniëlle van Osch, Rik de Ruiter & Kutsal Yesilkagit, An accountability deficit? Holding transgovernmental networks to account, Journal of European Public Policy (2021) [Taylor & Francis Online]

[Scholarship] New Scholarship on Administrative Law & Regulation (57th installment)

Accountability & Decision-making Processes

Oona A. Hathaway, Tobias Kuehne, Randi Michel & Nicole Ng, Congressional Oversight of Modern Warfare: History, Pathologies, and Proposals for Reform (April 2021) [SSRN]

Monika Zalnieriute, Lyria Bennett Moses & George Williams, Automating Government Decisionmaking: Implications for the Rule of Law (April 2021) [SSRN]

Thomas Schillemans, Sjors Overman, Paul Fawcett, Matthew Flinders, Magnus Fredriksson, Per Laegreid, Martino Maggetti, et al. “Conflictual Accountability: Behavioral Responses to Conflictual Accountability of Agencies.” Administration & Society, (April 2021) [SAGE Journals]

Julia Black, Constitutionalising Regulatory Governance Systems (April 2021) [SSRN]

Tarunabh Khaitan, Balancing Accountability and Effectiveness: A Case for Moderated Parliamentarism (April 2021) [SSRN]

Kristin E. Hickman, An Overlooked Dimension to OIRA Review of Tax Regulatory Actions (April 2021) [SSRN]

Cary Coglianese, Administrative Law in the Automated State (April 2021) [SSRN]

Libby Maman, Measuring the Democratic Qualities of Regulatory Agencies: A Novel Measure of Transparency, Accountability, Participation and Representation (March 2021) [SSRN]

Brian D. Feinstein, Identity-Conscious Administrative Law (March 2021) [SSRN]

Sean Barrett, Shaen Corbet, Charles James Larkin & Ursula Ni Choill, Public Accountability and Parliamentary Scrutiny in Finance (March 2021) [SSRN]

Alexander Horne, Parliamentary Scrutiny of Treaties, An Insider’s Reflections (March 2021) [SSRN]

Caroline Heavey, Ambiguity, Agencies, and the Administrative Procedure Act: Analyzing the OSHA Rule Revision Concerning Agency Access to Employee Medical Records (March 2021) [SSRN]

Mark Fenster, Populism and Transparency: The Political Core of an Administrative Norm (February 2021) [SSRN]

Teresa Scassa, Administrative Law and the Governance of Automated Decision-Making: A Critical Look at Canada’s Directive on Automated Decision-Making (December 2020) [SSRN]


Judicial Review

Prentiss Cox & Christopher Lewis Peterson, Public Compensation for Public Enforcement (April 2021) [SSRN]

Paul J. Larkin, Jr., The Congressional Review Act and Judicial Review (April 2021) [SSRN]

Alison Gocke, Chevron’s Next Chapter: A Fig Leaf for the Nondelegation Doctrine (April 2021) [SSRN]

Paul Daly, A Critical Analysis of the Case of Prorogations (March 2021) [SSRN]

Daniel Walters, Decoding Nondelegation After Gundy: What the Experience in State Courts Tells Us About What to Expect When We’re Expecting (March 2021) [SSRN]

Paul Daly, Patent Unreasonableness after Vavilov (March 2021) [SSRN]

Andrew Todd, A Hard Look at Hard Look Review in the States (March 2021) [SSRN]

Damien M. Schiff, Neither Safe, Nor Legal, Nor Rare: the D.C. Circuit’s Use of the Doctrine of Ratification to Shield Agency Action from Appointments Clause Challenges (March 2021) [SSRN]

Kristin E. Hickman & Aaron Nielson, The Future of Chevron Deference (February 2021) [SSRN]

Andrew James Green, Judicial Influence on the Duty to Consult and Accommodate (February 2021) [SSRN]


Executive Department

Jody Freeman & Sharon Jacobs, Structural Deregulation (May 2021) [SSRN]

Aram A. Gavoor & Steven Platt, Administrative Investigations (May 2021) [SSRN]

Conor Casey & David Kenny, The Gatekeepers: Executive Lawyers And The Executive Power In Comparative Constitutional Law (April 2021) [SSRN]

Peter M. Shane, ‘Executive Actions’ and Lessons in Presidential Authority (April 2021) [SSRN]

David Hausman, Daniel E. Ho, Mark Krass & Anne M McDonough, Executive Control of Agency Adjudication: Capacity, Selection and Precedential Rulemaking (April 2021) [SSRN]

William E. Foster & Andrew Lawson, Executive Tax Discretion (April 2021) [SSRN]

Deborah N. Pearlstein, Lawyering the Presidency (April 2021) [SSRN]

Ronald J. Krotoszynski Jr., Squaring a Circle: Advice and Consent, Faithful Execution, and the Vacancies Reform Act (March 2021) [SSRN]

Ashlee Paxton-Turner, Presidential Lies: Telling [Hi]stories (March 2021) [SSRN]

Aaron Nielson, Three Wrong Turns in Agency Adjudication (January 2021) [SSRN]

Kathryn E. Kovacs, The Supersecretary in Chief (January 2021) [SSRN]


Legislation/Statutory Interpretation

Kevin Tobia, Brian G. Slocum & Victoria Nourse, Statutory Interpretation from the Outside (April 2021) [SSRN]

Sheldon Evans, Interest-Based Incorporation: A Statutory Story of Federalism, Delegation, and Democratic Design (April 2021) [SSRN]

Anita S. Krishnakumar, Statutory History (March 2021) [SSRN]

Peter Conti-Brown & Brian D. Feinstein, The Contingent Origins of Financial Legislation (March 2021) [SSRN]

Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov, Olivier Rozenberg, Cyril Benoît, Israel Waismel-Manor & Asaf Levanon, Measuring Legislative Activity during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Introducing the ParlAct and ParlTech Indexes (March 2021) [SSRN]

Timothy A.O. Endicott, Authentic Interpretation (March 2021) [SSRN]

Jesse Cross, Legislative History in the Modern Congress (February 2021) [SSRN]

Jesse Cross & Abbe R. Gluck, The Congressional Bureaucracy (February 2021) [SSRN]


Administrative Independence

Wajdi Mallat, Independent Foreign Policymaking (March 2021) [SSRN]


Administrative History

Nicholas R. Parrillo, A Critical Assessment of the Originalist Case Against Administrative Regulatory Power: New Evidence from the Federal Tax on Private Real Estate in the 1790s, 130 Yale Law Journal 1288 (2021) [YLJ website]

John Vlahoplus, Early Delegations of Federal Powers (April 2021) [SSRN]

Kathryn E. Kovacs, Avoiding Authoritarianism in the Administrative Procedure Act (April 2021) [SSRN]

Kevin Arlyck, Delegation, Administration, and Improvisation (March 2021) [SSRN]

Joseph Daval, The Problem with Public Charge (March 2021) [SSRN]

David Freeman Engstrom, Daniel E. Ho & Cristina Isabel Ceballos, Disparate Limbo: How Administrative Law Erased Antidiscrimination (February 2021) [SSRN]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

Nicholas Almendares, Michael D. Gilbert & Rebecca Kerley, Enforcing Rules Versus Enforcing Standards (May 2021) [SSRN]

Cass R. Sunstein, Interest-Group Theories of Regulation: A Skeptical Note (April 2021) [SSRN]

Cass R. Sunstein, Some Benefits and Costs of Cost-Benefit Analysis (April 2021) [SSRN]

Robin Kundis Craig, The Regulatory Shifting Baseline Syndrome: Public Law as Cultural Memory (April 2021) [SSRN]

Daniel J. Hemel, Regulation and Redistribution with Lives in the Balance (March 2021) [SSRN]

Jeremy Kessler & Charles Sabel, The Uncertain Future of Administrative Law (March 2021) [SSRN]

Jeroen van der Heijden, Regulatory Stewardship: The Challenge of Joining a Virtue and a Mechanism (March 2021) [SSRN]

Daniel C. Richman, Defining Crime, Delegating Authority – How Different are Administrative Crimes? (March 2021) [SSRN]


Public Administration

Karl Löfgren, Ben Darrah-Morgan, Patrik Hall, and Linda Alamaa. “The Rise of a New Public Bureaucracy in New Zealand?” Administration & Society, (May 2021) [SAGE Journals]

Ralph C. Nash, Steven L. Schooner, Karen O’Brien-DeBakey & Vernon J Edwards, The Government Contracts Reference Book: A Comprehensive Guide to the Language of Procurement (Preface) (May 2021) [SSRN]

Mehmet Kerem Coban, Coordinating monetary policy and macroprudential policy: Bureaucratic politics, regulatory intermediary, and bank lobbying, in Public Administration (April 2021) [Wiley Online]

Guillaume Gourgues, Alice Mazeaud, and Magali Nonjon. “From the Participatory Turn of Administrations to the Bureaucratisation of Participatory Democracy: Study Based on the French Case.” International Review of Administrative Sciences, (April 2021) [SAGE Journals]

Benjamin Barczewski, Politicizing Regulation: Administrative Law, Technocratic Government, and Republican Political Theory (April 2021) [SSRN]

Elizabeth C. Fisher & Sidney A. Shapiro, Administrative Competence: Reimagining Administrative Law (March 2021) [SSRN]

Katharine Jackson, All the Sovereign’s Agents: The Constitutional Credentials of Administration (March 2021) [SSRN]

Cary Coglianese, Natasha Sarin & Stuart Shapiro, The Deregulation Deception (March 2021) [SSRN]

Dan McFadyen & George Eynon, Risks of Failure in Regulatory Governance (March 2021) [SSRN]

Blaine G. Saito, Tax Coordination (March 2021) [SSRN]

Hiba Hafiz, Interagency Coordination on Labor Regulation (January 2021) [SSRN]

Jerry Louis Mashaw, Models of Administrative Justice (December 2020) [SSRN]


The Public/Private Divide

Joshua Galperin, Environmental Governance at the Edge of Democracy (February 2021) [SSRN]

Robert Thomas, Does Outsourcing Improve or Weaken Administrative Justice? A Review of the Evidence (2020) [SSRN]


Environmental Law & Regulation

Christina Voigt, The Climate Judgment of the Norwegian Supreme Court: Aligning the Law with Politics (March 2021) [SSRN]

Victoria Goodday, Environmental Regulation and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review of Regulator Response in Canada (March 2021) [SSRN]


Financial Regulation

Roy Gava, Challenging the regulators: Enforcement and appeals in financial regulation, in: Regulation & Governance (May 2021) [Wiley Online]

Carol R. Goforth, Regulation of Crypto: Who is the SEC Protecting? (March 2021) [SSRN]


EU Administrative Law

Lisette Mustert & Miroslava Scholten, Exploring the Possibility of Interplay between Different Types of Control: Connecting Political and Judicial Accountability in the Case of EASA (April 2021) [SSRN]

Danai Petropoulou Ionescu & Mariolina Eliantonio, Democratic Legitimacy and Soft Law in the EU Legal Order: A Theoretical Perspective (March 2021) [SSRN]

Luis Arroyo Jiménez, Effective Judicial Protection and Mutual Recognition in the European Administrative Space (February 2021) [SSRN]


Global Regulation/ Global Governance

Rishi Gulati, Acquired Rights in International Administrative Law (April 2021) [SSRN]

Margherita Cinà, Steven Hoffman, Gian Luca Burci et al., The Stellenbosch Consensus on the International Legal Obligation to Collaborate and Assist in Addressing Pandemics: Clarifying Article 44 of the International Health Regulations (March 2021) [SSRN]

[Scholarship] New Scholarship on Administrative Law & Regulation (55th installment)

New Books

Joanna Bell, The Anatomy of Administrative Law (Hart, 2020) [Website]

Miroslava Scholten & Alex Brenninkmeijer (eds.), Controlling EU Agencies: The Rule of Law in a Multi-jurisdictional Legal Order (Edward Elgar, 2020) [Website]


Accountability & Decision-making Processes

Steven J. Balla & Zhoudan Xie (2020) Consultation as policymaking innovation: comparing government transparency and public participation in China and the United States, Journal of Chinese Governance (June 2020) [Taylor & Francis Online]

Dorit Rubinstein Reiss & Barbara Romzek, When Public Participation is Public Theatre: Misuse of Public Comment Opportunities by Anti-Vaccine Activists (June 2020) [SSRN]

Jan Beyers & Sarah Arras, Stakeholder consultations and the legitimacy of regulatory decision‐making: A survey experiment in Belgium, in Regulation & Governance (2020) [Wiley Online]

Robert L. Glicksman, Shuttered Government (May 2020) [SSRN]

David Freeman Engstrom & Daniel E. Ho, Algorithmic Accountability in the Administrative State (April 2020) [SSRN]


Judicial Review

Joe Tomlinson, Katy Sheridan & Adam Harkens, Judicial Review Evidence in the Era of the Digital State (June 2020) [SSRN]

Richard J. Pierce, The Combination of Chevron and Political Polarity Will Have Awful Effects (June 2020) [SSRN]

Mihaela Vrabie, Judicial Review of Administrative Action at National Level under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and General Principles of EU Law (June 2020) [SSRN]

Mark Mancini, The Conceptual Gap Between Doré and Vavilov (June 2020) [SSRN]

Daniel Ortner, The End of Deference: How States Are Leading a (Sometimes Quiet) Revolution Against Administrative Deference Doctrines (May 2020) [SSRN]

John C. Harrison, Section 706 of the Administrative Procedure Act Does Not Call for Universal Injunctions or Other Universal Remedies (May 2020) [SSRN]

Andrew Edgar & Kevin M. Stack, The Authority and Interpretation of Regulations (April 2020) [SSRN]

Andrew Schneider & Jonathan Stroud, The Eleventh Auer: The Effect of Kisor v. Wilkie on Rulemaking Procedures at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (April 2020) [SSRN]


Executive Department

Kathleen Claussen, Trade Administration (June 2020) [SSRN]

Tom Ginsburg & Mila Versteeg, Binding the Unbound Executive: Checks and Balances in Times of Pandemic (June 2020) [SSRN]

Oona A. Hathaway, Curtis Bradley & Jack Landman Goldsmith, The Failed Transparency Regime for Executive Agreements: An Empirical and Normative Analysis (May 2020) [SSRN]

Rosalind Dixon & David Landau, Constitutional End Games: Making Presidential Term Limits Stick (May 2020) [SSRN]

Seth Barrett Tillman, Why Strict Cabinet Succession is Always Bad Policy: A Response to Jack Goldsmith and Ben Miller-Gootnick (April 2020) [SSRN]

Shalini Bhargava Ray, Abdication Through Enforcement (April 2020) [SSRN]

Ching-Fu Lin, Chien-Huei Wu & Chuan-feng Wu, Reimagining the Administrative State in Times of Global Health Crisis: An Anatomy of Taiwan’s Regulatory Actions in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic (April 2020) [SSRN]

K. D. Ewing (2020) Covid-19: Government by Decree, King’s Law Journal, 31:1, 1-24 [Taylor & Francis Online]


Legislation/Statutory Interpretation

Franklin De Vrieze & Philip Norton (2020) The significance of post-legislative scrutiny, The Journal of Legislative Studies, 26:3, 349-361 [Taylor & Francis Online]

Sarah Moulds (2020) A deliberative approach to post legislative scrutiny? Lessons from Australia’s ad hoc approach, The Journal of Legislative Studies, 26:3, 362-386 [Taylor & Francis Online]

Tom Caygill (2020) The UK post-legislative scrutiny gap, The Journal of Legislative Studies, 26:3, 387-404 [Taylor & Francis Online]

Irmgard Anglmayer & Amandine Scherrer (2020) Ex-post evaluation in the European Parliament: an increasing influence on the policy cycle, The Journal of Legislative Studies, 26:3, 405-426 [Taylor & Francis Online]

Franklin De Vrieze (2020) Post-Legislative Scrutiny in Europe: how the oversight on implementation of legislation by parliaments in Europe is getting stronger, The Journal of Legislative Studies, 26:3, 427-447 [Taylor & Francis Online]

Fotios Fitsilis & Franklin De Vrieze (2020) How parliaments monitor sustainable development goals – a ground for application of post legislative scrutiny, The Journal of Legislative Studies, 26:3, 448-468 [Taylor & Francis Online]

Jonathan Murphy (2020) Towards parliamentary full cycle engagement in the legislative process: innovations and challenges, The Journal of Legislative Studies, 26:3, 469-493 [Taylor & Francis Online]

Shlomo Klapper, Soren Schmidt & Tor Tarantola, Ordinary Meaning from Ordinary People (June 2020) [SSRN]

Nir Kosti & David Levi-Faur, The Coproduction of Primary and Secondary Legislation: Israel as a Case Study of Substitutive Relationships (May 2020) [SSRN]

William Yeatman, The Case for Congressional Regulatory Review (May 2020) [SSRN]

Lorne Neudorf, Strengthening the Parliamentary Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation: Lessons From Australia (April 2020) [SSRN]

Brendan Gogarty & Gabrielle J. Appleby, The Role of the Tasmanian Subordinate Legislation Committee During the COVID-19 Emergency (April 2020) [SSRN]

Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov, Parliamentary Activity and Legislative Oversight during the Coronavirus Pandemic – A Comparative Overview (April 2020) [SSRN]

Cary Coglianese, Solving the Congressional Review Act’s Conundrum (April 2020) [SSRN]


Administrative Independence

Robert L. Glicksman & Richard E. Levy, Restoring ALJ Independence (May 2020) [SSRN]


Administrative History

Jennifer Mascott, Early Customs Laws and Delegation (June 2020) [SSRN]

Jed Handelsman Shugerman, The Indecisions of 1789: Strategic Ambiguity and the Imaginary Unitary Executive (Part I) (June 2020) [SSRN]

Robert Post, Tension in the Unitary Executive: How Taft Constructed the Epochal Opinion of Myers v. United States (June 2020) [SSRN]

Albert H. Y. Chen, The Chinese Tradition of Administrative Law (May 2020) [SSRN]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

Abhijit Banerjee et al., Messages on COVID-19 Prevention in India Increased Symptoms Reporting and Adherence to Preventive Behaviors Among 25 Million Recipients with Similar Effects on Non-recipient Members of Their Communities (July 2020) [NBER]

Alberto Alemanno, Taming COVID-19 by Regulation: An Opportunity for Self-Reflection (July 2020) [SSRN]

Garry Gray & Benjamin van Rooij, Regulatory Disempowerment: How Enabling and Controlling Forms of Power Obstruct Citizen-based Regulation (June 2020) [SSRN]

Richard L. Revesz, Destabilizing Environmental Regulation: The Trump Administration’s Concerted Attack on Regulatory Analysis (June 2020) [SSRN]

Bridget C.E. Dooling, Bespoke Regulatory Review (June 2020) [SSRN]

Brian T. Fitzpatrick, Deregulation and Private Enforcement (June 2020) [SSRN]

Rory Van Loo, Federal Rules of Platform Procedure (June 2020) [SSRN]

Rohit Chopra & Lina Khan, The Case for ‘Unfair Methods of Competition’ Rulemaking (April 2020) [SSRN]

Georgios Dimitropoulos, The Law of Blockchain (April 2020) [SSRN]

Melissa Luttrell, EPA’s Cost-Benefit Catch-22 (April 2020) [SSRN]


Public Administration

Christopher A Cooper, Patrik Marier & Ali Halawi, The politics of senior bureaucratic turnover in the Westminster tradition: Trust and the choice between internal and external appointments, in Public Policy and Administration (June 2020) [SAGE Journals]

Gianluca Sgueo (European Parliamentary Research Service), The practice of democracy: A selection of civic engagement initiatives (June 2020) [Website]

Joshua R. Bruce & John M. de Figueiredo, Innovation in the U.S. Government (June 2020) [SSRN]

Jinyang Yang & Muchin Bazan, Are Pilot Experiments Random? Evidence from China’s Social Security Expansion (June 2020) [SSRN]

Dave Owen & Hannah Jacobs Wiseman, Coequal Federalism and Federal-State Agencies (June 2020) [SSRN]

Greg Weeks, Maladministration: the Particular Jurisdiction of the Ombudsman (May 2020) [SSRN]

Ricardo Dahis, Laura Schiavon & Thiago Scot, Selecting Top Bureaucrats: Admission Exams and Performance in Brazil (May 2020) [SSRN]

Sounman Hong (2020) Representative bureaucracy and hierarchy: interactions among leadership, middle-level, and street-level bureaucracy, Public Management Review [Taylor & Francis Online]

Albert Sanchez-Graells, Public Procurement by Central Purchasing Bodies, Competition and SMEs: Towards a More Dynamic Model? (May 2020) [SSRN]

David Freeman Engstrom, Daniel E. Ho, Catherine M. Sharkey & Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar, Government by Algorithm: Artificial Intelligence in Federal Administrative Agencies (April 2020) [SSRN]

Robert Knowles & Geoffrey Heeren, Zealous Administration: The Deportation Bureaucracy (April 2020) [SSRN]

Jodi L. Short, The politics of regulatory enforcement and compliance: Theorizing and operationalizing political influences, in Regulation & Governance (2019) [Wiley Online]


Environmental Law & Regulation

Cale Jaffe, Environmental Federalism as Forum Shopping (June 2020) [SSRN]

Sam Kalen, NEPA’s Trajectory: Our Waning Environmental Charter from Nixon to Trump? (June 2020) [SSRN]


Financial Regulation

Ryan Clements, Regulating Fintech in Canada and the United States: Comparison, Challenges and Opportunities (April 2020) [SSRN]

Howell E. Jackson & Steven L. Schwarcz, Pandemics and Systemic Financial Risk (April 2020) [SSRN]

Andrew F. Tuch, The Rise of Fintech – Foreword (April 2020) [SSRN]


EU Administrative Law

Peter L. Lindseth, Executives, Legislatures, and the Semantics of EU Public Law: A Pandemic-Inflected Perspective (June 2020) [SSRN]

Alberto Alemanno & James Organ, The Case for Citizen Participation in the European Union: A Theoretical Perspective on EU Participatory Democracy (June 2020) [SSRN]

Anne Skorkjær Binderkrantz, Jens Blom-Hansen & Roman Senninger (2020) Countering bias? The EU Commission’s consultation with interest groups, Journal of European Public Policy [Taylor & Francis Online]

Madalina Busuioc & Dovilė Rimkutė (2020) Meeting expectations in the EU regulatory state? Regulatory communications amid conflicting institutional demands, Journal of European Public Policy, 27:4, 547-568 [Taylor & Francis Online]

[Scholarship] New Scholarship on Administrative Law & Regulation (52nd installment)

Judicial Review

Robert L. Glicksman & Emily Hammond, The Administrative Law of Regulatory Slop and Strategy (June 2019) [SSRN]

Paul Daly, Facticity: Judicial Review of Factual Error in Comparative Perspective (June 2019) [SSRN]

Kristin E. Hickman, SOPRA? So What? Chevron Reform Misses the Target Entirely (June 2019) [SSRN]

Paul Daly, The Irish Courts and the Administrative State (June 2019) [SSRN]

Beau Baumann & Greg Mina, Clowning Around with Final Agency Action (June 2019) [SSRN]

Hanna Wilberg, Judicial Review of Administrative Reasoning Processes (May 2019) [SSRN]

Mark Aronson, Judicial Review and the Charter (April 2019) [SSRN]

Kristin E. Hickman & Mark Thomson, The Chevronization of Auer (April 2019) [SSRN]

Jeffrey A. Pojanowski, Neoclassical Administrative Law (June 2019) [SSRN]


Executive Department

Bijal Shah, Executive Administration (June 2019) [SSRN]

John C. Harrison, Executive Power (June 2019) [SSRN]

Lawrence J. Trautman, Presidential Impeachment: A Contemporary Analysis (June 2019) [SSRN]

Ben Miller-Gootnick, Boundaries of the Federal Vacancies Reform Act (May 2019) [SSRN]

Catherine Y. Kim & Amy Semet, An Empirical Study of Political Control Over Immigration Adjudication (April 2019) [SSRN]

Richard J. Pierce, The Scope of the Removal Power Is Ripe for Reconsideration (April 2019) [SSRN]

Michael Asimow, Gabriel Bocksang Hola, Marie Cirotteau, Yoav Dotan & Thomas Perroud, Between the Agency and the Court: Ex Ante Review of Regulations (April 2019) [SSRN]

Shalev Roisman, Presidential Factfinding (March 2019) [SSRN]


Legislation/Statutory Interpretation

Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov & Gaya Harari-Heit, The Legisprudential and Political Functions of Temporary Legislation (June 2019) [SSRN]


Administrative Independence

Terence Daintith, Government Companies as Regulators (April 2019) [SSRN]

Daniel E. Chand, Protecting Agency Judges in an Age of Politicization: Evaluating Judicial Independence and Decisional Confidence in Administrative Adjudication, 49(4) The American Review of Public Administration 395–410 [SAGE Journals]


Administrative History

Sophia Z. Lee, Our Administered Constitution: Administrative Constitutionalism from the Founding to the Present (June 2019) [SSRN]

Paul P. Craig, English Administrative Law History: Perception and Reality (June 2019) [SSRN]

Julian Davis Mortenson, Article II Vests Executive Power, Not the Royal Prerogative (2019) [SSRN]

Julian Davis Mortenson, The Executive Power Clause (June 2019) [SSRN]

Daniel R. Ernst, The Shallow State: The Federal Communications Commission and the New Deal (May 2019) [SSRN]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

Bridget C.E. Dooling, Expanding OIRA Review to IRS (June 2019) [SSRN]

Evan C. Zoldan,  Delegation to Nonexperts (June 2019) [SSRN]

Jeroen van der Heijden, Risk Governance and Risk-Based Regulation: A Review of the International Academic Literature (June 2019) [SSRN]

Aaron Nielson, The Policing of Prosecutors: More Lessons from Administrative Law? (May 2019) [SSRN]

Fabiana Di Porto & Mariateresa Maggiolino, Algorithmic Information Disclosure by Regulators and Competition Authorities (April 2019) [SSRN]

Barry Sullivan & Christine Kexel Chabot, The Science of Administrative Change (April 2019) [SSRN]

Maria Ponomarenko, Rethinking Police Rulemaking (March 2019) [SSRN]


Public Administration

Joe Tomlinson, Three Fixable Flaws in The Courts and Tribunals (Online Procedure) Bill (June 2019) [SSRN]

Kohei Suzuki & Hyunkang Hur, Bureaucratic structures and organizational commitment: findings from a comparative study of 20 European countries, Public Management Review (June 2019) [SSRN]

Joe Tomlinson, The User-Preference Principle in Administrative Justice (May 2019) [SSRN]

Anthony M. Bertelli & Kathleen Doherty, Setting the Regulatory Agenda: Statutory Deadlines, Delay and Responsiveness (May 2019) [SSRN]

Victoria Wang, Mark Button & David Shepherd, The Barriers to the Opening of Government Data in the UK – A View From the Bottom (May 2019) [SSRN]

Monika Zalnieriute, Lisa Burton, Janina Boughey, Lyria Bennett Moses, Sarah Logan, From Rule of Law to Statute Drafting: Legal Issues for Algorithms in Government Decision-Making (May 2019) [SSRN]

Michael Veale & Irina Brass, Administration by Algorithm? Public Management Meets Public Sector Machine Learning (April 2019) [SSRN]

Carol Harlow & Richard Rawlings, Proceduralism and Automation: Challenges to the Values of Administrative Law (April 2019) [SSRN]


The Public/Private Divide

Danielle C. Jefferis, Constitutionally Unaccountable: Privatized Immigration Detention (April 2019) [SSRN]


Financial Regulation

M. Al Guindy, James P. Naughton & Ryan Riordan, The Chilling Effect of Regulation FD: Evidence from Twitter (May 2019) [SSRN]

Emilios Avgouleas & Charles Goodhart, Bank Resolution 10 Years From The Global Financial Crisis: A Systematic Reappraisal (June 2019) [SSRN]

Andrew Schmulow, Regulating the Regulator: Improving Consumer Protection Under a Twin Peaks Regulatory Framework (April 2019) [SSRN]

Anita Anand, The Enforcement of Financial Market Crimes in Canada and the United Kingdom (March 2019) [SSRN]


EU Administrative Law

Gianluca Sgueo, Transparency in the EU Institutions – An Overview (June 2019) [SSRN]

Giuliano G. Castellano & Genevieve Helleringer, The Social Psychology of Financial Regulatory Governance (June 2019) [SSRN]

Marta Migliorati, Relying on agencies in major European Union legislative measures, West European Politics (May 2019) [Taylor & Francis Online]

Ioannis Asimakopoulos, Single Resolution Board: Another Meroni Extension or Another Chapter to Europe’s Constitutional Transformation? (May 2019) [SSRN]

Madalina Busuioc & Dovilė Rimkutė, Meeting expectations in the EU regulatory state? Regulatory communications amid conflicting institutional demands, Journal of European Public Policy (April 2019) [SSRN]


Global Regulation/ Global Governance

Guy Fiti Sinclair, Beyond Accountability? Human Rights, Global Governance, and the World Bank Inspection Panel (June 2019) [SSRN]

[Scholarship] New Scholarship on Administrative Law & Regulation (48th installment)

New Books

Dean R. Knight, Vigilance and Restraint in the Common Law of Judicial Review (Cambridge University Press, 2018) [Website]

Gianluca Sgueo, Games, Powers and Democracies (Bocconi University Press, 2018) [Website]

Hermann-Josef Blanke & Ricardo Perlingeiro, The Right of Access to Public Information: An International Comparative Legal Survey (Springer, 2018) [Website]


Accountability & Decision-making Processes

Ellen Rock, Fault and Accountability in Public Law (June 2018) [SSRN]

Donald J. Kochan, Reason-Giving, Rulemaking, and the Rule of Law (June 2018) [SSRN]

Han Zhu & Fu Hualing, Transparency As an Offence: Rights Lawyering for Open Government Information in China (June 2018) [SSRN]

Richard J. Aldrich & Daniela Richterova, Ambient accountability: intelligence services in Europe and the decline of state secrecy, 41(4) West European Politics 1003-1024 (2018) [Taylor & Francis Online]


Judicial Review

E. Garrett West, A Youngstown for the Administrative State (June 2018) [SSRN]

Evan D. Bernick, Envisioning Administrative Procedure Act Originalism (June 2018) [SSRN]

Swati Jhaveri, The Survival of Reasonableness Review: Confirming the Boundaries (May 2018) [SSRN]


Executive Department

Aditya Bamzai, The Attorney General and Early Appointments Clause Practice (June 2018) [SSRN]

Edward Morgan-Jones & Petra Schleiter, Presidential influence on parliamentary election timing and the electoral fate of prime ministers, 24(3) Journal of Legislative Studies 211-226 (2018) [Ingenta Connect]

Daniel Jacob Hemel & David Kamin, The False Promise of Presidential Indexation (June 2018) [SSRN]


Legislation/Statutory Interpretation

Josh Chafetz, The Brennan Lecture: The Separation of Powers and the Public (June 2018) [SSRN]

Richard Primus, ‘The Essential Characteristic’: Enumerated Powers and the Bank of the United States (June 2018) [SSRN]

Laura Dolbow, Agency Adherence to Legislative History (June 2018) [SSRN]

Farah Peterson, Interpretation as Statecraft: Chancellor Kent and the Collaborative Era of American Statutory Interpretation (June 2018) [SSRN]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

Jim Rossi & Hannah Jacobs Wiseman, Constrained Regulatory Exit in Energy Law (June 2018) [SSRN]

Benjamin M Chen, What’s in a Number: Arguing About Cost-Benefit Analysis in Administrative Law (June 2018) [SSRN]


Public Administration

Michael Simkovic & Miao Ben Zhang, Measuring Regulation (June 2018) [SSRN]

Samuel Mutarindwa, Dorothea Schäfer & Stephan Andreas, The Impact of Institutions on Bank Governance and Stability: Evidence from African Countries (June 2018) [SSRN]

Aaron Nielson, How Agencies Choose Whether to Enforce the Law: A Preliminary Investigation (June 2018) [SSRN]

Joshua R Bruce, John M. de Figueiredo & Brian S. Silverman, Public Contracting for Private Innovation: Government Expertise, Decision Rights, and Performance Outcomes (June 2018) [SSRN]


Environmental Law & Regulation

Ole W. Pedersen, The Culture of Environmental Law and the Practices of Environmental Law Scholarship (May 2018) [SSRN]


Financial Regulation

Anita Anand & Andrew James Green, Cross-Country Securities Enforcement as An Example of Pro-Cyclical Regulation (June 2018) [SSRN]

Julia Körding & Beatrice Scheubel, Liquidity Regulation, the Central Bank and the Money Market (June 2018) [SSRN]

Philipp Maume & Mathias Fromberger, Regulation of Initial Coin Offerings: Reconciling US and EU Securities Laws (July 2018) [SSRN]

Howell E. Jackson & Talia B. Gillis, Fiduciary Duties in Financial Regulation (June 2018) [SSRN]

Eric C. Chaffee, Securities Regulation in Virtual Space (June 2018) [SSRN]


EU Administrative Law

Elisabetta Cervone, The European Banking Authority in Light of the CJEU Jurisprudence: The Case of Innovative Payment Services (July 2018) [SSRN]

Gianluca Sgueo, The Institutional Architecture of EU Anti-Fraud Measures: Overview of a Network (June 2018) [SSRN]

Joan Solanes Mullor, Linking EU and National Agencification Processes: A Growing Need to Overcome Inconsistencies (May 2018) [SSRN]

[Scholarship] New Scholarship on Administrative Law & Regulation (47th installment)

New Books

Anne Twomey, The Veiled Sceptre: Reserve Powers of Heads of State in Westminster Systems (Cambridge University Press, 2018) [Website]

Paul Tucker, Unelected Power: The Quest for Legitimacy in Central Banking and the Regulatory State (Princeton University Press, 2018) [Website]

Pauline Westerman, Outsourcing the Law: A Philosophical Perspective on Regulation (Edward Elgar, 2018) [Website]


Accountability & Decision-making Processes

Louis J. Virelli & Ellen S. Podgor, Secret Policies (May 2018) [SSRN]

Robert R. Kuehn, Addressing Bias in Administrative Environmental Decisions (May 2018) [SSRN]

Randy Beck, Promoting Executive Accountability Through Qui Tam Legislation (April 2018) [SSRN]


Judicial Review

The Hon Joseph T Robertson QC, Administrative Deference: The Canadian Doctrine That Continues to Disappoint (May 2018) [SSRN]

Amanda Sapienza, Judicial Review of Non-Statutory Executive Action: Australia and the United Kingdom Reunited? (April 2018) [SSRN]

Jason N. E. Varuhas, Administrative Law and Rights in the UK House of Lords and Supreme Court (April 2018) [SSRN]

Christopher J. Walker, Administrative Law Without Courts (April 2018) [SSRN]

David M. Driesen, Judicial Review of Executive Orders’ Rationality (April 2018) [SSRN]

Mark Seidenfeld, The Long Shadow of Judicial Review (April 2018) [SSRN]


Executive Department

Erik M. Jensen, The Foreign Emoluments Clause (May 2018) [SSRN]

Yan Campagnolo, The Political Legitimacy of Cabinet Secrecy (May 2018) [SSRN]

Mark Seidenfeld, A Process-Based Approach to Presidential Exit (April 2018) [SSRN]

Josh Blackman, Presidential Speech (April 2018) [SSRN]


Legislation/Statutory Interpretation

Adam Perry, Strained Interpretations (May 2018) [SSRN]

Abbe R. Gluck & Richard A. Posner, Statutory Interpretation on the Bench: A Survey of Forty-Two Judges on the Federal Courts of Appeals (May 2018) [SSRN]

Jarrod Shobe, Agency Legislative History (May 2018) [SSRN]

Anya Bernstein, Democratizing Interpretation (April 2018) [SSRN]



Justin Weinstein-Tull, State Bureaucratic Undermining (May 2018) [SSRN]

Huyen Pham & Van H. Pham, Subfederal Immigration Regulation and the Trump Effect (May 2018) [SSRN]


Administrative Independence

Peter Conti-Brown & David T. Zaring, The Foreign Affairs of the Federal Reserve (May 2018) [SSRN]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

Jude Browne, The Regulatory Gift: Politics, regulation and governance, in Regulation & Governance (May 2018) [Wiley Online]

Iris H-Y Chiu, An Institutional Theory of Corporate Regulation (May 2018) [SSRN]

Jerry Ellig, Why and How Independent Agencies Should Conduct Regulatory Impact Analysis (April 2018) [SSRN]

Anthony Niblett, Regulatory Reform in Ontario: Machine Learning and Regulation (April 2018) [SSRN]


Public Administration

Rory Van Loo, Regulatory Police (May 2018) [SSRN]

Tapas Kundu & Tore Nilssen, Delegation of Regulation (April 2018) [SSRN]

K. Sabeel Rahman, Reconstructing the Administrative State in an Era of Economic and Democratic Crisis (April 2018) [SSRN]


EU Administrative Law

Herwig C.H. Hofmann, Delegation, Discretion and the Duty of Care in the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (April 2018) [SSRN]


Comparative Administrative Law

Giacinto della Cananea, The ‘Common Core’ of Administrative Laws in Europe: A Research Agenda (May 2018) [SSRN]

[Scholarship] New Scholarship on Administrative Law & Regulation (46th installment)

New Book

Peter John, How Far to Nudge? Assessing Behavioural Public Policy (Edward Elgar, 2018) [Website]


Special Issue

University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review, Special issue on Chinese administrative law (2018) [ALR website]


Accountability & Decision-making Processes

Clint Wallace, Congressional Control of Tax Rulemaking (March 2018) [SSRN]

Emily S. Bremer, The Exceptionalism Norm in Administrative Adjudication (March 2018) [SSRN]


Judicial Review

Matthew Lewans, Administrative Constitutionalism and the Unity of Public Law (March 2018) [SSRN]

Luis Inaraja Vera, Delayed Judicial Review of Agency Action (March 2018) [SSRN]

Paul Daly, Updating the Procedural Law of Judicial Review of Administrative Action (March 2018) [SSRN]

Daniel P. Tokaji, Beyond Repair: FEC Reform and Deadlock Deference (March 2018) [SSRN]


Executive Department

Stephen M. Griffin, Presidential Impeachment in Partisan Times: The Historical Logic of Informal Constitutional Change (April 2018) [SSRN]

Eloise Pasachoff, Controlling Agencies through the President’s Budget Process (April 2018) [SSRN]

Mark Nevitt, The Operational and Administrative Militaries (April 2018) [SSRN]

David Super, A Hiatus in Soft-Power Administrative Law: The Case of Medicaid Eligibility Waivers (March 2018) [SSRN]

Catherine Y. Kim, The President’s Immigration Courts (March 2018) [SSRN]

Manning G. Warren, The Deconstruction of the Administrative State: Its Judges in Jeopardy (March 2018) [SSRN]

Daniel A. Farber, Lincoln, Presidential Power, and the Rule of Law (March 2018) [SSRN]


Legislation/Statutory Interpretation

James R. Maxeiner, Failures of American Methods of Lawmaking in Historical and Comparative Perspectives (April 2018) [SSRN]


Administrative History

Maggie McKinley, Petitioning and the Making of the Administrative State (March 2018) [SSRN]

Conor McCormick, Judicial Review of Administrative Action in the United Kingdom: The Status of Standards between 1890 and 1910 (March 2018) [SSRN]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

D. Bruce Johnsen, Coasean Cost-Benefit Analysis of Financial Regulation: The Fiduciary Standard (April 2018) [SSRN]

Karen Lynch Shally, Post Crisis Regulation of Residential Mortgages in Ireland and Spain – a Tale of Two Spheres (April 2018) [SSRN]

Eithan Kidron, Understanding Administrative Sanctioning As Corrective Justice (April 2018) [SSRN]

Jonathan S. Masur & Eric A. Posner, Norming in Administrative Law (March 2018) [SSRN]

Robert L. Glicksman & David L. Markell, Unraveling the Administrative State: Mechanism Choice, Key Actors, and Regulatory Tools (February 2018) [SSRN]

W. Kip Viscusi, The Fatal Failure of the Regulatory State (February 2018) [SSRN]


Public Administration

Liang Ma and Tom Christensen, Mapping the evolution of the central government apparatus in China, International Review of Administrative Sciences (April 2018) [SAGE journals]

Daniel Walters, Capturing Regulatory Agendas? An Empirical Study of Industry Use of Rulemaking Petitions (March 2018) [SSRN]

Stephen Daly, Public Law in the Tribunals and the Case for Reform (March 2018) [SSRN]

Susan C. Morse, Government-to-Robot Enforcement (March 2018) [SSRN]


The Public/Private Divide

Ingrid V. Eagly & Joanna C. Schwartz, Lexipol: The Privatization of Police Policymaking (April 2018) [SSRN]

Eric J. Boyer & David M. Van Slyke, Citizen Attitudes Towards Public–Private Partnerships, The American Review of Public Administration (April 2018) [SAGE Journals]

Yseult Marique & Steven Van Garsse, Public-Private Co-Operation and Judicial Review – A Case Study Drawn from European Infrastructure Projects (March 2018) [SSRN]


Environmental Law & Regulation

Robert L. Glicksman, The Firm Constitutional Foundation and Shaky Political Future of Environmental Cooperative Federalsim (April 2018) [SSRN]

Daniel A. Farber, Three Essays on Climate Law (March 2018) [SSRN]

Mark Drumbl & Kateřina Uhlířová, Actors and Law-Making in International Environmental Law (February 2018) [SSRN]


Financial Regulation

Harpal Hungin & Scott James, Central Bank Reform and the Politics of Blame Avoidance in the UK, in New Political Economy (March 2018) [Taylor & Francis Online]

H. Anthony Park, The Essential Principles for an Active Securities Regulation of Cryptocurrency (March 2018) [SSRN]


Global Regulation/ Global Governance

Paul Mertenskötter & Richard B. Stewart, Remote Control: Treaty Requirements for Regulatory Procedures (March 2018) [SSRN]

Giuliano G. Castellano & Marek Dubovec, Global Regulatory Standards and Secured Transactions Law Reforms: At the Crossroad between Access to Credit and Financial Stability (March 2018) [SSRN]

[Scholarship] New Articles on Administrative Law & Regulation (44th installment)

New Books

Francesca Bignami and David Zaring, Comparative Law and Regulation: Understanding the Global Regulatory Process (Edward Elgar, paperback 2018) [Website]

Jon D. Michaels, Constitutional Coup: Privatization’s Threat to the American Republic (Harvard University Press, 2017) [Website]

Christopher Ansell & Jacob Torfing (eds.), Handbook on Theories of Governance (Edward Elgar, paperback 2017) [Website]

Graham Bullock, Green Grades: Can Information Save the Earth? (MIT Press, 2017) [Website]


Accountability & Decision-making Processes

Matthew Brooker & Michael A. Livermore, Centralizing Congressional Oversight (February 2018) [SSRN]


Judicial Review

Nicholas R. Parrillo, Jerry Mashaw’s Creative Tension with the Field of Administrative Law (January 2018) [SSRN]

Mark Elliott, Through the Looking-Glass? Ouster Clauses, Statutory Interpretation and the British Constitution (January 2018) [SSRN]

John C. Reitz, Deference to the Administration in Judicial Review (January 2018) [SSRN]

Joe Tomlinson, Do We Need a Theory of Legitimate Expectations? (January 2018) [SSRN]

Joe Tomlinson, Crowdfunding and Public Interest Judicial Review: A Risky New Resource for Law Reform (January 2018) [SSRN]

David M. Driesen, Reasonableness Review of Executive Orders (December 2017) [SSRN]

Catherine M. Sharkey, Cutting in on the Chevron Two-Step (December 2017) [SSRN]


Executive Department

Victoria Nourse, Reclaiming the Constitutional Text from Originalism: The Case of Executive Power (January 2018) [SSRN]

J. B. Ruhl & James E. Salzman, Presidential Exit (January 2018) [SSRN]

Thomas M. Poole, The Strange Death of Prerogative in England (January 2018) [SSRN]

Ilya Somin, Obama’s Constitutional Legacy (December 2017) [SSRN]


Legislation/Statutory Interpretation

Andreu Casas, Matthew Denny & John Wilkerson, More Effective than We Thought: Accounting for Legislative Hitchhikers Reveals a More Inclusive and Productive Lawmaking Process (January 2018) [SSRN]


Administrative Independence

Roberta Romano, Does Agency Structure Affect Agency Decisionmaking? Implications of the CFPB’s Design for Administrative Governance (February 2018) [SSRN]


Modes of Governance and Regulation

Luke Butler & Tony Prosser, Rail Franchises, Competition and Public Service (January 2018) [SSRN]

David Hasen, Rules, Standards and Detection (January 2018) [SSRN]


Public Administration

Oliver James & Carolyn Petersen, International rankings of government performance and source credibility for citizens: experiments about e-government rankings in the UK and the Netherlands, 20 Public Management Review 469 (2018) [Taylor & Francis Online]

Thomas Groll, Sharyn O’Halloran & Geraldine McAllister, Delegation and Administrative Lobbying in Rule-Making (December 2017) [SSRN]


The Public/Private Divide

Lukas van den Berge, Rethinking the Public-Private Law Divide in the Age of Governmentality and Network Governance: A Comparative Analysis of French, English and Dutch Law (January 2018) [SSRN]

Donal Nolan, A Public Law Tort: Understanding Misfeasance in Public Office (2017) [SSRN]


Environmental Law & Regulation

Catherine J. Iorns Magallanes, Access to Environmental Justice for Maori (2017) [SSRN]


Financial Regulation

Heidi Mandanis Schooner, Big Bank Boards: The Case for Heightened Administrative Enforcement (January 2018) [SSRN]

Christine I. Wiedman & Chunmei Zhu, Do the SEC Whistleblower Provisions of Dodd-Frank Deter Aggressive Financial Reporting? (January 2018) [SSRN]

Luca Enriques, Financial Supervisors and Regtech: Four Roles and Four Challenges (January 2018) [SSRN]

Douglas W. Arner, Janos Nathan Barberis & Ross P. Buckley, FinTech and RegTech in a Nutshell, and the Future in a Sandbox (January 2018) [SSRN]


Global Regulation/ Global Governance

Alexia Brunet Marks, The Right to Regulate (Cooperatively) (January 2018) [SSRN]

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